DW_girl and no1drwhofan Updates

fan art was added: DW Fanart :) over a year ago by DW_girl
a photo was added: The Doctor and Rose ♥ over a year ago by DW_girl
a comment was made to the poll: Which of these are you most excited about? over a year ago by DW_girl
a poll was added: Which of these are you most excited about? over a year ago by DW_girl
a poll was added: Do you like the casting of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor? over a year ago by DW_girl
a comment was made to the poll: For how long do you intend Clara Oswald to remain the Doctor's companion? over a year ago by labyrinth75
an icon was added: Rose Tyler in 'The Long Game' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a comment was made to the photo: 'Rose Tyler's Episodes' Gifs! over a year ago by 21doctor
a video was added: The Doctor/Rose > 'Battlefield' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: Amy Pond > 'Stronger' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'The Hunger Games' > 'Tributes Parade' Scene over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'The Hunger Games' > 'Training Scene' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'The Hunger Games' > 'Reaping Scene' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: The Doctor/Rose > 'Impossible' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' > 'Domino' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: PSY -' GANGNAM STYLE' (강남스타일) M/V over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' > 'Stronger' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'The Hunger Games' EPIC Trailer! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: Daniel Radcliffe singing 'The Elements' Song on 'The Graham Norton Show'! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: Catherine Tate as Luren Cooper in Chemistry Class! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: Catherine Tate as Lauren Cooper in French Class! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: David Tennant and Catherine Tate ('Comic Relief') over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' > 'Time Crash' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' ('Children in Need') 2005 over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' > 'From Raxacoricofallapatorius With Love' over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' Series 3 Bloopers! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' Series 2 Bloopers! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doctor Who' Series 5 Vortex Trailer! over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: 'Doomsday' Wall Scene over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: David Tennant's farewell ensemble dance!!! <3 over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a video was added: Comic Con: Matt Smith Dancing over a year ago by no1drwhofan
a poll was added: For how long do you intend Clara Oswald to remain the Doctor's companion? over a year ago by no1drwhofan