God What has God done in your life?

Bella_Dhampir posted on Apr 04, 2011 at 04:44PM
Lets do this activity where, one person starts off saying one thing that God has done for them. Then they post a topic about what they want the next person to say. This way we can get a variety of answers ^_^

God 24 replies

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over a year ago Bella_Dhampir said…
He has healed me every time I was sick.

--Family life--
over a year ago Sora2797 said…
God doesn't Exist And that's just your body healing it's self Science has literally disproved every one of your beliefs
over a year ago yoyojackson said…
He has gaven me life
over a year ago bratski2192 said…
Given me life, forgiven me even tho I least deserve it, loves me anyway, lifts me up out of a bad mood, given me a good meal, gives me a life lesson, is there for me thru the good & the bad, has given me His Holy Spirit, found me/saved me out of pain/despair, friendship time, cure of sickness, easing pain, listens to me in prayer, u name it. =D
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Sora, I believe that and you believe that, but they can choose what they want to believe in, as long as they don't tell others what to believe in.
@The rest of you, you don't need god to do those things, you are perfectly capable of doing it your self and you probably did, I don't really know if God exists, but if he did, I doubt he would spend his time healing everyone and doing each and every one of those things for all 33% of the seven billion people on Earth. (Christians apparently make up 33% of the current population, according to statistics from Time magazine).
over a year ago xXxDracoxXx said…
@Sora2797 Science is God's law of the universe. I can tell you're very immature. You're spending your time on a spot that you don't believe in, but yet here you are worried about us. Hmm..

@blackpanther666 Why are you here then? Seriously, you took a nice thing that we were trying to do and made it to what you believe. If you're not a fan of this spot then why waste your time on it?
"...they can choose what they want to believe in..." You contradicted yourself. If we choose to believe that God has done those things for us, then who are you to tell us otherwise?
"..as long as they don't tell others what to believe in." Oh really? Then why are you forcing what you believe unto us?
"The rest of you, you don't need god to do those things, you are perfectly capable of doing it your self and you probably did, I don't really know if God exists, but if he did, I doubt he would spend his time healing everyone and doing each and every one of those things for all 33% of the seven billion people on Earth." That's what it looks like. Contradiction.
Also, you don't know what God will or will not do because He never told you. So what you think has no importance to us. And another thing, God doesn't just help just "Christians" He helps all His children. You don't see it because you have no faith in Him and you refuse to see it.

To everyone else: (People's New Testament)20:29 Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Thomas saw (he did not need to handle) and believed. We have not seen, but nevertheless believe upon the same Lord. Upon us he pronounces a special blessedness, because we walk by faith instead of sight. :) <3

Okay, I'm done lol. Someone else should start this over and hopefully this time no trolls will bother us.
over a year ago HPCouples said…
^Yup, I agree.

Okay, I'll try to start.
God has kept my family strong through the hard times.
--Everyday life--
over a year ago xXxDracoxXx said…
God has honestly kept me safe through a lot of things. Like one time: I was talking to my friend and I got this sudden urge to move forward, I don't know why, but when I did go forward, a large tree branch feel right behind me. The same spot I was standing at moments ago. I truly knew then that God was there looking out for me. :D
over a year ago greatnews12345 said…
He kept me safe. Answered my prayers. Heals my cuts. If I pray about someone then he'll keep them safe!
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Contradiction? No, I think you just didn't read what I wrote properly, actually. How patronising.

I'm not forcing anything onto you, I'm expressing my opinion as an 'Atheist'. Please enlighten me, how am I forcing anything onto you? All I said was my personal opinion in how I view 'God', I hardly 'told' you to do anything. If you misread, then that is your problem, not mine.

'Also, you don't know what God will or will not do because He never told you. So what you think has no importance to us. And another thing, God doesn't just help just "Christians" He helps all His children. You don't see it because you have no faith in Him and you refuse to see it.'

That paragraph is attempting to force me to feel somehow guilty that I don't believe in 'God', which I don't guilty for, because I don't think you honestly understand my point, you just have more interest in ignoring people who actually make a good point, simply because they don't believe in the same deity as you. Shame on you.

Also, if God existed, then why would he allow humans to destroy the planet they live on, and harm the species that live on it? Got an answer for me, or will you just run away, like you did with the last post I wrote on here?
over a year ago HPCouples said…
^It's how you wrote it. If more than one person sees it, then it must really be you. How dare you come to this spot and troll? What is wrong with you?
over a year ago xXxDracoxXx said…
Yes, you are forcing us to believe in what you believe because why would you express your "Atheist" views on the God spot? There is no other explanation, but you trying to show us what you believe in. It's like me going to the Atheist spot and telling you my beliefs on God. It's not right for me to do that because that is the atheist spot. That why there is a club for almost every thing, get it? Your opinion on you not believing in God doesn't belong here because this is for the believers or people who want to understand, but you just came here to basically spit in our faces. You wouldn't like it if I kept putting my Christianity beliefs on the atheist spot, because again, it's not the spot for that. That's why it was taken as you forcing your beliefs on us. Did I enlighten you?

Also, It's not "attempting" to make you feel guilty. You wrote what you believed and I responded in what I believe to defend our beliefs and this spot. I couldn't care less whether you feel guilty or not. And yes, I don't understand your point because you had no point. "I don't really know if God exists, but if he did, I doubt he would spend his time healing everyone and doing each and every one..." What point were you trying to get at by writing that? So, if there wasn't even a point what makes you think it was a good point? It was all what you believed. The only "fact" were the percents, but I'll have to look that one up myself. Again, I'm the one who should feel "shamed on" when you're the one making assumptions on me "ignoring" you for the reason you convinced yourself to believe? And I'm the one who should feel shamed? Wow, very good argument.

To answer your question: God is NOT your babysitter, He will not constantly watch every move you make to make sure you don't do anything wrong. God gave us life and He also gave us free will. Yes, bad things that you do are going to have consequences, but that's all up to you. It's your choice how you run your life. He does not hold you up with some strings to control you. That is why people destroy the planet because God let's us make our own choices, whether they be right or wrong. We learn or we don't learn, again, it's all up to that person.
Lastly, and this part actually made me laugh a little, when have I ever "ran away"? LOL that's just so...haha wow. I just got on this spot. What do expect, for me to be magic and automatically know when you responded? Like come one, that part is a joke.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I admit it, I was judging and I apologise for that. The thing is, I may have exaggerated a bit - I'm not an atheist and I don't visit the club. I simply don't believe in God, because I have never had any reason to and have never been given any proof to believe in him.

Yes, my arguments were inconsistent, merely because I wrote that at 3 am and I simply wrote some weird things that probably make much sense, again, I apologise.

I just want to let you know that I am actually interested in learning more about your ideas on God, if that is okay with you. And, I'm not a troll, I wasn't going out of my way to try and offend anyone, I just can't help trying to debate any topic I deem interesting or controversial.
over a year ago xXxDracoxXx said…
All is forgiven. Also, I'm sorry if you felt offended in any way.

Yeah, it's okay with me. I'll maybe make an article or something along those lines. You can read it, if you want of course. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to believe.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Also, my comments on the other forums are not me hating, I was simply saying on 'Hi', by Sora that Greatnews shouldn't be telling people to go to hell... No-one really deserves to go to hell, if it truly does exist, even trolls. Trolls are just misguided idiots, who probably had horrible experiences growing up and now want to take their pain out on others. The second forum, I was trying to explain that equations don't prove anything... Only seeing with your eyes really proves anything in this world.
over a year ago fansfunsz said…
he had got take away from me my last 2 grandmother that i would
over a year ago mjpeterpan7 said…
Nothing is impossible for MY Lord!
He means everything to me..Always helps me through His words written in Bible.
He has always protected me from temptations and always has given me the strength that I need..
And also there are too many things that I'd like to keep it in privacy
over a year ago xHardcoreBunnyx said…
^ Yeah, same. There are many things that He's done that I like to keep between Him and I. :)
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
Can anybody explain to me about what God means to them...? I mean, like symbolism for instance, and also what caused them to believe in God. I'm interested in knowing.
over a year ago xHardcoreBunnyx said…
God, for me, is like this force or presence that is around me all the time. Watching over me when I'm scared or angry. I can never feel truly alone when I believe in God. You can talk to Him when no one else would listen or cares to listen. It's like an imaginary friend; you believe they're there, you tell them everything, you trust them, you love them, and you don't care what anyone says you know they're real. The thing that separates an imaginary friend from God is that, we've felt the presence and actions of God, He's spoken through some of us, He has let us in just like we've let Him in. It's this feeling that you get when you truly accept God and let Him into your life. It really feels like you will never be alone, that He is there for you, even when you don't want Him to be.

For me, my parents believe and God and they raised me that way, but at a certain age we develop our own beliefs on God. Whether He is real or not because we've absorbed enough of the 'real world' to have our own thoughts. From my experiences of God, like I mentioned before, I felt His presence and when in my darkest moments when I felt like giving up in this world and ending my life, there was this feeling in my heart like someone telling me 'No, don't give up, you can make it, I know you can.' After that, I was more happy in life, like someone completely turned something on in me, it's really an describable feeling. From then, I came to the result that God does exist and He has all along, it's up to the people to realize that He does. Of course, that is my story and everyone has a different story. Some people believe because of their parents and some people have parents who don't believe in God, but the child has experiences to believe otherwise. It really depends on that person. :)
over a year ago xXxDracoxXx said…
^ Yeah basically the same on the first part. Some different things here and there.

And just the same, I was brought up to believe in God, but just like xHardcoreBunnyx pointed out, there is a time in our lives where we choose to believe in God or not. From my experiences I chose to believe.

Me: Story time
Children : Yay!
Me: Okay, gather around.
Children: *Listen closely*
Me: Before, when I was younger, I was very close-minded when it came to listening to beliefs or anything that I didn't believe in or what was against I believed in. One day, I had psychology class and my teacher was an nihilist. Although, he was very open to learn about all religions and traditions. He taught me a lot of things about great minds like Freud and Einstein and how he views things. That made me really become open-minded to all religions and beliefs. I thought it would be good to do what Einstein did and listen to everyone's opinions on their beliefs (as long as they weren't rude about it) and I really did come to my own conclusion that there is a God. I think that's the better way to go.
(PS that's wasn't really a story I told kids, but the story is real.) :)
over a year ago Bella_Dhampir said…
big smile
Well... my parents were Christians, and they told me brothers and I about God all the time...

For me. God is my Father. He is my everything. Without Him I would live a life full of fear, worry and sadness. There's a lot more to it... but it's hard to type... and my fingers are tired :P
over a year ago Bladewarrior said…
everything life to serve him n praise him,parents,house,crap load of money,a church,gave me enough intelligence to disporve evolution n the big bang
over a year ago jandGod said…

( :

hello . . . Bella_Dhampir . . .

could have figured out that no - one could be trusted in but God

hope you have a happy friday

( :