Edward vs Harry 1000 reasons why Potter is better than eddy

harrypotterbest posted on Aug 06, 2010 at 04:12AM
come on, guys! move from the question too here!

Edward vs Harry 16 replies

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over a year ago Renarimae said…
1. He doesn't sparkle.
2. He's not overprotective.
3. He saved the whole Wizarding World, Edward only saves Bella.
4. Harry doesn't watch Ginny sleep.
5. Harry isn't liked simply because he's hot.
6. He doesn't force Ginny to take painkillers or have an abortion.
7. Harry didn't force Ginny to marry him.
8. Harry doesn't screw with Ginny's stuff so he can keep her from doing stuff.
9. Harry doesn't treat Ginny like she's his daughter.
10. Harry doesn't just prefer brunettes, he doesn't care about girls' hair color.
11. Harry can actually live without a partner without becoming apathetic, vengeful, and/or suicidal.
12. Harry isn't totally helpless against Edward's mind reading powers, hello, occulemency.
13. He could kill Edward with just Avada Kedavra.
14. His kids' names are better than Edward's kid's name.
15. His kids' existences aren't against biological law.
16. He doesn't have extra chromosomes, again, another science lesson. Meaning, if Edward was real and had extra chromosomes like in the fictional Twilight world, he'd have Down syndrome or some form of mental retardation.
17. I'm pretty sure his and Ginny's sex was less dangerous than Edward and Bella's.
18. His and Ginny's love is more realistic, their love actually took time to grow.
19. He isn't in love with Ginny because he can't read her mind and she smells good.
20. Ginny doesn't constantly describe how gorgeous and perfect Harry is.
21. Harry wouldn't just sacrifice for Ginny, he'd sacrifice for the whole entire world.
22. How many people do you see around Wal Mart, Borders, Barnes and Noble, Halloween, etc. dressed up as Edward Cullen? Right, not very many.
23. Harry doesn't dominate his and Ginny's relationship.
24. He doesn't have to suffer the miseries of High School over and over and over again.
25. He and Ginny don't get married or have kids when they're still teens.
26. Harry plays a cooler sport than Edward.
27. Harry doesn't have to say mushy, overtly "romantic" lines to attract people to read the HP books or watch the HP movies.
28. His fans don't usually attack HP haters.
29. His fans aren't just 11-19 year old girls.
30. Harry does love Ginny, but he isn't downright obsessed with her.
31. He has character development.
32. His character has more depth.
33. He left Ginny because he wanted her to be safe from Voldemort, not because his foster brother tried to kill her.
34. He doesn't convince his foster sister to kidnap Ginny.
35. Harry isn't labeled a vegetarian because he drinks animal blood.
36. He's not a dead guy dating a living girl.
37. Harry's closer to James, Albus, and Lily than Edward is to Renesmee.
38. He isn't in a relationship with someone way younger than him, I mean chronologically, not physically.
39. Harry is actually heroic and courageous.
40. James and Lily have done more for Harry than Edward Sr. and Elizabeth have done for Edward.
41. He goes to a school called Hogwarts, well, at least he doesn't go to a school named after an eating utensil.
42. Harry doesn't treat Ginny like a freak one moment then treats her like a goddess a moment later.
43. Harry wouldn't have to suffer from the boredom of having to live forever.
44. He isn't a heterosexual that acts like he's asexual.
45. Harry doesn't constantly look like he's constipated.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Renarimae said…
46. He's not perfect, he actually has flaws.
47. He's more iconic than Edward.
48. He wouldn't be a traitor to his friends or family, even if doing so, he could be with Ginny.
49. He has more kindness and love for others.
50. He has a better, less ditzy girlfriend.
51. He actually has human-like feelings.
52. Harry actually sympathized Lord Voldemort, Edward probably didn't give a crap about James, Victoria, or Aro.
53. He cares about Ginny's safety, but doesn't go overboard.
54. He doesn't have fangirls that kiss and worship the ground he walks on.
55. In HP 7, one of the important questions for it was, "Is Harry going to die?" and I even wondered if he was going to. But when it comes to BD, I, along with most others probably, knew that Edward would survive. The point: Harry's fate in the series is less predictable, and unpredictably brings more suspence.
56. Harry's kids' names have more originality and meaning. When my mom read The Deathly Hallows epilogue to me and my brother and I found out the kids' names were James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna, I was thinking, "Oh, I get why they were named that." When my mom told me that Edward and Bella's kid was named Renesmee, I was thinking, "WTF? That's a weird name!". Renee and Esme didn't even do anything special in Bella and Edward's lives, they weren't even there when Renesmee was born.
57. Harry's actually doing something constructive throughout the series.
58. Harry's been through much more than Edward has.
59. Harry, despite having been through hell and having every right to be emo, isn't one and still jokes around, is happy, and lives a good, productive life. Edward is rich, "hot", and immortal, yet he complains up a storm.
60. Harry will be remembered a century from now, Edward will not.
61. Harry, unlike Edward, would actually care if someone imprinted on Lily.
62. He didn't hate Dean Thomas, like Edward hated Jacob.
over a year ago Angel-Trix said…
63. Harry Has had a much harder life than Edweird. He spent the first ten of his life with his aunt, uncle and cousin who hated his guts. The kept him in a bloody cupboard for crying out loud!

64. Harry acts more like a human, I know it's been said before, but I just want to elaborate. Harry cries, he's hot headed, but he's funny and modest and cares for his friends. He blames himself when Luna is taken away. I don't remember Edward being described as angry at all when Irina is KILLED! He's the one who created the demon spawn. Shy isn't he guilty?

65. If I remember Edward quoting in the movie "This is the skin of a killer Bella"(or something like that. He thinks that sparkly skin is the blood of a killer. I was laughing my head off in the theater so I ran out saying I had to go to the bathroom.

66. The sad scenes with Harry made me cry because they were meant to. When Edward left Bella I was like "WTF? Is this supposed to be sad? Or does he come back and his actual break up with her is sadder? This can't be it."I mean, when Harry was angry in Dumbledore's office, I was crying.

67. The entire order and half the Wizarding World is ready to sacrifice theirselves by FIGHTING for Harry. Edward gathered less people to help him and they only came as witnessess. If there was a fight, they wouldn't think twice about helping him and run away.

68. Harry lost his mother, his father, his godfather, and his mentor. I think he's a great role model for going through that. Edward lost no one. And I feel like setting a Niffler on him because of that.

69. That reminds me, a Niffler could beat Edward in a fight (look link if you don't know what they are)

70. I grew up with Harry Potter. And when I grow older, I want my children to too. Edward will be forever 17. He doesn't compare to Harry. You get to see Harry change, I can't say the same for Edward.
over a year ago lemony44 said…
over a year ago lemony44 said…
71. Cullen? Really?

72. Harry is a common name, Edward is too. But if I say Harry, you think Potter, if I say Edward you think Prince.
over a year ago Angel-Trix said…
^ Actually, when someone thinks Edward, I think Elric.

73. Harry actually has a loving family.
over a year ago Ultimately57 said…
^ Really? When you say Edward, I think of this cute, chubby red haired guy I used to be friends with. Don't tell me what I think. Your making yourself look like an idiot.

74. Harry's mortal. I'd hate him to be immortal. Edward's immortal, and he's cold, hard (like granite *sniggers*) and you wouldn't get the same effect. Plus imagine the boredom of living forever.

75. He sacrificed himself to save the wizarding AND muggle world. That's what I call awesome.

76. Harry's loyal. He would never betray his friends or his family. (by that I mean the weasleys)
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
77. Harry didn't try to control Ginny's life. He didn't monitor who she was friends with and who she hung out with. Edward, on the other hand, had Alice watching Bella, and the second she decided she wanted to visit Jacob... Edward took the battery out of her car so she couldn't.

78. Harry didn't stalk Ginny for two months before they were even friends.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emilyroxx said…
79. People like Harry for reasons other than "He's hot"
over a year ago SnapeOWNSedward said…
80. Harry never taught teenage girls that it was "hot" to have some creep stalk them are watch them sleep.
over a year ago harrypotternecq said…
81. Harry had to put up with hardship adn even so managed to stay happy edward moaned and bitched despite having a family and girl who loved him.

82. Harry grew up edward stays and acts 17 through out the books
over a year ago CheekyCheese said…
83. Harry can cast spells! COME ON! He goes to a school where the pupils learn magic!!!!!
over a year ago sid334 said…
84. Harry is not a 100 year old virgin, he lost his virginty when he was 20 or somthing
85. Daneil Radciff has real abbs not the painted on fake ones that Robert Patterison has
85. Harry has the invisablity cloak
86. Harry is not described ten thousand times in the book
over a year ago Ultimately57 said…
big smile
84=SCORE! 86= I'm pretty sure he's only described about 3 times at the MOST in each book.
over a year ago BwannaHP said…
over a year ago nan_beetlejuice said…
87. Harry doesn't name his daughter Renesmee.
88. From kindergartners to parents, they still prefer a courageous wizard than an overprotective, sparkly silly vampire.
89. Harry don't drink animal blood.