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Facebook Question

Fanpop or Facebook?

Give me some reasons why you prefer one over the other.....My favourite answer gets 11 props 2 or 3 other might get some props too!!!!

Closing Date September 10th, 2013
Fanpop or Facebook?
 karolinak1999 posted over a year ago
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Facebook Answers

Gokussj173 said:
I would prefare Facebook...Because in Fanpop we cannot chat with our friends and play games with them...If I send any massage to anyone I get the reply after 6-24 hours.In Facebook we can do many other things that we can't do in Fanpop.So,I think Facebook is better... :D
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posted over a year ago 
thanxx!!!! You can always ask you fp friend to give you their fb name!!:)
karolinak1999 posted over a year ago
toolak9 said:
my favourite musicians are , The Cult, Tricky, Bjork,Bryan Ferry, Morrissey,Cat Power, Ray Lamontagne, Primal Scream, I could go on and on, the point is , all of them are on facebook and none of them are on fanpop. Fanpop is good too it's just not anywhere as big as facebook.
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posted over a year ago 
karolinak1999 posted over a year ago
ladybugsntweety said:
my answer is fanpop because you can become a fan of anything you like or love its drama free and private and you can get stickers for clubs and i enjoy spending on here and meeting new people :)
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posted over a year ago 
tammy63 said:
Fanpop because you can be yourself but still have that anonymity, on Facebook it shows your real name and what you look like. I also think Fanpop has more rewards than Facebook, there you just get likes but here you get medals and props from other fans
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posted over a year ago 
karolinak1999 posted over a year ago
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