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Gossip Girl Question

What's so great about Dair?

Okay, so I've always been a huge Chair fan since the beginning of the show. I just love everything about them, from their steamy hot sex to their witty banter. Blair brings out the best in Chuck and vice versa. I just don't see why people like Blair and Dan together. I mean I like them as friends but they don't have any chemistry. Their relationship seems like the writers just wanted all of the characters to have dated so Dair happened. I mean I've heard all of the excuses like "Chuck wasn't a good boyfriend, he sold Blair for his company and other stuff like this and the Dan would never do that sort of thing to Blair". I don't call that a good reason why you should think Dan is a better choice. Their personalities are just so different and it seems like Blair will bring out the worst in Dan. This relationship seems more like a plot point to get Chuck and Blair together again. But anyways, I'd love to understand what you Dair fans see that I have seemed to miss.
LaPiccolaFra posted over a year ago
HadMeUntilTroll posted over a year ago
 ratava123 posted over a year ago
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Gossip Girl Answers

pitseleh94 said:
Blair brings out the best in Chuck and vice versa. I just don't see why people like Blair and Dan together.

Really? Because from what I've seen Chuck makes Blair an insecure, obsessive, and codependent mess. And if what she brings out is the best in Chuck, I don't even want to think about what his worst is...
Dan and Blair on the other hand actually complement each other instead of slowly breaking each other down. And they actually do bring out the good in each other.

I don't call that a good reason why you should think Dan is a better choice.

LMAO. I don't have anything to say to this because... how would that not show that anyone is better for her than Chuck?

it seems like Blair will bring out the worst in Dan

Uh, where do you get that from? When has that ever been a problem?

This relationship seems more like a plot point to get Chuck and Blair together again.

It does ultimately seem that way, I agree with you. It doesn't make them any less good for each other.
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posted over a year ago 
Right on! Love Dan and Blair!
georgieboy11 posted over a year ago
bright_angel posted over a year ago
But what they have is a friendship, he is good for her as a friend, supports her as a friend..they are not in a realtionship..friends also makes us feel stronger :)
YJaded posted over a year ago
DirtyDiamond said:
I don't know really. I only see them as good friends and to be honest I hope it stays that way. I think what Blair needs right now is a friend not a boyfriend (or fiance). But I do want a Chuck & Blair reunion eventually. Chair is most obvious endgame since Ross and Rachel. The show revolves around chair.
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posted over a year ago 
Totally agree, i think they'll make great BFFs..but nothing more i detect between them!!! i love both characters but chair is GG !!
YJaded posted over a year ago
LoveMeABasshole said:
There is absolutely nothing great, or even good, about Dair. I honestly think that the Gossip Girl writers should kill off Dan Humphrey. Hmmm. Maybe Jenny can do it, since it's already become pretty clear that she's a trainwreck/absolutely bat-shit insane. Her character is pretty much unredeemable, so the writers might as well go all-out and have her murder her brother. That would kill two birds with one stone. For starters, Gossip Girl would have its first interesting plot-line since season 3. Secondly, Dan Humphrey would be dead(: Anyways, this was just some wishful thinking on my part.
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There is absolutely nothing great, or even good, about Dair. I honestly think that the Gossip Girl writers should kill off Dan Humphrey. Hmmm. Maybe Jenny can do it, since it's already become pretty clear that she's a trainwreck/absolutely bat-shit insane. Her character is pretty much unredeemable, so the writers might as well go all-out and have her murder her brother. That would kill two birds with one stone. For starters, Gossip Girl would have its first interesting plot-line since season 3. Secondly, Dan Humphrey would be dead(: Anyways, this was just some wishful thinking on my part.
posted over a year ago 
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That just made my day.
ratava123 posted over a year ago
love the picture
19leeann posted over a year ago
19leeann said:
they ok as friends but i don't see it all Blair and Dan together
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posted over a year ago 
mimika_s said:
The fact that although it sounds so impossimble,when they are together it seems so unforced and natural
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posted over a year ago 
bright_angel said:
Chuck and Blair tried to destroy each other so many times and hurt each other so many times!That is why they don't belong together!They need someone to bring out the best self that they truly have!Dan maybe be poor or doesn't think like Blair and Chuck or he doesn't belong to the world of ''rich people'' but he is an inteligent man.He really cares more than Chuck did all this time that he was really busy with Raina and we saw that he truly know Blair better than Chuck do all those four years!Dan Humphrey may not be royalty but he is not a child!
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posted over a year ago 
Miss_Kreesha said:
Well in my opinion yes it is a weird twist one youd never see coming but thats the beuty of it! and dan isent so easy to intimedate into a retchy person i think Dan will change Blair somehow make her someone shes proud to be and as they do say opposite do attract and who saids Dan and Blair cant hav hot hate sex. Chuck and Blair to me at first seemed like a great couple but now i think theyve grown out of eachother and want something new who knows if they get back together but i dont think Blair should let go of Dan for Chuck.
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Well in my opinion yes it is a weird twist one youd never see coming but thats the beuty of it! and dan isent so easy to intimedate into a retchy person i think Dan will change Blair somehow make her someone shes proud to be and as they do say opposite do attract and who saids Dan and Blair cant hav hot hate sex. Chuck and Blair to me at first seemed like a great couple but now i think theyve grown out of eachother and want something new who knows if they get back together but i dont think Blair should let go of Dan for Chuck.
posted over a year ago 
LaiaMaria said:
I don't know...I like them because it's light and easy. It's exactly what Blair meant when she told Chuck she wanted to marry Louis.
I know, they are not endgame, but... they're cute together; so funny and sweat!
It's strange to think 2 years ago they hated each other, and now they kiss!!
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posted over a year ago 
debie24 said:
well,I dont really think anythings great about dair but hey,alittle bow,chicka wow,wow wouldnt be bad either ,Im total chairfan,but right now blair does need a break and chuck needs to get his act togather,then of course I want chair back togather again to stay!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
iloveBDC said:
like the othr fan said dan an blair rlly do compliment eachother...i mean dont get me wrong i have been a die hard chair fan from the start but ive always welcomed the idea of trying dair out...u could tell tht dan and blair werent always gonna hate eachother from episode 1x04 was it? The scene in hallway wen they had tht little moment... And im srry but u cant deny the flow between dan and blair i mean they had flow even wen they hated eachother...i rlly want dair to be tried out and hey if it dont work i still seem them being incredible friends, sorta secret to the others on how close they are and how much they hang out
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posted over a year ago 
Lannieluv7 said:
I'll answer in on sentence. He will treat her the best and like Blair said " they have a real connection."
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I'll answer in on sentence. He will treat her the best and like Blair said " they have a real connection."
posted over a year ago 
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