Emma Pillsbury Updates

an icon was added: Emma in 5x03 over a year ago by Kev206
a comment was made to the poll: What is Emma better at? over a year ago by nowand4ever
a comment was made to the poll: Don't you think Emma has the most beautiful hair of the girls on Glee? over a year ago by Albiee
a comment was made to the poll: What's her biggest trademark? over a year ago by piperlovegood
a comment was made to the poll: Is Emma your favorite character on Glee? over a year ago by piperlovegood
a comment was made to the poll: do you think Emma is pretty? over a year ago by diannaagron34
a comment was made to the poll: whats your favourite emma phrase out of these two from Mash Up? over a year ago by diannaagron34
a comment was made to the poll: Isent it funny how Emma completley ignores anyone around her when she is looking at Will? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: who wants to scrach their eyes out when Will is kissing Terri insted of Emma? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Emma will really marry Ken? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: Are your favourite episodes the ones with Emma in them? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Emma will stop being a germaphobe if she was in a realitionship with Will? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: Will and Emma? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: who should Emma end up with? over a year ago by klaine_forever
a comment was made to the poll: Which of her wedding dressed did you like better? over a year ago by klaine_forever
fan art was added: -Emma Pillsbury- over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Emma icon out of these? over a year ago by wemmalover2000
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Emma quote? (Full quote in comments + add your own) over a year ago by wemmalover2000
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is Emma`s OCD over a year ago by KibblyPoPo
a pop quiz question was added: What is Emma`s OCD over a year ago by KibblyPoPo
a video was added: Jayma Mya - My cup over a year ago by CharlieMv
a photo was added: -Emma Pillsbury- over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a pop quiz question was added: What did the first T-Shirt Emma had on say in S.2 E.18: Born This Way? over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a pop quiz question was added: What did Emma's T-Shirt say in S.2 E.18: Born This Way? over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a pop quiz question was added: Emma still has feelings for Will. -S.2. E.15.- over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a pop quiz question was added: Emma thinks the song "afternoon delight" has to do with dessert. over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a pop quiz question was added: Emma has slept with Carl over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a poll was added: who should Emma end up with? over a year ago by closeenough
a comment was made to the poll: Emma with her hair up or down? over a year ago by kip-tyn
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Emma is losing her germaphobeness? over a year ago by kip-tyn
a comment was made to the fan art: Emma over a year ago by BoingHuddy
a comment was made to the fan art: Emma Pillsbury over a year ago by Wolfdreamer9
a comment was made to the icon: Emma over a year ago by LuArtuso
a comment was made to the photo: emma over a year ago by willandemma4eva
a comment was made to the photo: -Emma Pillsbury- over a year ago by willandemma4eva