Gay Rights Wall


Displaying wall entries 21-30 of 294

klaine_forever said …
Yay gay rights! Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
:D thanks over a year ago
gayemokid said …
hi,i am new on here. i am gay 2. i just don't want people calling me names. will u add me and help me? i wiuld like that. Posted over a year ago
rockEMOgirl commented…
hi nick. don't worry cam and i will help u. and if any more people want to help that can 2 over a year ago
0Geo_Guy0 commented…
if they call you names, the end of the day Karma is going to come back to them. I'll help :D over a year ago
gayemokid commented…
u will.:) over a year ago
freeme101 said …
Happy Holigays to the queers and supporters! Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 said …
ah, love all this support from the straight not narrow people. love you guys :D x Posted over a year ago
taintedlove101 said …
not gay i just beieve they should have rights Posted over a year ago
santannarocks commented…
thank u r so nice over a year ago
taintedlove101 commented…
thx over a year ago
sweetiepie4life said …
Im not a lesbian or bisexual I'm straight I love boys but I have a friend that is bisexual I don't exactly think its right but if someone wants to do that I don't judge them.A lot of people get picked on because of that just like my friend but I'm proud of my friend not to care what people say.And I don't want anyone to think that I dislike gay people because I dont because if I did I wouldn't have friends like that. Posted over a year ago
santannarocks commented…
thtas super nice over a year ago
amy36y said …
its ok to be gay even though imabe not. A SONG FOR THE GAY IS FUcK YOU BY LILY ALLEN! Posted over a year ago
rockEMOgirl said …
i am a lesbian. i am bi i am gay. idk what i am. i like girls. i sometimes like boys. i want a gf more then i want a bf. ok so i need help. Posted over a year ago
rockEMOgirl commented…
i need someone 2 lo0ove. over a year ago
RockLife101 commented…
ur young u dont have to know what u r jus go with what u feel:) over a year ago
rockEMOgirl commented…
yeah but sometimes i feal like i like boys and the other times i feal like i like girls. so idk what i am. it makes me so sad.:( over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
yeah sis. it ok. allot of people know how u feal over a year ago
Monkeymoomoo said …
I use to be a lesibian and people at school made fun of me so much that i almost commited suicide. but thanks to a girl name Destiny Andrews, my life changed for the better and now i do not care what the hell people say to me. i am who i am and born the way i am. so dont let nasty comments get to you. live the life you have and someone will come to you at the right time :D Posted over a year ago
Evolia-Wulf commented…
"I know right?! FUCK THEM GAY AGAINST BITCHES AND HOES!" over a year ago
Monkeymoomoo commented…
what the hell? are you with the gays or not bitch? XD i am with the gays! GO FLYING COLORS!! <3 over a year ago
Evolia-Wulf commented…
"I said against you dumb gay bitch." XD XD over a year ago
Monkeymoomoo commented…
you stupid chiggernish! over a year ago
superyaoiluver said …
fucking haterz should keep comments to themselves! im pans and cant STAND the people at my school!
Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
the ones who treat you as if you are beneath them, in truth they are beneath you. hang in there honey. x over a year ago
superyaoiluver commented… means a lot... over a year ago
Grintforever said …
Why is it that i have lost all of my friends but like two, one of who is bi like me and i am in love with but i have never told her and now will never get the chance as she has a boyfriend and they are planing on getting married when she turns 16! And the other, he helps me with the bullying, he will sit with me in class and insted of us doing are work he will talk to me and help me get some stuff out of my head...
I just really want it too stop!! :'( i will do ANYTHING so that it will stop.... Posted over a year ago
Grintforever commented…
the girls in my P.E class dont want to get changed with me as they think i will look at them when they get changed! but i dont and i wont! i only have eyes for that one girl and that one gril only!! I LOVE YOU SOPHIE! i love you so much that it hurts..... in more ways then one! and all i want is it to stop... over a year ago
Dyfedik45 commented…
where I live girls wouldnt care if ur gay and they respect that over a year ago
KittyKat913 commented…
I ge called a slut all the time so i know where u are, im bi too over a year ago
Bubba38 said …
im not gay but i have many friends and family member that makes me siick wen people make fun of them r they go out of their way just to pick on them....ive been asked if i was gay and i always answer no and just smile, i dnt like people who take it as an insult and get really is free and for evry1. Posted over a year ago
freeme101 said …
happy that so many people are supporting gay rights :) Posted over a year ago
Dyfedik45 said …
I am a guy and I am straight and I love wemon, people make fun of gays, what happens if you were gay and people made fun you, how would you feel. when I look at gays, Im looking at people, there just people like us, they have a heart, they feel, they give thinks who they are, they love, Just like us. you dont need to like gays, that is okay. But you dont need to mock them. because if they do suidicad that your fualt. Posted over a year ago
anime7reality commented…
Nice over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
thanks hon x over a year ago
Dyfedik45 commented…
Thank you all of you over a year ago
Kenny756 said …
Im not gay, but I think that being gay is ppls choice and that it shouldnt be made fun of it. They just need to shut up and mind their own bissness.! Posted over a year ago
TwilightGirl312 said …
I just joined my school's Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). I recommend it for everyone on this site. Posted over a year ago
big smile
sharkbait6 said …
im a girl so i don't do gay oviously Posted over a year ago
someone_save_me commented…
What's your point? over a year ago
Dyfedik45 commented…
I will kick your ass But I cant cause ur a female and I respect them, But I will Hire a girl to kick ur but. over a year ago
sharkbait6 commented…
shut up i dnt care about ur opionion or anyone else's and i wasnt trying to make a point. By the way how are u going ot kick my butt? over a year ago
Idunn said …
The worlds problem is that people fight each other, not that people love each other. Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
that is very true. :D good one... over a year ago
KittyKat913 said …
Im bi and i get called a slut all the time but the busty blond chic that wears skin tight shorts and braggs all the time about sleeping with all the guys on the footbal team can "fit in" perfectly, how does that make an sense!?!?!?!? Posted over a year ago
EclecticFan78 commented…
Unfortunately, it doesn't make a lick of sense. People can be so cruel, it's a crying shame. over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
people are naive, prejudiced and idiotic. That slutty blonde will probably be beaten up or knocked up. Either way, you're not a slut just cos you're bi. I pity girls like that, the slutty ones, but mostly I laugh at them, they're just desperate to be recognised for the wrong reasons. .. hang in there, hon. over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
too much? I'm pretty defensive, and I hate people being treated like crap, especially gays/bis you know... over a year ago
Kenny756 commented…
BITCH! over a year ago
wolfclan121 said …
im not homosexal but i respect there rights Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
cheers, hon. over a year ago
EclecticFan78 said …
Once again we loose another gay teenager to suicide. Last Friday 10th grader Jamie Hubley took his life. This has got to stop, seriously. Posted over a year ago
freeme101 commented…
what? no!!!!!! not again! please not again!!!! over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
can we just kill all the bullies? honestly, I'll do it. I'm sick of them, they should all pay. over a year ago
Bubba38 commented…
@ sharkbait6 if u dont care bout gays then y ru on this site? its insulting and disrespectful! over a year ago
pokemon-fighter said …
I hate you all u suck make up ur mind already. Go live in the rainbows with ur sexual buddies and have some fun times under the rainbow blankets so ya I'm gay and I'm proud honeys and I'm not going to the rainbows ! I hate the gays and the lesbians ! I love being gay it's soo fun u get to experience a whole new kind of sex that straight ppl don't get ! So gays can go to the rainbows ! I love gays Posted over a year ago
LeatherRain commented…
Dude how much more bipolar can you get? over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
maybe you should take the rainbow medication sweetie. over a year ago
Idunn commented…
I'm think you have misunderstood something now. over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said …
The only thing that pisses me off is my mum's boyfriend, he picks on Gay couples, but when it is a Lesbian couple, he like drools over them! pisses me off, because i'm Bisexual and if i tell him, i'm gonna be made fun off!..... :c Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
yeah, that is one thing I hate. Glad iI added you, friend! I'm bi too, and I won't take that crap from anyone. my stepdad (soon to be ex-stepdad haha) is the same... over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
yeah, that is one thing I hate. Glad I added you, friend! I'm bi, and I won't take that crap from anyone. my stepdad (soon to be ex-stepdad haha) is the same... over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
if I were you, I wouldn't tell him, but if/when he finds out...just be like, 'oh, didn't you know?' hehehe... I don't know... over a year ago
moody35 said …
im bisexual so i know what it feels like to be picked on if ur gay Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
ditto hon, a girl I was oce friends with spread a rumuor that I was gay cos she was pissed I didn't like her...she actually didn't even ask if I was, but I was bi, and so she spread a rumour and I was practically tortured for it... over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
sorry, ranting. over a year ago
Darkwolf23 commented…
@kissthespider i got that i got a rumor spreaded around my school that i was bi but iam so XD my boyfriend(ex) walked in and started snogging they shut up after that xD over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
haha awesome hon... I bet they shut the eff up. :D awesome over a year ago
reb1009 said …
theres only 1 thing i hate about gay guys, i end up falling in love with them. :( <3 Posted over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Me too. :) over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
ditto, I've got a gay guy friend and he's lovely... apparently it's because they are more feminine than normal guys and that's why they are more attractive to women...not the ONLY reason, and I said 'apparently' I read it in this study thing... over a year ago
missymwah12232 said …
my best friend gay and hes awesome if u hate gays go die!!! Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
I agrees, homophobes can go die. over a year ago
victoria7011 said …
Straight and support gays!:)x Posted over a year ago
InvaderStickly said …
I really hate this. Other than myself, I only know about six straight people who support gays. :( Posted over a year ago
MarMar_XigLux commented…
*raises hand* I'm straight and I support gays. :D over a year ago
Grintforever commented…
Im bi and so is one of my best mates, so that is why i support gays! :) over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
I'm straight as well and I so support them. over a year ago
EclecticFan78 said …
Jamey Rodemeyer, may you rest in peace and may those who bullied you be brought to some sort of justice. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Posted over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
Second that. over a year ago
jbieberluver94 said …
Ok, I need some help.
I was never bi-curious.
I know I was bisexual.
But, I think I may be turning straight.
What is going on?
Any help? Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy said …
Don't Ask, Don't Tell is officially OVER! Gay and lesbian Americans will now be able to serve our country in the military without having to hide who they are!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D Posted over a year ago
freeme101 commented…
yay!!! over a year ago
jbieberluver94 commented…
Finally! over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
That's awesome! I was so happy when I heard it on the news. over a year ago
someone_save_me said …
I hate when idiots think homosexuality is a choice. It's like "FUCK YOU DUMBASS, NO IT'S NOT." -_- Anyone who thinks that is a major douchebag... Posted over a year ago
justinmorrissey said …
i think my family cant agree with gay piss,s me of srry.Im tierd of being juged for being who i really am. Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
then they don't deserve to know you. My older sister attacks everything about me, including my sexuality. Hang in there, I'm trying to, but I think I might kill myself before I get out of here. over a year ago
EclecticFan78 commented…
I know a lot of people say this, but it is true. It does get better. Find someone you can talk to before you even contemplate taking your life. There is help and support out there to be had if you can't find it within your family. I've been in your shoes and attempted suicide several times because of hurtful things my family said, but the desire to live always won out. Life is worth it, don't let anybody rob you of it. My thoughts and prayers will be with you both. over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
thanks, but the prayers thing I'll pass on bub...mwa. over a year ago
kissthespider26 said …
If anyone comes on here planning to make offensive comments, such as your god will punish us, we're victims of sexual abuse, whatever, you may as well forget it. we're not changing, we don't regret our so called 'choices' we were 'BORN THIS WAY!' thankyou, Lady Gaga, and we're here, we're queer, get the fuck used to it, homophobes! Posted over a year ago
freeme101 commented…
heck yeah! over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
:D over a year ago
justinmorrissey commented…
how freaking true ^_^ over a year ago
EclecticFan78 said …
I have to admit it still shocks me to see the out burst of homophobia. Case in point. Over on abc's site for the Dancing with the Stars show there is an outpouring of negativity on their message boards due to the fact they have Chaz Bono (Cher's son who underwent a sex change) and Carson Kreely (from Queer Eye For the Straight Guy). I personally applaud abc for doing this. I really hope they stick it out through the contest and shutup all the naysayers. Time will tell. Posted over a year ago
PutUrPawsUp said …
That Michelle Bachman......:( :( :( Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
yeah...ya think, I agree what BITCH. Her Palin. ugly personalities. over a year ago
cowboy-sean said …
(: Posted over a year ago
EclecticFan78 said …
You know one of things I don't understand? Is how so many people use the Bible to bash homosexuals. I mean when I was growing up, raised Catholic, this was the hardest thing I had to deal with. But then I looked deeper into the Bible and it also says you shouldn't wear clothing of different fibers, or you shouldn't plant various things in your garden. I mean honestly, the ten commandments are what we are suppose to live life by isn't it? And how many people follow that down to the letter? Posted over a year ago
IzzyOzera commented…
^^^THIS! I read a part that said you can't get your hair cut... over a year ago
teamderek7 commented…
I LUV GOD...DONT JUDGE HIM! over a year ago
EclecticFan78 commented…
I love God too, The point I am getting at is how many people use the Bible to justify their disdane for others. It's not just homosexuality either. Look through history and you can see it being used to go against women and people of different races as well just to name a few. God is love, regardless of who you are. That is what his main message is and yet so many people use his name to spread hate. That is what I don't understand. over a year ago
BTR-Forever said …
Show your gay/bi/lesbian pride ! Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
I am bi and proud. I enjoy wanting to fuck women... :D over a year ago
gothicashley12 said …
H8 me i wont care cause you keep me # 1 in your mind! Posted over a year ago
wierdgem7 said …
Im not gay (well how could i be im a girl?) and im not les/bi but loads of people are gay and there people too. they have feelings like love. they just feel love like anyone else Posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold said …
"I believe that marriage isnt between a man and woman, but between love and love." -Frank Ocean
Posted over a year ago
PutUrPawsUp commented…
:) over a year ago
PutUrPawsUp commented…
(: over a year ago
Hills1021 said …
teamderek7 commented…
r u gay... over a year ago
InvaderStickly said …
Straight and support gays! I don't care if I'm made fun of, I'm proud! Posted over a year ago
xenriquegrl said …
I'm not les or bi, but i do support gay rights since my brother is bi and have a gay principal and gay neighboors. Gays are people too and i really don't know why people make such a fuss about it. And I aplaude NY!!! Posted over a year ago
xXx-Jenny-xXx commented…
same her im not lez or bi bbut they have rights!! over a year ago
McGbr23 said …
Proud Ass New Yorker! <3 Posted over a year ago
Nerdling said …
So happy about New York! Hopefully other states will follow New York's example and finally do the right thing! Posted over a year ago
earthangel commented…
i know!!!!! i saw the whole thing on Tv and how people got married and THEy looked SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY. and just seeing their faces, so lit up just made my day. finally people see sense over a year ago
InvaderStickly commented…
I live in Louisiana. IT SUCKS. Everyone is a redneck who hates gays over a year ago
jbieberluver94 said …
Hey! Have a quick question. I really want to break the news to my mom, but I think she'll react horribly. How should I tell her? Posted over a year ago
McGbr23 commented…
try talking to her.But,if you know that she thinks its wrong-then just dont telll her at all.It might strain your relationship with her. over a year ago
Hills1021 commented…
my brother told my parents worst thing ever. even if u think it might hurt them still do it but gradually otherwise it will just blow up in your face over a year ago
wierdgem7 commented…
just tell them slowly. truth is the strength in every relationship, so just tell her over a year ago
FlightofFantasy said …
Whoo-hoo New York!!! Posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said …
CONGRATS NY! Posted over a year ago
big smile
SouthParkSmart said …
Same-sex marriage legal in New York! AWWWW YEAHHHH! Posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold commented…
I have never been prouder to live in New York. <3 over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Yeah! I was happy to hear this! over a year ago
Hot_n_cold said …
Activists are hoping that the repeal - which will allow gays to serve openly in the U.S. military - gives them significant new leverage. For the first time they can argue that if the Army trusts gay men and women with rifles, why shouldn’t society trust them with wedding rings?
Posted over a year ago
Welsh-Gem said …
Do you hate those people who call guys gay because they like to sing and act or dance and/or hang around with loads of girls?? Posted over a year ago
CaptainAmelia commented…
Oh yes, just because a man is into the peforming arts doesn't mean he is homosexual over a year ago
Proud2bGay said …
i have been taking crap from ppl, even my parents, all my life for being gay...i can't help im like that! Posted over a year ago
caramelmilk commented…
Don't ever feel bad about being the way you are! :) over a year ago
dave11 commented…
heh np over a year ago
KnowingNothing commented…
;) over a year ago
Jessicatt said …
Gay people are people too, and they should be given as much respect and rights as the rest of us. Spread love, not hate. Posted over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Totally agreed! over a year ago
dave11 commented…
So Ture over a year ago
Hot_n_cold said …
anybody who says that homosexuality is a sin is being a hypocrite if they say they are better than them, we are all sinners. It is not our job to judge people, that's Gods job. It IS our job to love everyone, no matter gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, culture, or age.

stop all of this hate toward homosexuals, they are people too.
We are all beautiful. <3 Posted over a year ago
PutUrPawsUp commented…
I know right i hate it when people judge the homosexuals we are all the same on the inside people it ! it dosent matter! over a year ago
IsabelleKiss commented…
Exactly! over a year ago
Welsh-Gem commented…
religion sucks over a year ago
KawaiiFanGirL15 said …
It's a tought fight and one that seems like it will never, but I know that one day everyone will be able to live and love whomever they want without having to suffer the harrasment and mistreatment of narrow-minded, ignorent people. Spread the Love not the Hate! ^-^ Posted over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Hear, hear! ^^ over a year ago
Face_of_Music commented…
spread the love! over a year ago
earthangel commented…
SPREAD THE LOVE :) over a year ago
dave11 said …
no fair y do ppl judge its just not fair Posted over a year ago
inlove8 commented…
hay dont be mean over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Alright. Sorry for that. over a year ago
Face_of_Music commented…
its ok. :) over a year ago
LadyLilith said …
Lol, trolls. Posted over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
There's that Tourettes again! over a year ago
inlove8 commented…
get off this site loser ur a nobody over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Ding dong, the troll is dead~ over a year ago
Sugartooth900 said …
I hate it when people see the rainbow bracelet and think "Oh, they're wearing that bracelet. They must be gay." It annoys me to explain it every time. Posted over a year ago
dave11 commented…
RIGHT its so true over a year ago
Shadowlover2011 said …
Im not a lesbian but i think people have the RIGHT to love who they want ^^ Posted over a year ago
krishathehedgie commented…
YEAH ! over a year ago
Shadowlover2011 commented…
EXACTALLY! over a year ago
Welsh-Gem commented…
everyone has the right to be who they want to be and who they are without having to live in fear over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 said …
omg their is this law call the kill gays bill and it is going on in uganda plz sign a petition to stop this law Posted over a year ago
dave11 commented…
NOOOOO thats not good over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON!!! over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
i'm sorry over a year ago
inlove8 said …
gays are 100% funner and nicer than straights. i have like six gay and bi friends how are very close to me there like faimly to me. Posted over a year ago
InvaderRaven commented…
i agree ;) over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY UR WORDS AREN'T HURTING ANYONE" Haven't I been trying to tell you that from the beginning? over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
I really couldn't give a damn less. But you know, if you want people to leave you alone, you should, you know, not be provoke them like a dumb psychobitch? over a year ago
KatiiCullen94 said …
Studies say 90% of women don't like men in pink T-shirts. IRONICALLY, 90% of Men in pink T-shirts don't like women. Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
LOL. over a year ago
Kyle_S commented…
thats funnny over a year ago
dave11 commented…
hmmm true over a year ago
desgrace said …
Day of Silence here we are.
I am not saying any words from now until i go to sleep. Posted over a year ago
big smile
finchelfan2999 said …
Im not gay or bi but those who are should be proud! Posted over a year ago
elliesw79 commented…
that's so true. i'm gay myself and i'm proud of who i am. over a year ago
finchelfan2999 commented…
YAY! thats good, be PROUD! :) over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Your words say otherwise. Lol. over a year ago
darkmoon47 said …
2 all the bi ppl out there we should b proud 2 b bi!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Szayelapporro commented…
yes you should! over a year ago
taylorlover97 commented…
ewwww over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Yeah, go ahead and pray for your fucked up soul while you're at it. Beg your god for forgiveness for your disgusting attitude. over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said …
im Bi and proud :} Posted over a year ago
Sprinter23 commented…
GOOD FOR YOU!!! over a year ago
daquan15 commented…
yeah ! over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Running out of insults? And must I count the ways? Just read your shit. It'll tell you all you need to know. over a year ago
esmeralda15 said …
I have a brother that is gay and he is like the best bro ever! I had a sister that used to be a lesbian and i am friends with a lot of gay guys. They are amazing and I have a great time with them! And I have an older friend who is a lesbian and she is really cool! They are friends and i will stand up for there rights! Posted over a year ago
Szayelapporro commented…
Thank you! I am gay and you made me cry just now! over a year ago
esmeralda15 commented…
Oh your welcome!i didn't think i could make a change. over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
No one is fighting anymore. over a year ago
Lustful said …
Join the "Save Japan!" Club. It's for a really good cause! Posted over a year ago
LadyLilith said …
Oh dear, I am 'against God...' Whatever am I to do! Since I'm agnostic, that's the worst thing ever! I love being bisexual. :) Posted over a year ago
desgrace commented…
i love it too:) over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
LOL. :) over a year ago
inlove8 commented…
with u and ur boyfriend and girl friend over a year ago
BJA said …
i support it even though i dont beileve in it or am it..but i respect that they're still people n thats just the way they are... Posted over a year ago
isabellabiebs commented…
totally agree:) over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Then why are you on the spot? Kind of dumb, ne? over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Obviously? I dunno, ask someone else on here. Or one of your other supposedly Christian friends. It's pretty obvious what's really going on here... over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 said …
hey my firend said this she said a person that works at a apartment comp;ex was gay just becuase of his personallity that was mean of her being gay is not bad Posted over a year ago
friehouse said …
i got myself a tshirt "some people are gay. get over it!" <3 Posted over a year ago
desgrace commented…
awesome. where? over a year ago
friehouse commented…
stonewall over a year ago
friehouse commented…
link over a year ago
izzyfan909 said …
At school last year I saw gay kids getting pushed around. Nobody did anything so I did something, I walked over there pulled off the bullies and puched the bullies in the face. I got a weeks detion but I stuck up for the gay kids thats all thay matterd too me. and I was praised by the gay kids for what I did. Posted over a year ago
desgrace commented…
im glad somebody in the world is willing to do that. good job. over a year ago
shadowxsonicd24 said …
im lookin for some gay friends

on fanpop Posted over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
I'd help if I could. XD; I'm bi, sorry ha ha. over a year ago
desgrace commented…
same here over a year ago
LadyLilith commented…
Her comments were deleted. over a year ago
dave11 said …
ahhhhh i love this sight (not just because im gay) but i love ur workings
Posted over a year ago
dave11 commented…
yes im gay thats y im on this site pplez dont like it TOO BADDDDD!!!!! over a year ago
inlove8 commented…
hay davel11 just leave angelface411 alone she just want attuintion from us over a year ago
dave11 commented…
ohhh see now tht makes sence thx over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 said …
"Mowing your lawn is against nature!" -Rufus Wainwright in response to Rev. Sheldon's comment about homosexuality being against nature.
Haha Posted over a year ago
dave11 commented…
is that an insult to gays because if it is then ur ass is mine ok and i dont mean that in a gay way i mean i would kick it over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
No, it is not an insult. over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Ugh, go away. over a year ago
justliveitlive said …
“i don’t care who anybody sleeps with. if a couple has been together all that time - and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones - i think it’s fine if they want to get married. i don’t know how people can get so anti-something. mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much.

-betty white, the baddest bitch.

What an amazing human being. Posted over a year ago
dave11 commented…
i agree fully with that its ok to be gay right??? over a year ago
sicelyarien commented…
yes over a year ago
Psycho_Tinker commented…
I love Betty White. She's so funny and the coolest actress ever! over a year ago
Isabella121797 said …
I think its okay to be gay and like the same sex who cares!
Im not gay though!
People should really just leave you guys alone! Posted over a year ago
izzyfan909 commented…
I aggree fully over a year ago
Isabella121797 commented…
I mean if you have feeling you cant just deny them! over a year ago
daquan15 commented…
its alright being homosexual or bisexual because god loves everybody ! over a year ago
PastranaFanatic said …
If you told your friends that you were gay or bisexual,would you judge them? Because I have friends like that. I love them just the same. And quite honestly,I respect gay people more because they have the guts to stand up in front of their peers that could ultimately decide their future and tell them that they like the same gender. Life is not all about pro-creation,the world is already stuffed and overpopulated as it is. There is nothing wrong or evil with being gay. It is a beautiful thing. :D Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
I'm with you. ^_^ over a year ago
izzyfan909 commented…
Same here over a year ago
Psycho_Tinker commented…
Here here! over a year ago
AcidBanter said …
"1 out of every 10 people are born Gay. That means 1 of every 10 people are instantly put down, given bad labels, left alone, put in a minority and so much more, all for something they didn't ask for.

Gay teens are turning to suicide as a way of escaping.

If you want to tell them that life will get better, & you respect them for who they are, copy & paste this. Most of you won't, but let's see the 5% of you who will
Posted over a year ago
ripkopmjj said …
im bisexaul and proud! Posted over a year ago
goodfeelings777 commented…
Be proud droog! So proud! Love is Love! Dont matter wt u love! over a year ago
goodfeelings777 commented…
Im so agree :3 I support u over a year ago
daquan15 commented…
you should be proud ! over a year ago
sapherequeen said …
I am bisexual. And proud! :) Posted over a year ago
r-pattz commented…
This made me smile. :) over a year ago
mymymelove commented…
ur bi my bff is bi over a year ago
Andressa_Weld commented…
Me too! over a year ago
Nami--San commented…
my wife is bi and dating me ^_^ man i love being 13! over a year ago
AcidBanter said …
Your life matters. You are loved. <3 Suicide is not the answer. (RT and tag someone you care about) link
Posted over a year ago
iloveJONTOGO said …
Roxas1314 commented…
Love is love, Not like we can help that! This is as normal as pie, homosexuality has been around since the Ancient Greeks. over a year ago
Roxas1314 commented…
Oh, and you think it needs to be all about procreation? Well, we have ENOUGH of that, adoption is a good idea for gay couples, that way we're helping someone, and not over populating the planet. Which is the only one we have. over a year ago
iloveJONTOGO commented…
DarkAngel7 said …
There's nothing wrong with gay marriage. *my cousin is a lesbian,and she's gonna hopefully get married* Posted over a year ago
pie101 said …
i dont think this is anything wrong with gay people!! or bi ppl!!!! they r just like regular ppl!! Posted over a year ago
iloveJONTOGO commented…
that just wrong,dude!!! over a year ago
pie101 commented…
exuuuuuse me? over a year ago
snusnu13 said …
Being homosexual isn't "wrong" or "evil", it's rare. It's like being left handed or having red hair, it's just rare. Posted over a year ago
SouthParkSmart commented…
Yeah, really! over a year ago
snusnu13 commented…
yay, someone agrees over a year ago
PotterForever commented…
I 100% agree over a year ago
XDRoseLuvsHP said …
I don't understand why people want to make love illegal just because it's a different type of love. They are legalizing hatred and discrimination, and THAT is the REAL crime going on. Posted over a year ago
Roxas1314 commented…
Yes it is! over a year ago
breebree446 said …
“Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest...”

Love Quotes: link Posted over a year ago
madisonsavanna said …
I find it sad how this club only has 516 fans, there are so many homophobes out there, it makes me sick. Everybody has the right to love who they want to love, same gender or not. Posted over a year ago
SouthParkSmart commented…
Absolutely! over a year ago
BeautifulNana commented…
ya'll absolutely right over a year ago
elliesw79 commented…
totally!! over a year ago
pie101 said …
wat is rong with u people!!! does it matter if somone is in love emotionily with somone else who is the same gender!!! let ppl b who they r!!!! dont make fun of them!!! love them for who they r!!! and never forget it!!!
Posted over a year ago
BeLi_ily_ commented…
u go girl over a year ago
BeLi_ily_ commented…
:D over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
Love is love. Posted over a year ago
snusnu13 commented…
yep over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
:D over a year ago