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Edward Cullen Question

do u really like bella

Robertlover1 posted over a year ago
lol that is what i say.
lilred96 posted over a year ago
bella never made sense to me. and sorry to all the bella lovers but i find her quite selfish and annoying.
kimione posted over a year ago
 jocelynathens posted over a year ago
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Edward Cullen Answers

monkey97sta said:
I like Bella. Not in the Love way like I love Robert Pattinson and Edward Cullen but like a a friend and she is really awesome way. Kirsten Stewart plays her great in Twilight and Bella the character is also amazing. Sometimes she is stupid like when she kissed Jacob (not Twilight). Sorry I HATE Jacob. One thing thought Bella is amazing! I only am jealous because she gets to date and marry Edward Cullen!!! I hope this was a good answer to your question!
Mrs. Pattinson
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I like Bella. Not in the Love way like I love Robert Pattinson and Edward Cullen but like a a friend and she is really awesome way. Kirsten Stewart plays her great in Twilight and Bella the character is also amazing. Sometimes she is stupid like when she kissed Jacob (not Twilight). Sorry I HATE Jacob. One thing thought Bella is amazing! I only am jealous because she gets to date and marry Edward Cullen!!! I hope this was a good answer to your question!
Mrs. Pattinson
posted over a year ago 
popstarfan said:
Of course I do, Bella is so awesome!
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posted over a year ago 
Robertlover1 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Blossom71 said:
not really.she can be so fake at times.i believe she really likes the fact that 2 guys are fighting over her.Hummm now that seems to me that the movie has spilled over into true life.Kristen and bella have alot more in comin then she thought.don't you see the picture clear as glass?
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posted over a year ago 
taisa said:
HELL NO!! she annoys the hell out of me! just think about how many life has she ruined!
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Sort of, but she's kind of wussy and defenseless unlike most of my favorite leading ladies. Oh my gosh, Alex Eames my favorite leading lady from TV could kick Bella's butt, and her guy is way better than Edward (no offense to Edward, but Alex's guy is way better)
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posted over a year ago 
crazynluv429 said:
ok the girl who plays bella in the movie is weird its like she is fucked up all the time and she is not pretty to me what would rob see in her? now i like bella in book number 4=) but i hate to say if rob is anything like edward kristin is so lucky...
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posted over a year ago 
Of course,the girl loves two boys.and all girls will do that so.When she lost one love,she will try to find another hope.If edward didn~t happened,i beg that she would fall in love with Jacob.So Bela just do the thing as a human will do that.
123emma posted over a year ago
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