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Death Note Question

Do you think L has a mental disorder?

I was thinking about how allot of geniuses from media and real life tend to have some sort of mental defect, like depression, bi polar disorder, or autism.
I was reading about how many people believed that Sherlock Holmes has Asbergers syndrome (an autism spectrum disorder) And since it think that him and L act allot alike, i was wondering if that meant L was also autistic.

His lack of socialization could have crippled his ability to read social cues, or his lack of human interaction could have given him sociopathic tendencies. I don't know.
Do you think L has a mental disorder?
he he he L is upside down
arekusu posted over a year ago
oh my shinigami i sounded so retarded just then oh well lolz
arekusu posted over a year ago
I know what it means, i have very bad insomnia.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
 MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
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Death Note Answers

Lawli-gagger said:
Yea. Its called Idontgiveafuck Syndrome.

It can be contagious.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm going to be serious for half a second. I do think L is a bit off but I think it has to do with some kind of trama, not anything like autism or bi-polar disorder.
Lawli-gagger posted over a year ago
He's just very, very socially akward, okay? can we atleast all agree on that?hm?
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
I know I'm four years late to this party, but oh well. xD
ImAnEasel posted over a year ago
Maranzie said:
My friend and I just had a conversation about this. we think he was sexually abused as a child. he sits and stands like he's protecting himself, he has a eating, erm, disorder, I suppose. (excuse my bad english) An oral fixtation (biting/ sucking on his fingers) he doesn't seem to want to form any relashionships, and he doesn't care about how he looks. I knnow, we put way too much thought into it.
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posted over a year ago 
I accually agree despite my own comment, but he does have two relationships (one is my characters{fanfiction}) because he sad that light was his friend.
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
That could be a valid possibility. And Light was not his friend. Tsugami Ohba said that that was a lie, and that L probably thought really negative things about him.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
i think that when Light was kira L was pretending but when he relinquished ownership of the death note L actuaslly thought of Light as a friend
arekusu posted over a year ago
I agree with you theory, I was thinking the exact same thing, it might also be the cause of L's insomnia, he doesn't want to sleep because of the bad memories. Reading that I feel really bad for the poor little guy :'(
Shadowgirl77 posted over a year ago
MarMar_XigLux said:
Ok, I'm not an expert when it comes to L or Death Note, because my friend is the DN fanatic, but from what she told me and from few episodes I saw online I tend to think L has a Schizoid personality disorder.
Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, sometimes sexually apathetic, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
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posted over a year ago 
i think you might be right. FLYING LLAMAS EATING MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
arekusu posted over a year ago
MarMar_XigLux posted over a year ago
Yeah, it's definitely Schizoid Personality Disorder. Psych major with specialization in personality disorders
temira4077 posted over a year ago
emilyroxx said:
I'm not an expert on those types of things, but I'm pretty sure that L is anti-social. That means that he doesn't like being around people. :D
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posted over a year ago 
ya im agreeing with that
goofy21792 posted over a year ago
Well, in psychological terms, that is not what anti-socila means. Light is the one with antisocial personality disorder.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
Antisocial tendencies often come from mental disorders.
puellamagi123 posted over a year ago
samuraibond005 said:
I myself have Asperger's syndrome though my symptoms are not as prominent as L's, I think he does in fact have a case of it though significantly worse than I do.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm glad i got insight from someone with the suspected disorder.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
umm... sorry to ask this but.. how does it fell....????
Hagashi_Yuki posted over a year ago
I can't explaine it all, you will have to look it up.
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
esmeralda15 said:
OCD is my best guess.
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posted over a year ago 
At times, OCD (like paranoia and depression) can be a syptom of another disorder, so i'm not intirely sure.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
WammysBoyzRock said:
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XP
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posted over a year ago 
madening_mahem said:
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posted over a year ago 
There's nothing wrong if he DOES have one. Some of the most famous geniuses in the world all had a disorder of some type.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
i hav aspergers and so i decided to compare my behavier that of l's along with this i breifly researched the matter; i also took into acount other peoples veiws and opinions on the matter along with the phisical evidence(deathnote) and so as a result of this i can there for conclude i am 77% certain that L has aspergers syndrom or some other kind and or form of mental disordar
arekusu posted over a year ago
No reason to be ashamed of a mental disorder dude.
LLawlietFan1 posted over a year ago
YannCookie said:
Being autistic myself, I wouldn't be to surprised if he was as the few things about him are shared with my own.
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posted over a year ago 
Pinkbabygirl said:
I actually have this theory that Light and L are just meant to be very similar in both personality and ideas of justice, however obviously, Light's way was completely to get rid of that person while L's was to simply arrest and let the authorities deal with it. I just see L as a really calm, laid-back guy and as arrogant as Light is. Like when they where discussing the case with the yoshba group, did you notice that L was so arrogant he basically told them they where wrong and he wasn't there to argue and left the room completely. I'd go so far to say that they both act the same but Light's was more mentality where L's was more in the way he acted. That I think was also Light's demise and L's both where soo similar and manipulating others with ease that it was there downfall. Light and L could get into each other's heads as well, which is why both had to be so careful. The main difference is that Light didn't care about anyone at all to obtain his goals and L did care about the other detectives. I actually don't think L has a disorder at all just since he had to keep his identites a complete secret so except for Watari he probably wasn't used to interacting with others outside of a computer screen.
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posted over a year ago 
What you just said makes me think it's even more likely for L to be autistic... besides, people with autism (of any kind) feel emotion. they're just socially awkward.
puellamagi123 posted over a year ago
puellamagi123 said:
I'm going to say it's quite likely.

You may want to take a look at the Wikipedia page on Asperger Syndrome.

For starters, I would say he appears to have a lack of empathy, and isn't the best a socializing. Then there's the fact that he normally communicates with a different voice and uses the fancy 'L' instead of his face. He also has a tendency to put his thumb to his lips (repetitively), which isn't uncommon for people with Aspergers. He's also quite intelligent, which is common in any form of autism.

You probably would want to look into different forms of autism (I really only know about Aspergers because I am affected by it.)

I'd say Near is also likely to have some form of autism, so if you wanted to look into that you could.
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posted over a year ago 
Scintillant-H said:
What an interesting comments section XD when I first saw DN, I thought "L isn't going to have many fans. We have a number of things in common and only the few people who get to know me like me--everyone else is put off by the surface anti-social awkwardness and other eccentricities." I was STUNNED to find he was not only the most popular character in the show, but voted the most popular character of an entire year's worth of anime! (or something like that) Whatever he has, I have similarities, and yes, he does have mental issues. Nothing like sexual abuse (possibly subliminal), and likely not full-blown autism anything. Narcissism is in there, unfortunately. :( But it's not so bad once you reign it in. I could go on, but the comment box is limited ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
LTheGirl said:
He definitely has insomnia. You can tell mostly because he never sleeps, and also you see directly below his eyes the dark area. Though, insomnia is generally not categorized as a mental disorder, rather a physical one. He probably has a sugar-filled food obsession. You see in the series that he is really never seen without cake or strawberries or some other fruit or dessert.
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posted over a year ago 
THEAnimuLief said:
L has insomnia.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that keeps you from sleeping. L is known for having dark bags or shadows under his eyes. This is the cause of insomnia.
Also L Is a sweet tooth which means he eats a lot of sugary foods.

That's all my knowledge really says about his mental disorders. I do not believe there is anything else wrong with him besides his lack of sunlight which is why his skin is so light. And the way he sits is not a disorder, it's just his preferred way of sitting because it "increases his intelligence skills by 40%."
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posted over a year ago 
Tardville876 said:
This is a VERY late answer, but I think the answer is yes. I myself have Asperger's Syndrome, and he acts A LOT like I do. People seem to think he has this because he tends to act like a child, but that's (most likely) not why. The way he always has his thumb on his lips or in his mouth is similar to what I used to do. I used to suck on two of my fingers almost constantly. And like me, he seems to always have to need to be moving. Another thing I used to do was rock back and forth whenever I was on a couch or in a chair. I've stopped that, but I now have a rocking chair I use when I'm at home; usually only when I'm on my laptop, thinking about anything and everything, or reading. Also, I noticed that his pupils are rather large. Due to the medications I take, my pupils are also very close to the size of my iris. Another thing is how he likes to stack things. When I was little, I used to stack everything that would stack. Especially stacking Legos into gigantic towers. I still do stack things, actually. Another thing is how he basically didn't pay attention to that Misa Misa commercial; like it wasn't even there. A lot of people think that Aspies are just asexual, which isn't true. I can't speak for everybody, but L seems a lot like me when it comes to that. I do experience attraction to people, but it's not something you can see clearly on my face nor will I seem to be paying attention. And yes, sometimes I'm not paying attention to it, even though it's there. A lot of the time, people with Asperger's tend to have a very little attention span unless it's something that speaks to them. For example, music and history speak to me. I could spend all day listening to music and studying the history of the world; though there are quite a few more. Anyway, before I forget what I'm supposed to be doing: I think that unless L is particularly interested in things like that at the time, he's just going to ignore it, like I do. And you mentioned less social behavior. Like L, I don't leave my room or my house unless I absolutely have to. People with Asperger's tend to need time alone; like to be alone. They may not always want to be alone, but will like to be alone (with or without someone they consider a true friend; like Watari is to L) more often than not. And I can see your point about inability to register social cues. The only emotions I can see are happiness, sadness, and anger. To me, everything else looks like a blank face; with no emotion at all. I also lack the ability to read body language, so I can't understand what people are trying to do or how they feel. When I first saw L, my brain went "Literally me!" because I used to look exactly like that. The hair and just omg. Another thing with Asperger's in insomnia, which I do have as well. I probably don't need to go into that, though. Anyway I'm sO SORRY IT'S SO LONG PLEASE FORGIVE MY NEED TO RABMLE!
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posted over a year ago 
LLawlietFan1 said:
I think he has depression? He seems to talk and act slower and more tired, and depression causes this and lack of emotion. He definitely has insomnia, which is usually caused by depression. Plus he overeats junk food and rarely cares for his health. Personally I deal with all of this because of my depression and anxiety.

Who knows maybe he had a screwed up childhood
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posted over a year ago 
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