Euphemia li Britania Updates

a comment was made to the photo: euphie and suzaku over a year ago by mangamoo01
a pop quiz question was added: In what episode did Euphie die? over a year ago by mangamoo01
a photo was added: Euphie, Nunnally and Lelouch over a year ago by mangamoo01
a poll was added: What do we think is Euphie's favorite colour? over a year ago by mangamoo01
a poll was added: Who is most beautiful? over a year ago by suzuphie
an icon was added: Euphemia over a year ago by supermega
a comment was made to the answer: well ya it added a twist and kept the show going but no i hatted seeing that. brout a tear to my eye. ^-^ over a year ago by CGLover1312
an answer was added to this question: Do you think lelouch should have killed euphemia? over a year ago by ReNj