Fantomex Updates

a pop quiz question was added: How many brains does Fantomex have? over a year ago by unclecluster
a photo was added: Fantomex Max over a year ago by unclecluster
a comment was made to the poll: Is Fantomex good movie material? over a year ago by justice97
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like Charlie-Cluster 7 or should Fantomex's name be different? over a year ago by Bond_Of_Fury
fan art was added: Fantomex fan art over a year ago by Bond_Of_Fury
an icon was added: Fantomex over a year ago by Bond_Of_Fury
a pop quiz question was added: Have Fantomex and Deadpool worked together before? over a year ago by justice97
a pop quiz question was added: What country is Fantomex technically from? over a year ago by justice97
a poll was added: Do you like Charlie-Cluster 7 or should Fantomex's name be different? over a year ago by justice97
a poll was added: Is Fantomex good movie material? over a year ago by justice97
a video was added: Return of Marvel Legends Fantomex Review over a year ago by justice97