fanpop's got talent Ideas And Planning

amazondebs posted on Jun 05, 2008 at 07:44PM
well this is where is all started but we are now moving the topic over here *beckons* yes this way boys and girls


that was what has been previously discussed

EDIT: we realize there are now a lot of posts but every thing you need to know is here
link and here
last edited on Jun 10, 2008 at 02:20PM

fanpop's got talent 528 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 528

over a year ago germany123 said…
i like this idea..gotta run now..but will be back to check out all the forums, ideas etc and see if i can be of service :)
id definitely help with counting stuff etc :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
okay we need rough number to work out rounds so i put up a pick

the more contestants the better so go outside of the box because everyone has a talent here's just some ideas

-stand up
-creative writing
-free running
-any musical instrument
-drawing or painting
-anything to do with photoshop/photo editing or manipulations
-any bike or skateboard stunts
-anything weird like being double jointed or drinking a gallon of milk in 10 seconds
-hula hooping
-any pets that you have trained to do tricks
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
okay determined to get this organized

so here's my idea as to how to work this

we have the first "round" where anyone can enter the judges will then group the entries from this round either in to group or categories and people vote for one person from each group (sending their votes in to the judges)

the winners from each group will then do another performance (e.g. sing a different song or for those drawing or something draw another work) and the public will vote (again sending in to the judges) one person from these finalist

does that makes sense? obviously this is just my idea feel free to tell me what you think and put in your own ideas
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
Actually, that makes perfect sense, that's probably the only and the best way to do it =D

Another talent-
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ahhh i completley forgot that one

what about anything sporty like that football kicky thing or juggerling
see i bet there's something every single member of fanpop could do, come on people you know you want to click yes on that pick
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
I'm useless at sport unless you count moshing and headbanging as a sport.

Shadow Puppets
Impersonations (I think that that's the word)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ooo good ones :D
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Sounding like a seagull (Aholic's talent)
Being able to name all 49 european countries in less than 5 minutes (Another aholic talent)
Being awesome. (That's my talent but I'm sure someone else will have it)
over a year ago amazondebs said…
well looks like you just volenteered aholic lol

ermmmm can you play the bagpipes? ;P
over a year ago germany123 said…
yep sualey..Im awesome!
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
Haha I cannot play the bagpipes No. I can relate any conversation into something that happened on How I Met Your Mother. That's also I pretty sucky talent though =D I wish Schooch were fanpoppers. They have immense talent.
"Make people fall off their chairs laughing at their crapness"
It's a unique talent.
over a year ago germany123 said…
ok i have a if you enter with one thing..a special talent you have more or less by accident- what do you do in round two!?

over a year ago amazondebs said…
*wonders how schooch are* *decides not to ask incase she appears dumb* *googles it*

did you know if you put shooch in to google you get scotish attire and porn?

anyways back to subject any other ideas?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
I meant Scooch! Weren't they in the eurovision for us at one point?
over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
Don't ever do that again debs!!!!!!!!! For your own safety! Yeah, Scooch are them air hostess people who entered the Eurovision for the UK. We (Ireland) actually gave them points.
over a year ago papa said…
Wow...this sounds truly amazing...I gotta see some of these talent vids when they come available :-)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I like the list of talents! If I can get my photoshop on my computer I just might enter!
Not that I'm good or anything, but I love making icons and photoshop stuff, so, yay!!!
over a year ago aholic said…
Can I perform with my "find 5 mistakes" pictures? I make them myself in paint.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Like making them? Or you finding the mistakes for pictures you made? lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
trampolining (i think thats how you spell it?)
i bet most fanpopers have a trampoline they could just get someone else to film them :)

i dont really have any talent, or a video camra
could i enter my sister (she's an atrist)
no, that wouldn't work, she dislikes fanpop
hmm what a cuffuful
well if i am not a judge i will just view from the side lines :) im happy doing that ♥
over a year ago Cinders said…
Thanks to the Animaniacs, and waiting between light cues for the play I'm teching, I can now sing the entire "American Presidents" song from "George Washington was the first, you see" to "Clinton, first name Hillary!"

Is that a talent?

EDIT: PS: No fear, I won't do that.

I may do video editing though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aholic said…
like making them, shandiiii.
over a year ago aholic said…
She dislikes fanpop? What does that mean?! :D
over a year ago amazondebs said…
sorry germany missed that post, dam double posting lol
right well say you sing in round 1, round 2 you would something different
if you did dance or something you would have to do a different routine or improve on your old, basically just pull it up a notch
and aholic if you want to do seagull impressions or name all the europian countries in 5 mintues, you'd have to beat your own time... dunno about the seagull thing

hey claire i thought you were a cheerleader, that's a major talent! (i tried it once to fill in for a friend... it ended in a sling)

and thanks papa, sure you don't want to enter?

to those of you saying you don't have a video camera then i'm sorry if you want to act or sing i havn't figured a solution for that yet (other than borrow someone) but like i said if you did want to do gynastics, bike stunts, free running, cheerleader anything like that you take a series f photographs and upload them

now what does everyone think of the round format i suggested? that way everything is decided by you guys... we could do it another way where the first round is decided by the judges?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
aholic, i was once doodling and i worte fanpop in cool letters and left it on the table, came back an hour later only to find my sister had crossed it out and written facebook all over it!
she knows i hate facebook and love fanpop (i think she is trollish!)

debs, things with cheerleading its a team spot so if i put anything on it you probably wouldn't know whitch one was me as we all have to look the same
it is no were near the kind of standerd that cheerleading is propped up to be from the bring it on films (they were made with americas top teams) and english cheerleading is alot different!

i would say more but i have lost my chain of thought, so i might be back later with more lol ♥
over a year ago germany123 said…
yeah... it was the seagull thing that got me thinking ;)
i think voting should go ahead as you said first. then depending on how many entries we have the first 5 or something get to round two.
maybe like with the fanpoppies the judges can pick one special award for outstanding achievement..maybe someone who didnt get to round two but put in special effort.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
yeah thats a nice thought i like that idea

okay second that idea, one person gets a special award from the semi-finals for special effort any objections?

i think we could stretch this out with all the voting and stuff just take it slow and make everyone have time to come up with their stuff, could be a big event :D

and lol claire cause our british cheers do you match your american cheers lol
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
yes i second that motion debs ♥
(sorry i have always wanted to say that :D)

and yes its true debs *hangs head in shame*
over a year ago Pippi21 said…
Just a question: can you nominate other fanpoppers that have already put their talent on a spot somewhere? Or do people have to enter themselves?
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
erm isuppose but only as long as they want to
debs, this is were you say something clever...
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hmmmm i think it would be better if people enter themselves i see no harm in messaging or commenting on something of someone's to suggest it
but it's a voluntary competition and some people might not want to be up to the public vote, also if we do it in rounds, they would then have to do something else or pull out
over a year ago germany123 said…
how do we get this started!?
as in: do you announce that people can start posting their stuff!?

And if they already posted the video in the fanpop users spot can i be the one to scream: THIS IS A REPEAT! ITS ALREADY BEEN POSTED!!!
please!? NO? hmpf!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
yes i think the it will be anouced you can post away lol we first need to decided or the judges need to decide on a couples of things

1. for vids is there a limit as to how long
2. for photography how many images can you upload
3.and a rule them i am going to nag and nag to set down if anyone objects the following must be included in keywords
your user name
your talent
which round it is
"fanpop's got talent"
and the year

hmmmm i don't see why people can't repost something they already have especially if say you want to enter a photography of a medetarian beach and your live in greenland lol i think so long as the finals is something different i don't think they have to be new, obviously if it is found out to be not yours then i think that's a disqualification

although something new will probably be preferred by the general public (just a side note)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
i wasnt being all that serious..just my bad fanpop etiquette humor...

1)im not sure people will watch more than say 10 maybe that should be the guideline. but i think its also important to not judge things by quantity. a short impressive trick is just as good as a longer well sung song.

2)hmmm. in order to compare them i think there shouldnt be more than 3 per candidate.

im a little worried that people will always vote for the user they like rather than how good the content is ...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
oh right soz germany

hmmm i think youtube and most video hosting sites like that have a limit of 10 minutes anyways so just 10 mintutes or 1 part videos would make sense

and yeah i think 3 is a good quantity but they should be of the same subject e,g, 3 different shots of one church to show us the different artistic angles
over a year ago amazondebs said…
lol anyoen else want to input so me and germany don't just plan it all
over a year ago knifewrench said…
I could start trying to make images for the awards. I was thinking we could colour-code them like the medals:

Green = 3rd
Yellow = 2nd
Red = 1st

The only problem is that people identify green with Fanpop, and therefore they identify it as "winner".


I have a problem. If I were to get the videos of me doing my talent onto the internet, there would be a little kerfuffle: It's not exactly one talent. I'd list them out but that would kind of spoil some of the suprises. But I can however, say that I've already uploaded two of the talents onto Fanpop.

Anywho, enough of my gibberish, what I was trying to say was, my different acts (do we call them acts? I'm clueless about this :S) are slightly varied.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hmmmm how varied? because i think if your going to sing and then do bikes stunts thats two different.. yes i think acts can be the right word

and i don't understand why their would be a kerfuffle
over a year ago germany123 said…
thats what i meant regarding the seagull impression..thing is..and i am just putting this out there: do we really need 2 rounds!?

debs said:and i don't understand why their would be a kerfuffle
germany says: and i dont understand what on earth a kerfuffle might be!?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
Should I start a soapbox on these guidelines!?

i.e. you may put stuff up thats already been posted, vids limited to 10 min etc and i can edit that list as we go along...
over a year ago amazondebs said…
lol germany i'm not sure aholic really is going to do a seagull impression, he mentioned that he sounded like a seagull when singing

erm a kerfuffle erm... the best way to describe it would be chaos or erm lots of hassel? does that make sense?

hmmmm i think a soapbox will be needed but i think it should be put up when we have the judges and all the guidelines so alert people that it is time to start posting stuff.. it might be a good idea to start gathering but keep in mind rules might change as other people put in their imput

and horray someone has finally questioned the rounds idea lol i was begining to think everyone agreed with me which frankly is just scary lol no we don't need two rounds but i think it might be more interesting any other inputs on that? (yes i am forcing opinions out of all of you!)
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over a year ago germany123 said…
yeah but you can always edit it!?

let me just state why i think one round would be easier and then i will shut up ( promise!)
as much as i like the idea of having two rounds it seems to complicate things..people might be put off by having to come up with a "round two" item of the same erm act/type of talent.

so- just going with the example- if aholic does the seagull in round one he will have to come up with another animal sound in round two...and maybe he can only do seagulls!? or can he just change "groups" and do a dance in round two instead!?
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ahhh i see your point *ponders* hmmmm i dunnno didn't think about that.... erm help someone say something? lol

i just presumed if you were a impressionist you would have more than one...
over a year ago Michellebob said…
Ya i agree with germany123 but then again it depends on what type of act you're doing.
I dunno though because having more than one video, pic etc would mean people would have more to go on to vote! so both make sense.

haha that didnt help anything!
I like the ideas so far though!
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
no i think we should just stick with like auditions and then possibly a semmi-final (depending on how many people enter) and then a final, just like the normal "_______'s got talent" ♥
over a year ago germany123 said…
so its 3 rounds!?
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
only if alot of people do it, but if not many people do it then only two rounds
but thats just my opinion it might not work ♥
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hmmm the only thing i don't like with audition is i don't want it to be as harsh as britain's got talent so you know "i didn't even get past the first round" doesn't sound very good where as "yeah i was in the semi finals" does lol, i know it's the same thing but you know

hmmm i think either 1 or 2, i do agree with the have more to go on point that michelle made, also if we have 15-20 people enter (yeah come on people get those entries in) then i think it will be hard for people to narrow it down... we could do a first, second, third but it will all be over very quickly
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
well how about we get some entries first and then ask them what they would prefer
that might work better ♥
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ahhh yeah good point lol so far we have two yeses
oblix and cinders

and 12/13 maybes

so i'm hoping for at least 10 (i think that would be cool as one round) but it would be better if we had like 20 and could have 4/5 ... maybe next year we'll have loads of interest

oooo, ooo new idea, germany posted a vid of another talent show, which is cool but it would be ace if people who are not entering could enter but make some mock auditions just so we can heckle and have a laugh and the judges can write *buzz* lol
last edited over a year ago