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Feminism Question

What do you think of the Supreme Court's decision today (6/20/11) of denying women the right to sue Walmart as a class for job discrimination?

For more info: link

Women are still not a protected as a class by the U.S. Constitution mainly due to the campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment. And this is the result. Will this effect your shopping habits? (i.e. will you join me in BOYCOTTING Walmart?)
What do you think of the Supreme Court's decision today (6/20/11) of denying women the right to sue Walmart as a class for job discrimination?
 SelinaKyle posted over a year ago
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Feminism Answers

Dragonclaws said:
As I don't use Walmart, my not shopping there won't affect anything. As for the decision, it's the Supreme Court's job to determine if the existing law is in their favor or not. If it's not, the next step is to try to change the law. I don't blame the Supreme Court. It's not their jobs to dictate morality.
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posted over a year ago 
It's not about 'morality'. It's about pay equity. By that argument nobody would have protection under the law. Other groups can sue as a class, just not women.
SelinaKyle posted over a year ago
And that's a problem, but it's not the Supreme Court's fault. They determine what is and isn't existing law. You change the law using different systems. If they determined women couldn't sue as a class because of some legal technicality but thought the case was worth it because pay equity's important and let them sue anyway, they wouldn't be doing their jobs. If they're too biased to understand the law correctly, that would be another story. As I understand it, that's not it, so there's no point in blaming the Supreme Court.
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
So their job is to deny women their rights as citizens of the United States?
SelinaKyle posted over a year ago
Their job is to determine the law. It's others' jobs to write it, so blame them for making bad law. The Supreme Court only reflects the current state of the law. I'm for the legalization of marijuana, but it's not the fault of the cops for enforcing the ban because they are doing their jobs in upholding the (bad) law. Focus on getting the laws changed; don't try to rewrite the legal system.
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
Lunalovely said:
They're kidding, right. Those bastards don't see the discrimination going on! Oh I am never shopping at walmart again!
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, they see it. They just don't care. Perhaps they even like it. The majority of the Supreme Court is Republicans. They are against equality and fairness. The middle class in WI and a few nore states are being attacked right now.
ppgcowgirl posted over a year ago
sorry, meant more states
ppgcowgirl posted over a year ago
I've never been good with political parties, which one is more liberal and which is conservative? Cause I'm rooting for whichever is liberal
Lunalovely posted over a year ago
Democrats are liberal, Republicans are conservative.
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
Xeginy said:
I agree with Dragonclaws. We need to focus on getting the ERA passed, and then maybe class action suits like this can actually go through.
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posted over a year ago 
Women have been fighting to get it passed for decades to no avail. This should make every women in America angry.
SelinaKyle posted over a year ago
SK: Fine, just get angry with the right people and don't shoot the messager.
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
I know I know. It just is so frustrating (I hope you know it's not directed at you in any way, I think u r cool :) )
SelinaKyle posted over a year ago
ivoryphills said:
I'd say that we play into the game, as well: create our own superstore business, except we include a mandatory "Leadership Development" class for the female workers so they could have a better chance of becoming managers and higher, plus there'll be small kiosks within the stores where small businesses that are owned by single parents (like single mothers) could thrive within and build successful small business owners. I know, I'm being fanatical and getting carried away. :-/
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posted over a year ago 
If you could be so successful as to do that, why not? They'd compete to be better for women than you to steal your customers.
Dragonclaws posted over a year ago
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