fanpop's got talent FGT 2010 Planning, Ideas, Etc

Cinders posted on Apr 30, 2010 at 06:13AM
Hi, all!

Our beautiful committee and its members have made FGT a big hit two years running, and I love them for it. I want to be more involved this year than I was in the last two years, which means I want to do more than participate and create an (un)official mascot.

Speaking of which - should we keep Herb this year, or have a new mascot altogether? I was thinking that we could do a mascot competition, not necessarily to replace Herb, but to give him a friend to advertise FGT with. Sort of a Donald Duck to his Mickey Mouse. What do you guys think of this idea? This would all take place BEFORE FGT is officially started, of course... which would be around nowish... so our new mascot will be ready for the 2010 games!

Speaking of games, I think there should be some. Games, that is. Other than the main event, I think I want to start some FGT side-shows in the forums and picks section. To help FGT writers stretch their creative muscles for the competition, we could have some writing games akin to Harold's link, or even just list some prompts and see what come of them ala the failed link. Or a link challenge?

For our arteests, perhaps an icon challenge, which would be everyone makes an icon using the same image/screencap, just to see the fancy things people can do to make their work different from others. We could even vote on our favorite icon.

For our singers, how about some music trivia games? Or even a sort of "History of rock and roll jeopardy" type of game?

For our actors, an open scene (with characters A and B), and questions on how two actors may interpret the scene (we can also vote on best scenario).

ANYWAYS, those are just a few ideas, to get things jumping. Some of them may not happen, but I think it'd be cool if we tried a few. Maybe I'm a bit ambitious, but I'm willing to handle the side shows if germs and the others can cover the main event.

The main event! Right! Let's talk about that!

I think the format that we used last year (and the year before) works well enough, so why fix what ain't broke? What are the dates, though? Should we have any added rules to our rule book? What do you guys think?

Am I getting too excited about this?


If you're new to FGT, or even if you're not but you forget how it works, I want you to read the first post link RIGHT NOW. REEEEEEAD it. Because germs does a nice job of the linkage that I am waaaaaay too lazy to do right now. DO IT!
last edited on Apr 30, 2010 at 06:16AM

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