Fabian Rutter Updates

a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Fabian what is your favourite colour? over a year ago by pyt807
a pop quiz question was added: Fabian what is your favourite colour? over a year ago by pyt807
an answer was added to this question: IN SEASON 3 WILL FABIAN DATE JOY OR THE NEW GIRL OR NEITHER over a year ago by playant1569
a question was added: IN SEASON 3 WILL FABIAN DATE JOY OR THE NEW GIRL OR NEITHER over a year ago by ashley221321
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: is FABIAN GOING TO DATE JOY over a year ago by ashley221321
a pop quiz question was added: is FABIAN GOING TO DATE JOY over a year ago by ashley221321
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Does Fabian have a current girlfriend or an ex-girlfriend over a year ago by dhanna144
a pop quiz question was added: Does Fabian have a current girlfriend or an ex-girlfriend over a year ago by dhanna144
a link was added: me over a year ago by mala121
a photo was added: fabian over a year ago by bigtimerushfan2