Fanpop Etiquette Videos

vider69 posted on Jul 27, 2008 at 12:56PM
Why is it that some videos get deleted and why are do they remain in a spot when we can't watch them anymore?

Fanpop Etiquette 3 replies

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over a year ago Snerkie said…
Videos can be deleted for a few different they'll be broken (no longer viewable) or they'll be inappropriate. Also sometimes they're not deleted and just moved to a more appropriate spot.

As for ones that no longer work and are still in the sums up what to do in a situation like that :)
over a year ago germany123 said…
the videos arent actually uploaded to fanpop but just embedded. the sites which actually host the videos (like youtube, tudou,dailymotion) remove a video but the link to fanpop still exist. thats why you need to do what snerkie writes in her very well written to fanpop that the original site removed the video.
make sure you ALWAYS click on the link first and read the description of the video..(sometimes its a preview etc)before reporting it- make sure its really broken
over a year ago harold said…
Yes, often a video will not work embedded, because the person who posted it on the video sharing site (YouTube, dailymotion, Guba, et cetera) has "disabled" embedding (which means that it will never play in another site like Fanpop). In such cases, the video will still work on the original site, just not on Fanpop. Such links are NOT broken and should not be reported as such. Playing video embedded is not a requirement for video links, even though it may be frustrating when they don't.