Digimon RPG

nekomatafox posted on Jan 11, 2013 at 04:11PM
mine is
name kiji kitsune
digimon: renamon

Digimon 55 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 55

over a year ago Thern said…
((okay here is my character for this rp))

Tamer name: Toru Tatsuhiro
Digimon: Veemon (nicknamed Pluto)
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(ok i guess we should start do u want to go first or should i)
over a year ago Thern said…
((I guess you can go first.))
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(ok thanks)
*is walking though a park when i spot u and walk over and holds my hand out*
kiji: hey there im kiji and this is renamon
over a year ago Thern said…
Toru looked over as Kiji and Renamon approached him and Pluto. "Nice to meet you, my name is Toru" he said as he took Kiji's hand and gave a friendly shake.
"And I'm Toru's Partner, Pluto, and I'm a veemon" Pluto said with a big smile.
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(u know its always fun to see how many was people rpg)
renamon: its nice to meet u both *smiles*
kiji: hey are u here for contest
over a year ago Thern said…
((yeah it's always fun when lots of people join))
Toru went answer but before he could Pluto quickly interjected "yep and we are gonna win!"
Toru looked at Pluto "don't be so sure of that Pluto we don't know who's gonna win yet" Toru looked back at Kiji and renamon "sorry about him he gets a little cocky most a lot of the time."
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(i added an image of ladius caro from gears of dragoon becouse hes what i think kiji would look like only with a diffrent outfit )
renamon: dont worry we understand how u feel
kiji: excatly were planning on making are way to the top!!! though admittedly im kinda scared
(i added an image of ladius caro from gears of dragoon becouse hes what i think kiji would look like
over a year ago Thern said…
((awesome, and here's a pic I drew of Toru and Pluto, though Pluto would be a veemon right now and not a demi veemon. it was just easier to fit him in that way.))
Toru nodded "yeah I guess you're right, a lot of people here are here to win"
"but they won't win against me" Pluto interrupted with a huge smile.
Toru just rolled his eyes a bit "yeah you see he's at it again, well anyway Good luck, and hopefully we'll both make it to the final rounds"
((awesome, and here's a pic I drew of Toru and Pluto, though Pluto would be a veemon right now and no
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(yeah it definatly would be easier to fit him in that but still its a good drawing)
kiji: yeah theres no doubt about it hey ive got an idea how about a little practice fight right here before the contest
renamon:dont u think its a bad idea to let him see how we fight
kiji: no way so how about it? *smiles challengingly *
over a year ago Thern said…
((thanks :D ))
Toru nodded "yeah sounds like a good idea since there is nothing better to do, don't you agree Pluto?"
"Do you even have to ask, you already know my answer." Pluto replied with a smile and looked ready to fight.
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
renamon: *steps back a few paces* i guess toru is right theres not much else to do
kiji: *follws her* so r u ready becouse *cross my arms * im going to show u what i got
over a year ago Thern said…
Toru smiled "yeah Pluto and I are ready, we're always ready"
"yeah" Pluto replied with a nod and added "Now let's get this fun started"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(hey should i used the japanese names of renamons moves or the english)
kiji: all right then lets go
renamon: *leaps at pluto* power paw!!! *hits pluto as paws glow with bright blue flames*
over a year ago Thern said…
((what ever you feel like using, I'll probably be using the English names for the moves))
"Alright Pluto you know what to do." Toru said
"Yep" Pluto replied and was about to counter with an attack of his own but suddenly got hit by Renamon's attack.
"Pluto I thought you were ready, what are you doing giving them the first hit!?" Toru said in surprise
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(ok i dont know why i just like the japanese names)
renamon: *jumps back before pluto can recover*
kiji: *smiles* here make a move
renamon: what r u doing?
over a year ago Thern said…
((the Japanese names are pretty cool sounding, so that's probably why.))
Pluto recovered some from the hit. "Alright time to get serious, VEE HEADBUTT" Pluto said as he quickly lunged toward Reamonn and was going to strike with a powerful headbutt.
Toru took a sigh of relief "phew at least he's getting serious already" he thought then called out "Okay Pluto just be careful, they are up to something, I know it."
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
*renamon tries to dodge but ends up getting hit in the side*
kiji; *laughs* now that ur in close range renamon divide and conquer
renamon: *smilesas recovers and realizes my plan* Kohenkyo!!! *two clones of renamon surround veemon while he still in close range*
over a year ago Thern said…
"oh great, I knew they were up to something, hang in there Pluto, Focus and try to find the real one." Toru called out
Pluto looked around and tried to figure out which one was the real one "Easier said than done they both look the same....that's it VEE HEADBUTT" he said he attacked one of the renamon with the same move he used just moments before.
over a year ago Florence_hammer said…
(Mind if I join?)
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(@florence_hammer no problem go right ahead and @ thern i drew a picture of renamon and kiji)
*a clone jumps in front of the real renamon protecting her*
kiji: dang it lucky guess
(@florence_hammer no problem go right ahead and @ thern i drew  a picture of renamon and kiji)
*a cl
over a year ago Thern said…
((awesome I like your drawing, you're pretty good.))
"ugh that fake just got in the way, but at least we know now which one is the real one so go and hit them with everything you go" Toru commanded
"alright got it" Pluto said as he quickly moved around the renamon clone and was about to attack the real one "VEE PUNCH"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(thanks i spent a lot of time on it)
renamon: *falls as you hit her and the other clone dissapears*
kiji: dang it renamon quick cover then move away
renamon: KOYOUSETSU *thows a bunch of energy leafs at veemon then starts to get up*
over a year ago Thern said…
"Dodge those leaves Pluto!" Toru called out.
"gah" Pluto got hit straight on by the leaves before he had a chance to try and doge them and they push him back away from Renamon.
"don't worry Pluto, Just quickly fight back before they can...." Toru began to say but then suddenly seen Pluto was in a little bit of a daze. "Come on snap out of it."
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji: ok now renamon do a quick attack and pull back
renamon: Kosengeki!! *leaps at pluto and hits with quick slashs and kicks that use claws before jumping back*
over a year ago Thern said…
Pluto regained his senses right as Renamon was attacking but he didn't have enough time to move out of the way and got hit.
Toru looked worried cause he could tell that Pluto was almost done for after that last attack. "just keep going, you can do it." he tried to encourage.
"Yeah, I'm not out yet, I can still win this" Pluto replied and then suddenly charged toward Renamon again and got ready to do another vee headbutt.
over a year ago Florence_hammer said…
(Character name: sataro
Digimon: dark omnimon
Basic digimon info: created by scientists, to be the strongest digimon in combat. He is incapable of de-digivolving back to his lower forms naturally. He also changes size, from human size to normal.Has multiple personalities [being 2 people forced into one body] and extreme anger issues because of it [like the incredible hulk]. He only listens to me, and sometimes won't listen at all. Goes from being extremely overprotective of me to not even noticing my existence. My overall goal is to find some way to undigivolve him, so that he can achieve harmony.)
*meanwhile, at a secret lab on a small island...*
"Omnimon! Stop! Don't destroy any more! I just want to help you! please..."
All around him, scientists cowered. He turns toward me.
"Omnimon, just let me help you... I know this was terrible for you, but I want to make it better..."
Omnimon winces in pain and roars
"Everybody, take cov-"
"Supreme cannon!"
Some time later, I awaken. Pushing the rubble of a wall off myslef, I attempt to stand.
I see him down on th beach looking at the ocean
"Omnimon... are you ok?"
"No!" He said, a growl creeping into his voice
"Will you let me help you?"
We stand there for a long time, him contemplating my offer, and me watching the sea
"Yes" he said abruptly.
"I will let you help me."
"Great. Well, let's get started."
*leaves island*
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji: *stops along with renamon almost completly forgeting about pluto as he comes at renamon* hmm i what was that sound i thought i heard
over a year ago Thern said…
Pluto was in the middle of doing a vee headbutt when he heard the loud sound. he went to stop but still crashes into Renamon lightly. he and Toru then looked toward the sound.
"what was that?" Toru asked as he wondered what it could possibly be
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
renamon *stumbles a little from hit*
kiji: *looks at u confused* i dont know but maybe we should stop are practice fight
over a year ago Thern said…
Toru nodded "yeah, we can always settle our battle later"
"But I was winning" Pluto whined "i guess I am curious about that sound though"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji :yeah we can always settle this at the competition becouse i expect u to meet me at the top
renamon: dont get to over confident
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(hey are u both just waiting for the other to reply)
over a year ago Thern said…
((Opps sorry, I was kind of waiting for Florence to reply and also things just have been crazy lately, but I'm here for the moment so i guess i'll reply now. Thanks for replying on here to remind me to.))
Toru smiled "yeah then we will see who's the best....well are we ready to figure out what's going on"
Pluto nodded "yeah i want to find what ever it is and teach it a thing or two for interrupting our fight"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(welcome i just came back on two days ago after i last replied and was suprized to see i was still last reply)
kiji: of course come on i think it came from the that direction points toward direction of island
renamon: *nods and follws me as i rush off*
over a year ago Thern said…
Toru and Pluto nodded toward each other and quickly followed Kiji and Renamon to the island.
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
renamon: when we reach water hey look over there *points at rubble and island8 look like something happened
kiji: yeah and bad at that
over a year ago Thern said…
Pluto stared at the rubble then said "wow what ever caused that must of been pretty big."
Toru nodded and replied "yeah, you still want to beat up whatever caused that?"
Pluto glared at Toru "you know size doesn't matter I can take that thing on whether it's tiny or super huge"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
renamon: even if that were so its smarter to know ur opponnet
kiji: yeah if u dont think u might wind up hurt or worse
over a year ago Thern said…
" yeah I agree with them. you never want to underestimate your opponent" Toru replied
Pluto just crossed his arms "yeah so whatever, let's just get this over with"
Toru just lightly sighed and mumbled to himself "he's just as hasty as ever, always wanting to rush into danger"
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji: *smiles* sure but how should we go over there
over a year ago Thern said…
Toru thought for a moment "doesn't look there are any boats and our digimon partners aren't water or flying types so i dunno how we should do this. we could maybe make a raft but i don't think that would be very safe."
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji: hmm thern would you trust are digimon to sit here by themselves
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
(meant turo sorry just woke up still half asleep)
over a year ago Thern said…
((oh crap i forgot to reply sorry about that))
"I was thinking we all could cross on the raft but like I said I don't think it's the best choice, do you have any ideas of how we could cross?" Toru asked.
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
well if u willing to leave these 2 here could swim over there
over a year ago Thern said…
"It could work but what if we ran into trouble? and I really don't think Pluto would really want to be too far from me" Toru asked
"Yeah ,I'm not going to leave Toru's side" Pluto Replied
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
kiji:* looks at island then at renamon whos looking at him angry after his* suggestion well maybe we can find a boat along the shore they had to get on and off somehow
over a year ago Thern said…
"I'll go find one!" Pluto said happily as he started to dart off
"Wait Pluto get back here" toru called out but Pluto didn't stop "gah there he goes running off, let's meet back he in a little while and hopefully one of will have found a boat." he then chased after Pluto.
over a year ago nekomatafox said…
Kiji: *Runs off in opposite direction calling back *ok then
Renamin: *follows after me*