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Edward Cullen Question

Do you think Edward could've gave Bella a better goodbye?

i dont knoe, this is just my opinion.. but i think that they way he said bye to her, was just rude. Like when she say, "do you wanna be with me?" and he flat out said, no. and then he just dissapeared, and told him to forget he even exsisted. I mean, they fell inlove, and he just expects her to forget? Even though hes still always watching what hes doing.. but idk. just that part in the book upsetted me..
I understand that it may have seemed rude the way Edward left Bella, but it would have been hard for him too. To leave the love of his life, who have killed him inside. -xo.
tooch posted over a year ago
shivers-zimmy posted over a year ago
 caitlin_xOx posted over a year ago
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Edward Cullen Answers

HellaKute said:
i think that Edward was trying his best...i mean he still loves her and saying goodbye to the love of your existence can't be easy...and i don't think that there's any good way to leave the person who you truly love....any way that's my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
madsen said:
i have to say that i have never in my entire life cried in a book but this was the most heart wrenching thing i'v ever read it was the best he could do but it was not jaspers fault she should not have been so hasty on opening her presents im just gald he came back so i dont know if he should of left
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posted over a year ago 
VampirePrinsess said:
Okay yes i would of though no i know Edward could of givenher a better goodbye........but if u read on Midnight Sun it tells u his point of view and how hard it was and is for him to leave her i think but wat i do know is that it wa s really hard for him to leave cauze come on people he was leaving the point for his extinction so yeah.............think about it if u were Edward even if ur a woman do u think it would of been easy for u to say goodbye to ur true love no ur only love heh so yeah.........
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Okay yes i would of though no i know Edward could of givenher a better goodbye........but if u read on Midnight Sun it tells u his point of view and how hard it was and is for him to leave her i think but wat i do know is that it wa s really hard for him to leave cauze come on people he was leaving the point for his extinction so yeah.............think about it if u were Edward even if ur a woman do u think it would of been easy for u to say goodbye to ur true love no ur only love heh so yeah......... 
posted over a year ago 
selena_jonas said:
I actually cried wen edward left bella! I was in bed reading when my mom came in and said 'are you ok? why are you crying?' and all i could answer was 'Edward cullen you are a bastard!' i got in trouble for that! But the goodbye was neccasery. if he hadn't been harsh like that then Bella wouldn't have gone to jacob! And if she hadn't gone to Jacob the 4th and 3rd book would be useless!
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posted over a year ago 
Well i think he could have told her what was goin on not just lefted with no explaination!! but he still loved her no matter what he did so i thnk he lefted for a very good reson and i an glad he lefted because if he never then she would never hasve got a good friend like jake x
emmaryanx posted over a year ago
Well he did have a reason to leave but Jacob black was the best friend a girl could have when you are upset!
selena_jonas posted over a year ago
I never cry at a book or movie or anything, but i cried when Edward left Bella.. It was just so upsetting.. But i understand why he did it, and it would have killed him inside to have to leave the love of his life.. But it does make sense in the end.
FarmerDee posted over a year ago
Hotgirl101 said:
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posted over a year ago 
K0otsinaki said:
I know what you mean...
But imagine how terrible he felt when he told that to her...
Read the last pages of the book,when he told her that he always loves her,but he wanted her to have a normal life and not be in danger all the time...
He is just...GORGEOUS!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Emmett4ever said:
i see what you mean but he did it to protect her and imagine how he felt by just saying those words
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posted over a year ago 
shivers-zimmy said:
I don't think he could put it any other way. Bella had to believe that he truly didn't want her anymore. How else could she move on? It's not his fault that there was no other way to put it. I'm just glad he wasn't gone for that long. Jacob is just so boring! Nothing ever happens when it's just him around!
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posted over a year ago 
bellacullen202 said:
maybe but i say no he wanted to see if he could save her from her chosen future
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posted over a year ago 
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