Eurovision Song Contest Make your list from Favorite to Least Favorite for 2012 (you CAN also place your country)

Schnusch posted on May 28, 2012 at 08:03PM
By my personal preference of musical style it's:

1st Denmark

2nd Ireland (I like the song, but the performance this year wasn't so good)

3rd Iceland

4th Germany

5th Macedonia

6th Azerbaijan

7th Spain

8th Hungary

9th United Kingdom

10th Serbia

11th Sweden (love the voice a lot, it's only so low on my list because I didn't like performance & technoish style)

12th Italy

13th Bosnia

From 14th on I found the entries just awful:

14th Turkey (awkward English)

15th Romania (techno element and far too short dress)

16th Estonia (Kuuuuuuulaaaaa.... sounded like the German word for coke - "Cola" which made it too funny to me)

17th Albania (What the... was the awkward screaming all about?)

18th Lithuania (just... awkward)

19th Malta (simply: nothing special)

20th Norway (not my style)

21st France (Boring, not catchy)

22nd Russia (embarrassing)

23rd Cyprus (Let's try to make this song good by dressing the background dancers with school girl socks - good voice, very poor song)

24th Greece (Seriously? Couldn't be more desperate of a performance)

25th Ukraine (What were the guys in the pink skirts in the background all about and what the hell was on her head?... Wait... she sang too?)

26th Moldova (The awkward dance made it painful to watch)
last edited on May 28, 2012 at 08:03PM

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