fanpop's got talent THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES! FGT is back and we will be rockin it POPSTYLE!(2009)

germany123 posted on Jun 05, 2009 at 09:30PM
*nod* it's back dooooooodes!!
The most awesomest most fanpopesque event in the popsphere: FANPOP'S GOT TALENT!!

Here is a collection of all the things you need to know.

+ link

We might make slight modifications for 2009 but you have all your basic info there.

+linkslightly ootdated but worth looking into.

+link Most of the links are there anyway but I'm writing this again so we don't get TOO confused aboot 2008 and 2009.


Now bear in mind these are all from last year and the updated versions will be posted on the spot. But you can look at these articles and forums to get a rough idea of what happened last year- if you weren't a member back then or missed it.
Of course check oot the links, videos, images and articles to see the submissions from 2008.

Generally I can say now that just like last year we will be pretty nitpicky when it comes to credits and keywords. You can't enter YET we will tell you when it starts but you can discuss all ideas you have in the forums. Also try to browse the spot before posting questions like "How does this work?" " How do I enter?" Cause really: we will let you know all the details! For now tell your friends and keep a close eye on the spot for things to come. Last year was epic and this year will be AWESOME SQUARED just minus Amazondebs sadly..our boss..*tears up*.
But Saul_ Mikoliunas and claire aka bob have it all under control and they will be brilliant!!

last edited on Jun 06, 2009 at 03:48PM

fanpop's got talent 5 replies

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over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
*runs around screaming*
*responsibly* =D
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…
so happy to see it is still on, but sad too that debs wont be involved this year. I am looking forward to it though way to keep it going.
over a year ago harold said…
I just have to say: I'm sure that the title of this thread is going to encourage a lot of people to participate. It won't turn people off at all.
over a year ago germany123 said…
sarcasm? how dare you, sir?
people just need to watch more HIMYM..thats a fact.
Not sure if a mere forum title will stop people from participating but if we get less than three entries by july 1st i guess i will have to edit
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
big smile
*Joins Polo in the running around screaming*