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Feminism Question

Feminists ruined everything

Not my statement so please read this before you kill me. :P
In a school debate on inequality of sexes, we came to feminism and my (female) friend claimed that "feminists ruined everything, because now woman have to cook and have a career". I disagree with her and I have my arguments, but I posted this because I want to hear your opinion.
I meant women.
ilovereading posted over a year ago
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Feminism  best answer

SelinaKyle said:
Feminism isn't the reason women do all the household chores and have to work outside the home, too. More men need to learn to help with the cooking and cleaning and chldcare and not assume that's all the woman's job. Feminism has helped women so much, we not only can vote now in the U.S. but we can own property, speak in public, get an education, and decide for ourselves whether or not to get married and have children. Women who are having a problem with a husband/partner who doesn't share the housework equally need to put their foot down.

Not all women have the luxury of being a 'homemaker' and having a husband as the only bread-winner in the family. Poor women *have* to work, sometimes two jobs, to feed and clothe and shelter themselves and their children.

And being completely financially dependent on a husband can make it difficult for a woman to leave if there is domestic violence or child abuse that she needs to get away from.
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posted over a year ago 
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frankie_fan said:
I think feminism helped alot because now men and women do various jobs as cleaning, taking care of childern, cooking etc... whereas before it was seen as a "woman's job". I know some friends who have mothers that work and fathers that work as well but they take turns with the cooking etc.
And feminism isn't saying women HAVE to have a career or/and cook, its about being whatever they want to be. It's the freedom of choice.
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posted over a year ago 
Darkshine said:
Women who don't want to have a career don't.
We all know numerous housewives.
What feminists fought (mainly) for is suffrage.

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posted over a year ago 
Dragonclaws said:
Feminists haven't succeeded quite yet if women have to retain their original responsibilities. Who cooks or not should be negotiated. If the woman works and the man doesn't, he probably should be the one cooking.
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posted over a year ago 
Slayerette89 said:
It is disheartening that even those very open and obvious forms of sexism (a woman belongs in the kitchen no matter what she may do beside it) are still present to a certain degree. Even if it's a small degree.
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Feminism in my opinion is not the reason women have to do household chores. In fact if I remember correctly women did all the household chores (cooking, cleaning etc.) before the movement. Feminism might be the reason MEN more often do household chores. As for the career part, wasn't that the complete point of the movement. Ask your friend if she even realizes what life was like for women before the feminist movement, because obviously she doesn't.
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posted over a year ago 
Xeginy said:
The funny thing about your friends argument is that it's only correct if you add in "feminists ruined everything, because now UPPER-CLASS women have to cook and have a career."

This concept of women only as housewives isn't even historically accurate. Only the middle- and upper-classes were able to financially survive on one income alone. Poor women have always had the most difficult job of working both outside and inside the home.

And the only reason women are expected to have a full-time paid career AND shoulder all of the housework is simply due to traditional gender roles that are very difficult to re-form.
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posted over a year ago 
TheGreatestEver said:
Well for housewives, (especially Middle and Upper Class) they need to understand that since they do not have jobs, and the man of the house works his ass off from morning to night (in most cases) leaving the woman comfortable in the house she needs to have more chores than the man such as... cleaning, cooking, rasing children, laundry, etc.
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posted over a year ago 
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