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Gossip Girl Question

Do you hate the GG writers?

My reasons for hating them...
They've ruined Blair's character. She's not Blair any more!!! Aaaaaah!
Everyone is sleeping around with everyone and it's just becoming a joke!
Chuck was perfect as season 1 bad boy, was even better when he was in love with Blair, but now after sleeping with Vanessa he is totally out of character...Chuck would never sleep with V!
Nate has become so boring...Serena is almost boring.
Dan is annoying and his fling with a teacher was totally out of character and quite revolting!
Rufus and Lily are finally together but there's hardly a spark between them any more!
What happened to Jenny trying to be Queen B of the school?
Vanessa needs to go. Period.
Please writer's sort out GG!

 GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
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Gossip Girl Answers

iwalkalone said:
Yes, I do HATE the Gossip Girl writers. I've noticed that everyone that goes out in real life seem to apear on the show together, example: Chuck and Vanessa (thats just disgusting!!!!!) then we have Serena and Dan (that too is disgusting). Other reasons why I hate the writers of Gossip Girl are:
1st they need to put Chuck and Blair back together or put them in an actually relationship since they never had a chance.
2nd give Nate and Serena a chance at love I mean in the books the tringle that seems to be going with Chuck, Blair and Nate are actually Serena, Nate and Blair and I like it like that!!
3rd please make blair a totally Bitch again because thats just her and I love her the way she was.
4th Make Serena like she is in the book, she's a nice Bitch (that's the only thing I can think of).
5th Please, please do something with Vanessa and Dan, they just piss on my nerve. And that's about it.
GO CHAIR & SERENATE!!! Love you guys!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
i live in mexico so the last episode that have gone outt is when mrs. carr (or whooever th teacher that makee the headmistrees punish blaiir aghh i hate her) sleep with daan !!! annd i am witing forr the season to continue but they likee suspende new episodees for vacatioons i think and im going crazy i needed too knoow annd i come heree and see vanessa chuck! omgg! im freaking outt hoow?! why?! aghh wheen? it happens after the last one i see or mexicoo is really latee with gg! [im addicteed]
fegzii posted over a year ago
laurik2007 said:
after the last episode i dont know what to believe anymore.i love CB(so crazy about them)but now i dont even know how they will get back together anymore.Blair was so out of character.Chuck sleeping with Vanessa(kill me,kill me now!!!),Im very disappointed with him:(
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posted over a year ago 
tell me about it! I have no idea how im going to watch C with V. Its going to kill me. They are together in real life why do they have to get it on in the show too!!! Its not fair! I totally hate the writers for this! There's nothing they can do to make up for it! Vanessa needs to GO!
GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
gossip-girl999 said:
I wouldn't go asfar as to say I hate them. But things have gotten way out of hand now it's like they've kicked out the old writers and brought a whole new load in who have no idea what the characters are like.
I totally agree with you about the whole Chanessa thing! Chuck would never sleep with Vanessa! But there is no way I want her to go! I love Vanessa! I they get things back to how it used to be in season 3.
They need to value their characters more like Nate! Give the poor guy a storyline! I would not like to be Chace right now!
And Serena too!
I do think they need to get things back to how it used to be!
But I still love Gossip Girl! =D
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posted over a year ago 
TriineA said:
I will never hate them, ever. The writers gave me my favourit TV show AND my favourit couple of all times ♥ But yes, I agree. They have screwed things up a little lately. I simply don't understand where Chuck and Vanessa came from and the Blair sleeping around thing I don't get either? But I do think it makes sense with NB. When Blair was with Nate, she had her life exactly the way she wanted. The perfect boyfriend, she was on her way to Yale and no scandals - Doesn't now seem like a time she would want that back?

I'm positiv that Chuck and Blair will be together again, but it would also be doll if they were this happy couple that had no problems.

For the other characters I love Jenny and Nate this season. Sure Nate is a little boring, but they can make that up next season and Jenny becoming queen? She realized that was not what she wanted and is now finding herself and I really like this new Jenny.

The Dan/Serena storyline is just out there - I can't even talk about it! Rufus, Lily and V has always bored me, so I don't really notice their stories.

But seriously.. All shows have some problems, it can't be all great, all the time. It just kills me that so many people are giving up on this amazing show. I have faith that they will come back (:
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posted over a year ago 
BrookeGirl said:
I agree! Though I don't HATE them, I just think Josh didn't learn from the OC.
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posted over a year ago 
underthestarsx said:
I cant hate them, since they have brought CB together in the first place.
But i do agree, that they really have messed things up right now:S
They're losing alot of viewers due to this.
They need to step up their game.
They have to have a ballance on giving what the fans want, and what would cause some drama. But i dont think they should go over board and making it to what the fans HATE.
And if they are making the CV thing because they are dating off screen than that is stupid, if it is because they just want to add more drama, i think its not really working because to me it just seems OOC.

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posted over a year ago 
Jovi_may said:
Hehe, I kind of hate them because of the whole Chanessa thing, but do you guys not get that even though he IS in love with Blair that deep down he is and always will be chuck bass, you know the guy who sleeps with any female so of course he would srew Vanessa. It is truly revolting, i was horrified when i found out but what else can we expect from a womanizer?
i read on wikipedia that chuck and nate end up competing for blair, and she has to choose in the last ep of the season.
I dont hate them for 'changing' the characters though because they have just given them more depth, but im glad the lighter scandals are coming back becuase im getting a little tired of all there emotional crap.
♥Chair and Serenate♥
Vanessa needs to come to her senses and leave them all the fuck alone.
But one thing i will admit is that i love the writters for bringing georgie back! I also read that she might be joining the cast full time next season!
Hopefully B, S and G all get there bitchiness back! I love them three and there bitchiness, even serena! i never liked her but when she overthrew B i think it suited her more, but B will always be the queen IMO.
I am and always will be a chair shipper but i preferred them in season one because it was more light and fluffy but season two has got them hot and heavy so im glad there bringing back the C,B,N love triangle and blair needs to get back to her old self, you know dont get mad or sad, get even!
So im lovin the writters and the storyline atm, we all know chair(and hopefully serenate) are endgame material so im not worried and i can wait til next season for a chair reunion!♥
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posted over a year ago 
LittleDancer123 said:
I've hated them throughout all of Season Two, apart from the last two episodes :o\
I realised from 2x03 that GG was going down the drain and was very poorly characterized and inconsistent.
Of course, with all the CB scenes Season Two has had I was often shouted down by other fans for saying it way back then in September :oP

Direct answers to your points though...

They've ruined Blair's character. She's not Blair any more!!! Aaaaaah!
They were ruining Blair's character 2x01-2x18, in my opinion. She became the main comedy source of the show, which was VERY upsetting for me as the main reason I retained interest at the beginning of GG was because I found Blair such a multi layered and real character, which I had never found in a TV show before.
This Season she was very much like any other TV show bitch and comedy source, with only a few odd moments of her Season One ways redeeming her and carrying her through. I hated the writers for that.
She will ALWAYS be my favorite though, because I always see her as the Real Blair from Season One.
However, in the last two episodes... she's been in character again, though some people will disagree just because they're pissed about Chuck and Blair not happening right now.
Finally for this point, to prewarn, if anyone tries to suggest I'm only thinking that because she's with Nate again like in Season One, I will personally find out where you live and hunt you down.
I'm talking about her WHOLE character within herself, even down to the way they're styling her again; she was perfect in Season One, Season Two even her clothes reflected her comedy.

Everyone is sleeping around with everyone and it's just becoming a joke!
They're older, so it is likely they will be more sexually active; especially as four of the main characters (Blair, Dan, Vanessa and PRACTICALLY Nate) were virgins for the majority of last season.
I do agree though, there has been a bit TOO much sleeping around.

Chuck was perfect as season 1 bad boy, was even better when he was in love with Blair, but now after sleeping with Vanessa he is totally out of character...Chuck would never sleep with V!
I totally agree with you on that one.
In Season One, I loved Chuck (not as much as Blair, but you know). He was indeed a "bad boy", but he trully loved Blair; he had butterflies, he mourned losing her (think back to the look he gave NB in 1x13 when he was watching them), she was the only girl he slept with more than once, etc.
This season, even when he has apparently been "fighting for her", he's actually just been playing a game, only lusting for her because she was the one thing he couldn't have. Episodes 2x07 and 2x08 were the only two that really held any good CB scenes, and not all of them were good in those episodes in my fussy opinion... oh, and in 2x13 there were a good few. That was it really, though.
(continued in another reply using a fake account; I know that's sneaky, but my answer was too long!)
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posted over a year ago 
Hahahahahahaha! Sorry, I'm kind of known for long comments, but this one was bad even for me!
LittleDancer123 posted over a year ago
WOW never seen a comment that long! I was angry yesterday when i saw Chuck get with V! Totally hated it, but now that ive calmed down, i guess i dont hate the writers, hate is a dtrong word! But i am getting very frustrated, C and V obviously got together because they are dating in real life, you can just tell because of the comment Chcuk makes on the stairs about the sexual chemistry they share...must be a reference to the fact that they are dating in real life...but anyway, i just hope that the writers get their act together and sort out some of the issues where they've messed up, im a CB shipper but i dont mind the CBN triangle, i dont mind them stretching out CB getting together...i just dont think they should throw things like CV, agree with you on the Jenny thing though, i guess that was an old storyline but i preferred her in season 1 which is why i made that comment. I still think Blair has been out of character, i never saw her as the type to sleep around the way she has done recently, i know she's insecure and stuff and the past couple of episodes she was just having a rough time, but she used to criticise chuck for what he did post Bart's death when he slept around and i dont buy her being a hypocrite and doing the same thing...i did prefer her in season 1. I hope she goes back to being herself, maybe being with Nate for a while might just do that!
GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
Tell me about it....Chuck really needs to fight for blair and prove to her that he is the guy that she wants. Blair's life has been so messed up (so has chucks, i mean at least blair still has people who love and care about her, chuck has never really had anyone...) but blair is insecure and she really needs her guy to be the perfect boyfriend to her, i just hope that chuck realies this and finally becomes her perfect boyfriend...but i ant the writers to do it in a way that he's still scheming bitchy chuck bass, but a loving boyfriend when he's with blair...they can scheme and bitch together and still be in love and committed, the writers just have to do it right! and i really wish they get it right! Chuck going soft with blair doesnt mean he has to go soft with everyone! ;D
GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
LittleDancer223 said:
Now, he's just being a crass jerk, and I've actually stopped shipping CB on the show (despite me being one of their biggest shippers beforehand), and have decided to ship NB on the show as he has actually shown signs of growing up over the second half of this season.
I still ship CB off the show, though, because in FanFictions etc, the GOOD writers write them as they were in Season One... back when GG was sheer beautiful brilliance.

Nate has become so boring...Serena is almost boring.
Agree with that.
Last season Serena was my second favorite character (Blair, Serena, then Chuck) because of what a good friend she was to Blair... now we don't really get that, or anything.
Except for Cecil the fucking Caterpillar, of course, and Dan Serena Dan Serena WHOOO...OOPS.
Nate was mostly a manwhoring snail (private joke) for the first half of the season, this half he's been a little dull, but over the last two episodes has really proved he's growing up... he's one of the few characters who has stayed IN character this season, though the writers have gone about it in a dull way.

Dan is annoying and his fling with a teacher was totally out of character and quite revolting!
Half agree. Well, three quarters.
2x19 I found him quite funny, and he's had moments... but other than that this season I haven't admired his character at all.
There's not much more I can add on to what you said.

Rufus and Lily are finally together but there's hardly a spark between them any more!
I think they're back together now Bart has passed, and they will just take it slow for the rest of the season because of everything else that is going on with the rest of the cast.
We will probably see more of them next season.

What happened to Jenny trying to be Queen B of the school?
That storyline was OLD. Last season old, and properly concluded, as the conclusion was in Season One when the writers knew how to write.
This season she never tried to become Queen Bee, a few people thought she did when really she was just on some equal rights campaign, á la Jenny Humphrey style.
I've prefered her this season, NOT as a wannabe Blair.

Vanessa needs to go. Period.
Ehhh, I'm not her biggest fan. However, I think she will stay, and I don't mind... as long as she doesn't mess with Blair Bear!!

Yeah, so that's my take.
As much as I love GG, my love is mostly just because I will forever hold faith from Season One, and will always love Blair... therefore will continue to watch right through to the end.
However, I will say this... SEASON TWO HAS BEEN A HORRIBLE MESS... it's only slightly redeemed itself in 2x19 and 2x20, and hopefully will continue along this vein through to the end of the season (not with the couples we have in those episodes per se, but with the feel of them).

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posted over a year ago 
Any comments etc to my answer add to the FIRST HALF of my answer, as that was made from my REAL ACCOUNT, haha!! :oP *shhh*
LittleDancer223 posted over a year ago
I'm so sorry for such a long post, by the way, but it's a VERY touchy subject with me at the moment!! Again, as a reminder... any comments or whatever, put on the FIRST HALF please!! :oP
LittleDancer123 posted over a year ago
moeexyz said:
I don't hate the writers but they have annoyed me A LOT in season two. Season one was so amazing, it always kept you on the edge of your seat but season two is just okay, almost bad even.
The thing that's annoying me most though is Chuck/Blair/Nate triangle all over again. That was over, we all know Nate and Blair have no chemistry and are better off as friends so why bother doing this triangle all over again?!? She loves Chuck even if she doesn't act like it now I'm pretty confident that by the end of this season she'll choose Chuck. And besides Nate's dull.
Another annoying thing is that everyone is out of character! I miss the way they all used to be like. Seriously it's like they've completely forgotten who the characters were anyway.

To be honest the only thing I'm looking forward to now is Georgina coming back because she brought loads of drama in the end of season one. She had a perfect storyline, AND she made Serena more exciting cos lately S is almost as dull as Nate.
And normally I would say I'm looking forward to CB but I'm not really for two reasons.
1. I saw it coming anyway.
2. I've a feeling that even if the writers finally give us CB they'll do something to break them up again and make it all dramatic. For God's sake can't CB just have a proper chance at a relationship for once instead of this stupid lust thing that's been going on. I mean seriously, lately it seems like the butterflies never happened!

Well that's just my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
Well even though Georgie is coming back, which i cant wait for either! They are totally changing her character too!!! She's gone good and actually teams up with Serena and co!
GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
Maybe that's a good thing though. Or maybe she still has hidden evil that nobody knows about. Either way when she was pretending to be good she still made it a lot more interesting.
moeexyz posted over a year ago
true...where are those damn butterflies!
GGirl_CB4BW posted over a year ago
fegzii posted over a year ago
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