Dr Pepper How much of a fan are you? (Questions from a fellow Dr. Pepper fan.)

Bagheera posted on Nov 16, 2009 at 01:31AM
Hello, everyone.

Not only am I a HUGE Dr. Pepper fan, but I'm also a PhD student conducting some brand loyalty research.

So if you wouldn't mind answering the following questions, that would be awesome!

1) Dr. Pepper is your favorite soda, right? So when/how did you first become a fan of - or brand loyal to - Dr. Pepper?

2) Do you buy 2 liter bottles? 12-packs? 6-packs? Etc?

3) How much Dr. Pepper do you generally drink in a day?

4) How much Dr. Pepper do you generally drink in a week?

5) How often do you buy Dr. Pepper?

6) Describe the "personality" of Dr. Pepper.

7) Now, describe your personality.

8) What do you think of Dr. Pepper's current advertising efforts? For instance, do you like the "23 flavors" tagline? Or do you prefer older taglines such as "be you" or "be a pepper?"

9) Please describe your favorite advertising for Dr. Pepper.

And that's all, folks.

I'd really love hearing from all of you.


Dr Pepper 3 replies

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over a year ago Bagheera said…
I'll start...

1) I started drinking it as a kid and just loved it more than Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, root beer, etc.
2) I generally buy 12-packs.
3) I probably drink 2 cans a day.
4) Well, 2 x 7 = 14. So roughly 14.
5) I probably buy a new 12-pack every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.
6) Independent, cool, smooth ... with no real need to compete with the big dogs because it's so different.
7) Truthfully? Independent, cool, smooth ... ha. I'd also like to think I have a decent sense of humor. I enjoy having fun.
8) Not a big fan of "23 flavors." In my book, it's ONE flavor - Dr. Pepper. I prefer the more individualistic advertising such as "be you, be what you wanna be."
9) I really liked the 80s "be a Pepper" jingles.

See? Nothing to it.
over a year ago Kucha said…
1) I didn't actually like it at first, but my dad was all like "This is what we used to drink when we were young" and bought me a couple of bottles. Bottle #1: Ehh, this is... ehh... Bottle #2: Well, this isn't all that bad. And after bottle #3 I was hooked for life.
2) Mostly just single 0,5L bottles. When I'm feeling festive, I'll go for a can, they're a little harder to find where I'm from and cost a little more per liter.
3) I usually just buy and enjoy one bottle whenever I go to the store, which isn't all that often.
4) I'd say around 2 - 4 0,5L bottles.
5) Damn you, repetitive question. You're the one with the PhD, you do the math.
6) Used to be the drink for the chosen few, something to defend till death against everyone you know (at least where I'm from. Literally nobody I know besides myself drinks pepper). It's a little more mainstream now, but I still stand by it. I wouldn't call it elegant, but it's... elegant. The last few drops on the bottom always make you wanna buy another bottle right away.
7) I'm, uhh... The kind that doesn't talk much but when I do, it's right on and the room goes all quiet and shit. Slightly depressed, but enjoy the little things in life (one could say I ONLY enjoy the little things in life, if that makes any sense). Believe it or not (based on that previous depression-line) I do have a sense of humor, be it slightly twisted or not.
8) Well, you don't really see much advertisement here in Finland. Now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a single ad here.
9) I could go online and look a few up but I'm way too lazy to do th- oh, wait. Does Stein's gate count? The whole show's just a big pepper ad. Counts or not, that's what I'm gonna go with, it made all the pepper fans viewing go "LOL! 'dyou see that?". Got a huge grin on my face, at least.

And yeah, I realize this topic's like, what, a year old? This is just what I do when I get bored, write random stuff online to walls (slight pun intended. "to walls". Get it? Yeah, I take that back, my sense of humor's non-existent)
over a year ago Snowyowl1028 said…
1. The first time I had it was in second grade at a friend's house and I thought it was bad. Then in fourth grade I decided to try it again. For some reason i liked it better then. now i love it.
2. I buy it in cans and bottles from vending machines.
3/4/5. 2 or 3 times a month I have a bottle.
7.Shy and weird but when you get to know me im cool and funny and awesome.
8. I like ''be a pepper''
9.the commercial with everybody in the dr.pepper T-shirts