Fans of Gossip Girl 25 Things

gossip-girl999 posted on Jun 11, 2009 at 02:38PM
I saw this on the GGSW spot so I thought we could do the same here.


It's pretty easy. Here's how it works.

Reply in the comment with,

25 Things: (Name)

Then write any 25 facts about yourself or to do with yourself.



Fans of Gossip Girl 6 replies

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over a year ago gossip-girl999 said…
25 Things: Halle

1) I LOVE the GGFT and everyone in it!! =D

2) Marc Jacobs and Alexander McQueen are GODS! They are such insperations for me

3) I can give it out, But I can't take it

4) I've very insecure

5) I LOVE to write fanfictions or any kind of creative writing

6) My Best Friends bully me, Because I'm short! :(

7) I'm VERY LAZY!! But I do every sport known to man! Well most of them, netball, hockey, gymnastics, track & field, dance, cheerleading, volleyball, tennis, badminton etc EVERYTHING!

8) My fave movie EVER is Little Miss Sunshine

9) My fave accessory ever is headbands.

10) My fave subject at school is English & Art

11) I'm such a Spoilt Brat

12) I LOVE Movies- Anything! Anywhere! I love movies!

13) PIZZA HUT!! Need I say more!

14) I love my Prada Pumps!

15) I would do ANYTHING! To attened Parsons New School For Design, After I leave High School.

16) I am a HUGE ANIMAL RIGHTS supporter! PETA! <333

17) I once handcuffed myself (plastic ones! :) How pathetic) To a tree at school cos it was going to get chopped down...I was only like 8.

18) I Love to go Ice Skating!

19) I always want the things I can't have

20) I have MASSIVE dimples! :]

21) At a art show once, there was this photography that had won 1st and it was of lots of people wearing fur! So I got a peice of paper and stuck underneath it "LOVE ANIMALS DON'T WEAR THEM"- Nobody knew it was Me! :) The woman who won wasn't happy- atleast I made most people laugh!

22) I am a very fussy eater. I hate most kinds of food.

23) Fashion Designing makes me happy, I love to think that maybe someday someone will be wearing something I made.

24) I love to dance in the rain! WOO! :)

25) I hold the school record for fastest 1500m run! :) Go Me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LoveLiesAndLust said…
25 Things: Carrie

1) I absolutely adore this spot! And of course, the GGFT.

2) My birthday`s on June 12, and I`m finally 16, hehe!

3) My bestestest buddy on Fanpop is Margot(TmoVie_obsessed). Though, I'm very close to a lot of people on here, and I love you all. <3

4) I have a little sister, who's 7, named, Lillian (Lilly for short).

5) I love to write fanfics and my own stories.

6) One day, I hope to become a famous writer/author.

7) I have a boyfriend named Brandon. And To be honest, he's my first BF ever, and my first true love ever too, so I hope things go well with us, and so far, they are.

8) I love the rain! To dance, walk, run, stand...I just love to be outside when it's raining, LOL!

9) I'm obsessed with Gossip Girl (DUH)!

10) Other shows I love: Supernatural, Heroes, One Tree Hill, House MD, Bones, Grey`s Anatomy, True Blood, and a few others.

11) I love to watch horror movies!

12) I can't wait for New Moon, coming to theatres this November!

13) Other movies I can't wait for; Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen & Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.

14) Favorite places to eat are Subway, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and some other restaraunts...

15) I live in Granby, Quebec.

16) I'll be a Junior in high school later on this year.

17) I'm a fast eater.

18) I'm addicted to my laptop. :P

19) Also addicted to Fanpop, YouTube,, and a couple of other websites.

20) My family has a condo in NYC (New York City), and a beach house in California, so I go to New York often, since it`s only an hour or so away from Granby, and I go to California every summer, and during some other Holiday breaks.

21) I like being there for my friends; to comfort them when their down, or to try to cheer them up, and so on.

22) I try to jog everyday, and get a lot of excercise

23) When I get medals (on Fanpop), I get very happy, and it just makes my day, hehe

24) Sadly, I have a very low self esteem, most of the times

25) & I just told you 25 things about me! Yay me! :P
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over a year ago laurahei said…
25 Things: Laura

1) I love Hello Kitty <3

2) People say I'm slow and stupid.

3) I love my little sister <3

4) I like to watch horror movies even though I'm freaking out all the time I watch them

5) I'm really bad cook. I even drop all spaghetti on detergent and then let my family eat it.

6) I love sleeping

7) I wear headbands almost every day

8) I'm very annoying when I'm hungry

9) I'm studying fashion designing at school

10) My mom give me 40 euros every week and my friends always complaining that I'm spoiled

11) I love chocolate and I eat it way too often

12) I don't eat meat. Except fish.

13) I used to dance but then my group was canceled :( sniff.

14) Chanel Mademoiselle is my favorite perfume

15) I love drawing and I draw everyday

16) I have one dog and she's very silly :>

17) I've been reading Breaking Dawn over 5 months now. I have 160 pages left anymore. Yay me :D

18) People always telling me that I have beautiful eyes. Hope they don't lie :)

19) When I little girl I loved dancing in the rain. And it was funnier when I was naked.

20) I hate two girls in my class and I don't get why they don't see that :/ I guess I'm too nice

21) I love my ipod and I'm always carrying it around

22) I would love to travel to Italy.

23) I thought that lion is related to dog somehow. But last year my friend told me that it is related to cat.

24) I laugh a lot

25) I love red :]
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over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
25 things: Margot

1) I'm completely in love with fanpop

2) I'm closer to some people on here (GGFT!!!!) then I am to some of my own friends...

3) I get made fun of a lot about the shows I like

4) I have three older brothers

5) I'm VERY pessimistic and have very bad low self-esteem

6) I'm really good at acting happy/nice when a lot of the time I'm sad and depressed

7) My computer is my baby!

8) I have way too many ideas that I'm way too lazy to do...

9) I get distracted very easily

10) I like TV shows A LOT!!!! the ones I like are: Gossip Girl, Lost, Supernatural, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Pushing Daisies, Glee. And I'm always looking for new shows to watch

11) I have a cat, who's very fat and adorable!

12) I'm moving to New Jersey in less than a month

13) My dream is to live in New York City and I probably will since my mom wants to move there while I'm in college (that so counts as me moving there)

14) I don't do many extra-curricular things that don't involve TV shows...I know I'm boring...

15) My bestestest buddy here is Carrie (yeah she mentioned me =) so of course I'll mention her and on number 15 which is my fav number!)

16) I'm a masochist

17) I really like getting manicures and pedicures or just having my nails painted

18) I know most of the lines from a lot of tv shows/movies and I always talk along while it's playing

19) I like to get people I know addicted to the shows I watch

20) I like alternative/indie music

21) My favorite color is light blue

22) I can be a hypocrite sometimes (but not in a bad way just about little things)

23) I use exclamation points and ...'s a lot!

24) I've been going to the same school since I was 4 and I'm changing schools when I move! I'm really scared!

25) I really really love the rain!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago underthestarsx said…
OOoooh i really like these things =) Ranting about myself :) lol

25 things:

1)My name is Kaitlin

2)I'm fifteen

3)I have two exams left to do, math ewww and science. Someone PLEASE save me...

4)Obsessed with music, but i have a really bad habit with sleeping with my ipod on at night..... :( Music is serisoully my life. I can't live without it.

5)I am on Fanpop and pretty much the whole day, unless when i have billions of hw (but i usually still leave my comp on...)but for exams thats a little different... i try to avoid it bahah.

6)I tend to act happy to people, when really i'm not.

7)i love makeup/fashion... :)

8)My greatest fear is death.

9)I want to feel loved. I want to be loved by someone. Real love.

10)I am insecure, but i try not to show it.

11)I don't cry easily when i get physically hurt, but when it comes down to someone saying something to me I break down.

12)I am asian, and am not sterotypical one. I am not smart, but i want to be. I am serisoully a "dumb blonde" bahah serisoully, i do the stupidest things sometimes that its sad...

13)I am a friendly person when you get to know me, but usually i am shy in person when you first meet me, especially to the people i like;) I get those darn butterflies as well, and im like uh.*stutters*..uuh.... *shakes head*

14)I am so freaking lazzy! LOL. No extra cricular acivity...except for writing a fanfic, bahaha. No sports. No musical. Nothing.

15)I take a long time to catch up on something or realize something. Like GGFT it took me the longest time to figure out what that stands for LOLLL. I'm like Gossip Girl Fan....umm.....Team?*EDIT: I GOT IT!!* LOL. I know no one needs to say more. I am smart;)

16)Sometimes when i am really inspired by a character in a show, i want to be like them that i try to imagine being them,,,personality,,,their personal im just sitting there thinking about that for the longest time...

17)I am scared to drive. Lol. I dont want to kill anyone, or be killed. *knock on wood three times* I haven't driven yet since im only fifteen, but i am scared.

18)I'm scared that i will end up winding up alone for the rest of my life...

19)i LOVE bubble tea:)

20)i make "to do lists" almost everyday....omgosh yes i don't judge me. ;)

21)i use smilie faces alot....esp this one :) as you can see....:)

22)I try to look at people eyes now. HAHAH lol not like i look anywhere else, but i kind of avoid eye contact because im scared...that they will think im ugly. Yes, like i said low self esteem. Oh i also use alot of hand gestures when talking, usually to exaplain something hahah tsk tsk...

23)I am scared to see my mom cry, usually when she cries that means something bad has happened. I am always scared of hearing that.

24)I love Hawaii. I will serisoully would want to live there. Just the feeling...sigh, ive been there 4-5 times? and i feel like its already my home.

25)GG has become an out of control obsession HAHAH. The only reason why i go on the computer is because of GG spots, and videos, fanfics etc. I loved GG from the pilot but i became OBSESSD OBSESSEED OBSESSED in mid-late season 2. That's when my life became devoted to that.

LOL. Well those are my looovely interesting 25 facts that probably no one will read, but its okay it feels good getting it out of my system, ranting a bit.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iLoveChair said…
25 random things about me:

1. My name is Natasha and I live in Macedonia

2. My birthday is on 6th of October, and this year I'm turning 20

3. I'm obsessed with Gossip Girl and I ship Chuck and Blair <3

4. My other favorite TV shows are: Sex and the City, CSI: Miami, 90210, Lost, Desperate Housewives...

5. I love to drive and I have Citroën C1. I adore my car <3

6. My favourite number is 6 :)

7. I have a brother. He's married and has a child named Teo. I love my nephew <3

8. I have a boyfriend. His name is Gordon and we're together for 2 years (and counting...) Love him!

9. I like going out with my bestest friends in clubs and partying

10. My favorite alcoholic drink is BEER! (I sound like a guy, LOL)

11. My favorite food is pizza and pasta (italian food)

12. I hate yogurt :/

13. My second favorite number is 13. I don't consider it a bad luck ;)

14. I love languages. I speak English and French fluently

15. My favorite country is France. J'aime Paris! I really want to visit France. I have never been there.

16. I'm in college and I study languages - section: Translation and Interpretation

17. I have blonde hair with highlights and blue eyes. In kindergarden people were calling me Barbie.

18. I'm 175 cm tall. I wish I were shorter, LOL!

19. My favorite movies are: The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Mean Girls, Scary movie, Slumdog Millionaire... and the classics :P

20. I love watching horror movies and psychological thrillers. I don't have a favorite one, but I like Saw, The Uninvited, 1408, Rest Stop, Hide and Seek etc...

21. When I was little, my dream job was stewardess

22. I'm fascinated by the forensic science

23. I love make-up. My friends are telling me that I'm very good at it.

24. I love shopping XD

25. I'm terrified by the death of my closest, than by my own death :/

That's it. I'm done :)
last edited over a year ago