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Feminism Question

How do you guys do it? :-(

I see so many anti-feminists and MRAs spreading their shit about Feminism, and the masses following them like cattle to a slaughterhouse. How do you guys remain so positive about this movement? I need some Feminist strength. X'-O
 ivoryphills posted over a year ago
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Feminism Answers

xHardcoreBunnyx said:
Don't put your focus the on people hating feminism, put your focus on the people who love it. It's a known fact that people are always going to dislike something you might believe in, like politics, religion, and rights. It happens no matter what. So the most important thing is to surround yourself with people who are for feminism. Don't search for videos on people discussing on how much they hate it, but look up videos on empowering women from the past and present. Keep a positive look on things. Just keep the negative away, you know? :)
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posted over a year ago 
elstef said:
For me it is really just about knowing what I believe in. I refuse to be a second-class citizen. I want all of the young girls of today, and the ones who haven't been born yet, to know that "feminine" does not equal "weak". I want all men and future men to know that being on equal footing with a woman does not make them weak.
All of this is too important to me for me to forget about it because some people, most of whom dont understand feminism, bad-mouth it. If the idea of gender equality is so ridiculous and/or scary to them that they have to make fun of it, then they are not worth my time to worry about.
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posted over a year ago 
Alchemistlover said:
Let them know that were the strong one's not them. The biggest thing to remember about beating a bully is to know that YOUR the person that's right and to not let anybody knock you down.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks. have you ever dealt with an anti-feminist/mra firsthand?
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
Not really but i've dealt with bullying believe me
Alchemistlover posted over a year ago
Aw, I'm sorry. :-(
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
artemissy said:
I try to avoid watching or reading anything by MRAs. They are so unbelievably dishonest and so anti-women it makes me sick to my stomach. If you go to there are great take downs of MRAs nonsense by David Futrelle that are incredibly funny, and occasionally he posts videos of cute things like kittens and baby animals to balance out all the ugliness. MRAs hate him, which means he must be doing something right!
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posted over a year ago 
lol, sounds like something I'd like. thanks!
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
_lina_ said:
Logic. I find that anti-feminists' main failing is in logical thought, so I try to beat them at their own game that way. Like you said, many anti-feminists seem like mindless cattle following someone else's lead, and what I find is that if you can logically disprove the ridiculous notions that leaders of the movements spread and they unquestioningly accept, it shuts them up pretty quickly.

So educate yourself as much as possible, don't be afraid to respond to idiotic blathering, and above all don't get discouraged when, after you have successfully disproved/countered everything they've said, they say that "you just don't get it" or that you're wrong "just because" or they call you a name. Remember that it just means that you've won the argument :)

Many people accept what they're told as fact and never put any effort into understanding why they think what they think. Knowing your mind and just as importantly knowing WHY you believe the things you do will make you a better and less hateful person.

Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
Man, thank you so much, dude! :-)
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
Or, woman, thank you so much, dudette. :-3
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
Dragonclaws said:
Um, don't kill yourself. Have the will to stop hurting yourself and continue with life. Eventually, the negativity that fills your brain will fade.

That's how I do it. It's not real cheerful, but...
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posted over a year ago 
So, basically, I should avoid the anti-feminists as much as possible and go back to striving to become a novelist and continue to violate my mind with yaoi porno, then?
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
Eh, I said too much, didn't I?
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
ilovebilliejoe said:
I just think about how, for every MRM Morin like Dick Masterson, there's a really awesome, positive, feminist person like Anita Sarkeesian of FeministFrequency or one of the many awesome people on this club. And when you deal with MRMs or people like that, just shut them down with sheer logic and watch them realize they've been outsmarted by you. They may seem like the majority, but really they're not.
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
Believe me, I've felt this way so many times and I thought I was the only one. I think of the big picture and I wonder if one day we will eventually succeed in change for every human being. There have been several things I have done to counter act these over whelming thoughts. One, like all these awesome people have said; ignore the negative and surround yourself with information and things supporting the cause. Two, is being proactive yourself. I have found if I am doing my part to help, that is one more step to progress. Also, if you feel the need to react, just keep doing your research and blow them out of the water.
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posted over a year ago 
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