fanpop's got talent FGT 2010 Planning, Ideas, Etc

Cinders posted on Apr 30, 2010 at 06:13AM
Hi, all!

Our beautiful committee and its members have made FGT a big hit two years running, and I love them for it. I want to be more involved this year than I was in the last two years, which means I want to do more than participate and create an (un)official mascot.

Speaking of which - should we keep Herb this year, or have a new mascot altogether? I was thinking that we could do a mascot competition, not necessarily to replace Herb, but to give him a friend to advertise FGT with. Sort of a Donald Duck to his Mickey Mouse. What do you guys think of this idea? This would all take place BEFORE FGT is officially started, of course... which would be around nowish... so our new mascot will be ready for the 2010 games!

Speaking of games, I think there should be some. Games, that is. Other than the main event, I think I want to start some FGT side-shows in the forums and picks section. To help FGT writers stretch their creative muscles for the competition, we could have some writing games akin to Harold's link, or even just list some prompts and see what come of them ala the failed link. Or a link challenge?

For our arteests, perhaps an icon challenge, which would be everyone makes an icon using the same image/screencap, just to see the fancy things people can do to make their work different from others. We could even vote on our favorite icon.

For our singers, how about some music trivia games? Or even a sort of "History of rock and roll jeopardy" type of game?

For our actors, an open scene (with characters A and B), and questions on how two actors may interpret the scene (we can also vote on best scenario).

ANYWAYS, those are just a few ideas, to get things jumping. Some of them may not happen, but I think it'd be cool if we tried a few. Maybe I'm a bit ambitious, but I'm willing to handle the side shows if germs and the others can cover the main event.

The main event! Right! Let's talk about that!

I think the format that we used last year (and the year before) works well enough, so why fix what ain't broke? What are the dates, though? Should we have any added rules to our rule book? What do you guys think?

Am I getting too excited about this?


If you're new to FGT, or even if you're not but you forget how it works, I want you to read the first post link RIGHT NOW. REEEEEEAD it. Because germs does a nice job of the linkage that I am waaaaaay too lazy to do right now. DO IT!
last edited on Apr 30, 2010 at 06:16AM

fanpop's got talent 51 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 51

over a year ago germany123 said…
yay for the effort! will do stuff to help you oot..but i think i wont be as involved as last year cause all people did was moan so- that annoyed me. since claire isnt around..and sualey is sorta MIA and debs has left for good i vote you to be boss this year.

anyone disagree? NO? good! thats settled then...i will help to promote and all..when was last years? wasnt it later? oh who cares. we might as well start now :)
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
This is great :D
Mascot competition would rock <3 Plus the games sound awesome too!
over a year ago Cinders said…
OK, germs, that's completely understandable. So why don't we make a new committee this year? I'll chair... but does that mean I can't submit an entry? I kinda wanna submit an entry.

I can delegate, if we can have three independent judges. Then (since I wouldn't be involved in the judging process) maybe I could submit an entry.

So that begs the question - Who wants to be a judge this year? Who wants to be on the planning committee but still contribute (like me)? The more, the less work for the rest of us, so the merrier. We could even have four or five judges.

So what say you? Who's in?
over a year ago germany123 said…
i am in on judging and general annoyingness- you can always count on me for that.
i dont see why you shouldnt enter- since the community decides anyway- and be a judge at the same time. judges are just voter counter uppers. except for the special awards..but youre not lame enough to nominate yourself so i dont see the problem there either.
id say olivine should be judge and maybe someone else who is interesTED?
i would make a pick..but honestly i think it should be trustworthy users who have been around a while cause we dooooo get to see who got how many votes. also i want dependable people cause i dont want some kid screaming OMG I WILL TTLY BE JUGDE and then never actually come say dasm should be a part of this but SHE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!! *evil laugh*
kidding of course dasm should join us!


who else has been active lately..*looks around at empty fanpop* i like eline kerpels. she seems nice and sane!? any opinions?
over a year ago Cinders said…
link is responsible and active. Also, you could ask link. Her store just closed, and her life's kinda *woooo* right now, but she might be into it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Eline_K said…
big smile
Wow, thanks germany! I'm honored you mentioned me! 'Nice and sane'? well I hope so, but that's for others to judge. However I always keep promises, so when I tell you I'll come though, I will.

I'd love to be involved in FGT 2010! To be completely honest I haven't really paid attention to FGT 2009, since I was to busy with exams at the time, but this year I have all the time of the world.

So count me in!

BTW, I'm not exactly sure what you expect of a judge, but I'll read into it with old FGT forums!

X Eline
over a year ago Olivine said…
Sure, I can be a judge ^^
over a year ago germany123 said…
awesome..yes! good thinking cinders..dearheart entered last year did she not? with a song she sang and her mum played some..hmm..piano? guitar? i forget..anyway she should totally get her butt over here.
and arabella! of course..she sorta appeared on FB/FV and then went into hiding again. so lets see what they say and then we can pick the judges? randomly? how many should we have?last year 3 seemed enough considering the votes/entries cause it wasnt THAT much work tbh so to be really optimistic and think that we will have a lot of work to do this year should we pick 4? in old tradition maybe cinders can draw them oot of her HAT? sorry me be german english so hard when words so similar.
maybe i should stop with the sexy-cinders references..people will not only think im weird like they do now but actually have proof.
ill send oot some messages now and try to be less creepy
over a year ago Cinders said…
Katie IS around. She posts the Buffycasts every week, and hasn't missed one EVER. She's almost been posting them for a whole YEAR, so we know she's dedicated.

Though she HAS mentioned that she only comes on to do the buffycasts, because she's so busy. Maybe this will bring her back to Fanpop proper.

And germs, I'm beginning to think you have a crush on me ;o) ;o)
over a year ago germany123 said…
just messaged misanthrope- she isnt part of the spot..YET! she better listen to me

(and cinders...*blushes* ermm....maybe a little...*looks away shyly*
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Germs, how could you do this to me?! I thought what we had was special? Until SHE got here, anyway. *glares at Carly*

Btw, you've been link.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
big smile
yay my fave poppers all gathering in a forum..this feels so 2007
over a year ago germany123 said…
and dasm what we have IS special- its just cinders SCENT..its so alluring...and her EYES those golden eyes- i am so drawn to her perfect pale sparkli..oh wait no! sorry...i got confused that was something else entirely!
over a year ago Eline_K said…
Damn you guys! You got me hooked of FGT! I'm checking out all the old entries and I can't stop thinking of what I should submit for this years FGT! ;-)
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
over a year ago oblix said…
so i'm thinking a monkey somewhere and somehow MUST be involved with this year FGT, any thoughts?... i knew you thought it would be a great idea.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
XDD I want to be part of the FGT this year, though I'm pretty sure I'm not good for anything XDD

Cinders, I could help you with the games thing. Especially the one about the icons, I don't remember now but I've organized various of those contests, besides it's a great idea! The games would make this spot more active while it's on hiatus and it might even gather more people around.

The mascot thing sounds amazing!
over a year ago Olivine said…
i wz hopin we cud hve justin beiber or edward as masccot!

Haha, concerning the monkey oblix mentioned I found a pic featuring a monkey and Herb.
i wz hopin we cud hve justin beiber or edward as masccot!

Haha, concerning the monkey oblix mentio
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…

Don't even joke about Bieber and Edward, Olivine... *shudders*

LOVE THE ICON CONTEST IDEA THINGY. Me and my 'Paint' would be all over that.

I LOVE Herb, so a sidekick type character would be cool to compliment is awesomeness. That monkey looks like hes up for the job!

I am willing to whore myself to the advertising department, pimpin' the FGT around Fanpop. Beyond that I don't want to commit to anything more because I cannot guarantee that I can dedicate my time to it. Sadface.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I'd be willing to be a judge or part of the committee, though I was hoping I could participate in the competition as well. :)
over a year ago Olivine said…
I present to you the possible "Monkey-Elephant-Duo", also known as the "Monkephant".
*goes to watch a disney movie now*♥
(credit goes to oblix and to the herb-creator...who created herb? ^^°)
last edited over a year ago
I present to you the possible "Monkey-Elephant-Duo", also known as the "Monkephant".
*goes to watch
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I think Cinders was the one that introduced Herb... but I could be wrong. There's a first time for everything. ;)

Maybe this could be the 'handoff' and next year we could retire Herb and have Obby's monkey take over as the full-time mascot? =P
over a year ago Cinders said…
The origin of Herb is explained in detail link.

I think you can place partial blame on germany123 for his existence as well.

I like the monkey idea... but I don't want to like it TOO much... otherwise we can't have a contest?

Or should the contest be to NAME the monkey? THERE's a good contest. What do y'all think.

And, OK, I'm gonna make a list of volunteers now.

misanthrope86 (advertising)

The asterisk people are ones who specifically volunteered for a judge position. Joyce, I did see you, but you were iffy, so you and I might just help delegate/do minigames.

Did I miss anyone? After we have our volunteers, I can start delegating jobs (other than judges), including who's in charge of starting (and moderating) what minigame/sideshow.

Memo to self: Make a pick to decide if we call them "sideshows" or "minigames"

Job Description: Sideshow/Minigame Moderator
1) Starts forum topic
2) Creates pick (if required)
3) Makes sure everyone follows the rules

So it looks like the icon contest is a good one, and this mascot naming is another one (looks like the mascot one will be done first). I'm also interested in some writing games, as those are fun and simple. I want to do something with actors/singers but I'm NOT sure how, outside of the suggestion I gave in the first forum post. Ideas on how to work in those talents will be appreciated.

"Sideshows" for those unfamiliar with the term is taken from circuses. There would be the main event(s) that took place in the rings (which is where the term "three ring circus" comes in). A sideshow is a smaller, less important booth that showcases smaller acts or oddities.

"Minigame" comes from video games with quests that are deviations from the main goal or plot of the main game.
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I'm not sure about a monkey either but I don't know which animal otherwise. I thought about maybe a giraffe,a tiger, a mouse, or a lion but to find images with those convos is quite difficult...

I like the sound of Sideshows it makes it more spicy and interesting.

Giraffe and Herb would make a lovely convo.
I'm not sure about a monkey either but I don't know which animal otherwise. I thought about maybe a g
over a year ago Cinders said…
I like Sideshows, too. It works especially well if we use ANY of the animals you mentioned, too, because they're all circus animals.
over a year ago Olivine said…
I'm for minigames, it sound so cute and I love video games ^^
Not a fan of circuses and the crazy person I am I support combination of animals that don't fit together so well :o I'm such a rebel.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Well it's settled then! We'll choose an animal, THEN we'll choose a name! I'll get the forum started right now, AND make the pick for the sideshow/minigames decision!
over a year ago Cinders said…
OK! link is ready to go!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I was actually looking for African animals, except for the mouse and tiger, though I like the idea of the circus.

It could be the theme of the icon and banner. Though it's just a suggestion. It might work if they can't find a picture of the convo and make a manip.

I was thinking about a Sideshow for writers and I think that link might be quite interesting. It's given certain random words you have to make up a sentence and after a round of that you vote the funniest/best sentence and the winner gives the next set of words.

For singers and actors, it's going to be quite difficult to find a minigame/sideshow. For singers I think we could make a game like link but that the entries have to be sang by not the original band, they could be link or even themselves.

I'll think about the actors.

over a year ago Cinders said…
OR - we could do the song contest as it is in those spots. "Covers" could even be a category.

I want the minigames/sideshows to be the most fun with minimal work. Making stuff, including recording yourself, should be reserved for actual entries. But I like that song contest idea. I'll be willing to head that forum - I already have category ideas that would be awesome and quirky!
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Another suggestion for the singers' minigame/sideshow - perhaps we could have a 'what's this song?' type of contest? Post a few lyrics from several songs and see who can identify the most, or use actual excerpts from the songs. Then again, there's always the chance of cheaters falling back on Google, so I don't know. If people are honest, though, I think it could be good.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
link is my first advertisement. I thought I would do a couple now, to get people in the loop early, just promoting the fact that planning for this years FGT has started. My fear is that if we start promoting it right now, people might think that they have to start making things and get generally confused...
over a year ago Cinders said…
Yeah, FGT is still two months away. Perhaps I'm being a little over-zealous. I just want it to be like the old days again!
over a year ago Eline_K said…
Just wanted to let you guys know that my account name (eline-kerpels) was changed into Eline_K for privacy reasons, but it's still me!

(BTW, and NO you CAN'T get your username changed whenever you want to, this was an exception!)
over a year ago germany123 said…
(BTW, and NO you CAN'T get your username changed whenever you want to, this was an exception!)

have i told you lately that you rock?
over a year ago Cinders said…
You're the only person I know who's done it, Eline_K. You must be a god or something.

(see me using your new name? I'm cool like that.)
over a year ago Eline_K said…
big smile
Hahah thanks for your responses guys! Have I told you you all rock too?
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Hi guys! Sorry it took me so very long (Had to go see Wrestles vs. Robots) but I'm here and willing to help in whatever capacity you need.
over a year ago germany123 said…
i was at a party and some doode was reciting roman was AWESOME!

who won? robot or wrestler?
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I don't remember, all I can recall is Doppleganger Ted. Mexican Robot-Wrestlin' Doppleganger Ted. It was Awe-some!
over a year ago Cinders said…
So now FGT is only a MONTH away, so what do you guys want to start with?
over a year ago germany123 said…
youre the boss..i am a good sheep and will do as you say
over a year ago tushtush said…
As last year's winner (yes, I shall be starting EVERY post I make on here with that beautiful phrase), I think we need to make it bigger and better than last year- though of course, the talent could never surpass that achieved by last year's goddess of a winner!

Also, am I allowed to enter again, or should I give my fans a chance?

over a year ago oblix said…
oi oi all,

do we have dates yett? becauuse i have got a talent up my sleeve ready to burst into flames :O
only i'm no longer an active user so i wont see the updates anywhere... i am trying to be one though promise... anywayy when this all does break free can one of ya poppeesss drop me a message on Faceebook.

also i did mention making a mascot.. i did! buuuut i can't make articles on here they're too complicated ( i have about 5 pre-made ones on my profile thingy magigg.. one about DEbs *note to self FINISHH ITT* ..) yehh the mascot is my laptop wallpaper..

wooow one forgets the rants on the pop.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
I think a mouse and herb would be brillant cause herb would be afraid of the cutey mouse!!!!!!!!
Or an alligator!!!!

ok the end to my stupid suggestions
over a year ago germany123 said…
of course obby we shall keep you posTED!

over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
I am going to be avoiding FGTs main stages down to some problems that happened last year but I will be back when all the entries are in with lots of comments on the entries. Hopefully many many entries =D This sounds amazing and your ideas are awesome guys!
over a year ago bubblykat91 said…
big smile
i MAY be interested in judging. contact me and tell me exactly what i would need to do...and when and all that jazz. it sounds like it'd be super fun!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
cinders are you taking volunteers yet?
over a year ago Eline_K said…
Hi guys!

I'm not quite sure how far you guys are with the planning and everything? I still would love to be a judge, but I'll be in lovely Greece from Juli 19 till the 26th, and I won't have an internet connection... So I hope that doesn't interfere with FGT, but I toughed I'd let you guys know!

Love, Eline