Foreigner-fanclub Updates

an icon was added: image drag n drop upload 1 over a year ago by buffy1920
a photo was added: elevator kelly over a year ago by buffy1920
an article was added: When Sting snubbed Mick over a year ago by buffy1920
a poll was added: Guess what my favorite song is by Foreigner? over a year ago by buffy1920
an article was added: Where did some of these songs originate from over a year ago by buffy1920
a comment was made to the article: foreigner over a year ago by buffy1920
an article was added: The fabulous Mick Jones over a year ago by buffy1920
an article was added: Mick Jones founder of Foreigner over a year ago by buffy1920
an article was added: foreigner over a year ago by buffy1920
a pop quiz question was added: whose the one that started Foreigner? over a year ago by buffy1920
a pop quiz question was added: Who was the first lead singer in the original Foreigner? over a year ago by buffy1920