Frank Zhang Updates

fan art was added: Frank Zhang icons over a year ago by usernameinvalid
an icon was added: Frank Zhang icons over a year ago by usernameinvalid
a comment was made to the poll: Should Frank be one of the seven? over a year ago by SkyAuror23741
a comment was made to the link: Ace's cousin wants to date himself :P over a year ago by halfblood963
a poll was added: Okay so Hazel officially has a crush on Frank! over a year ago by xharrypotterx
a link was added: Ace's cousin wants to date himself :P over a year ago by xharrypotterx
a comment was made to the question: What do you think the shadow behind Frank in his character art is and what do you think it means? over a year ago by lenorg
a question was added: What do you think the shadow behind Frank in his character art is and what do you think it means? over a year ago by lenorg
a pop quiz question was added: whats Franks weapon appart from his compound bow? over a year ago by lenorg
an answer was added to this question: Who do you think is Frank's Godly parent? over a year ago by lenorg
an answer was added to this question: Who do you think is Frank's Godly parent? over a year ago by PJBRS14
a question was added: Who do you think is Frank's Godly parent? over a year ago by xharrypotterx
a pop quiz question was added: Is Zhang Chinese or Japanese? over a year ago by PJBRS14
a poll was added: Should Frank be one of the seven? over a year ago by PJBRS14
a link was added: SoN Character Art, including Frank over a year ago by PJBRS14
a photo was added: Frank Zhang over a year ago by PJBRS14