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Gossip Girl Who deserves to be with Blair?

85 fans picked:
 purple-passion posted over a year ago
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
He loves her the most. He also loves her unconditionally & for who she is. Dan only likes Blair when she's on her very best behavior. The fact is, though, that Blair is no angel. She schemes against people & she makes mistakes. Dan has proved time & time again that one mistake is all it takes for him to leave someone. I mean, take a look at the end of season 1. Dan left Serena because she kept one thing from him, which she only did because she was worried he would judge her. Which is not unreasonable, seeing as Dan is very judgmental. Anyways, Louis said it himself. Blair has her own dark side. Chuck is the only one who sees the real her & loves her all the more for it. The other guys would leave Blair the moment she steps off the pedestal they've all put her on.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Acissej90 picked Dan:
Dan & Blair would be a healty relationship!!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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DefiningBeauty picked Dan:
SERIOUSLY? CHUCK DESERVES HER?! dear chuckistans, have you lost your mind? he traded her, he hurt her several times, he betrayed her, he almost hit her. yeah, he does not deserve a person like blair waldorf. maybe you ship them, but all of you have to admit that there is no way he deserves her.

i'd go with Dan or even Louis and Nate.
posted over a year ago.
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Lannieluv7 picked Dan:
Are you kidding me ? Dan likes Blair for who she is ! Did you not hear his quote? " With you she was always caught up in schemes , but that's not really her, she's intelligent, she's intuitive, she weeps when she watches night's of cabiria. Dan has seen every side of Blair and still likes her? Even when Blair banned his sister from the city he was still there for her? Dair is the better healthier relationship. BLAIR HAS MATURE PAST CHUCK.
posted over a year ago.
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averyj77 picked Dan:
She needs to stay far away from Chuck.
posted over a year ago.
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serenate_brucas picked Chuck:
Chair ofc! They are perfect <333
posted over a year ago.
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synesthete1 picked Dan:
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Right. So, do you guys really not think that Blair will never scheme again? And do you really think that Dan will stand by her through it? I mean, seriously. I feel like the only one who watched the first three seasons of the show. Yes, Blair has matured. But that doesn't completely change who she is. She hated Dan for a pretty long time. She may not hate him anymore, but Blair will never be able to love him. And Dan will never be able to make Blair happy for a lifetime. Agree with me or not, Chuck has matured. He let Blair go. He cared about her happiness over his. But yes, I do realize that Chuck has to majorly redeem himself next season. I just feel positive that he will. The writers have played the "Chuck's a jerk" card for way too long, and they know that if they keep it up, people will be upset once Chair is endgame. But even if Chuck wasn't in the picture, I still wouldn't ship Dair. It's too big of a leap from both of their original characters. It's completely unrealistic in the long-term, and that's why it'll never last.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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TeamB_Forever picked Chuck:
For sure
posted over a year ago.
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Martym picked Chuck:
Totally agre with everything, which LoveMeABasshole said.:) Chuck loves real Blair, he's the only one who has accepted her defects and love her in the way that she's. Chair is true love.
posted over a year ago.
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cathedrals picked Dan:
Chuck does not deserve Blair ever again, after all the things he has done.
I would be okay with her ending up with Dan, Louise, Nate, Serena or even Vanessa at this point. But please let her leave that abusive relaionship behind.

I think most people forget that Dan has schemed WITH Blair in the past. He knows that part of her. He has seen her worst (her fights with Serena, Vanessa, Jenny etc.), and he doesn't agree with everything she does, but he still act like he's her friend and treats her with respect.

Plus, we actually saw Dan and Blair scheming together sucessfully more often than we saw Chuck and Blair doing it (together).
He just calls her out when she goes to far. He understands why she acts the way she does, but he doesn't encourage it.

For me, a big difference between Blair and Chuck is, that Blair schemes when she's hurt/threatned, but Chuck schemes because he actually enjoys messing with people. That's quite different.
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Well, everyone has their own opinion. But here's mine: Blair has to change herself to be with Dan. If they were to ever get together, she would constantly have to worry about him judging her. Blair can be herself with Chuck. He knows who she is, and he accepts her. Unfortunately, being with Dan has changed Blair already. I honestly don't like her character very much anymore. The Blair from the first three seasons knew what she wanted and went after it. Now, Dan has rubbed off on her, and she's become completely hypocritical. She talks about her high moral standard, but goes against it constantly. Hmm, sort of like Dan. At least with Chuck she didn't have to lie about who she was. Before, Blair would scheme and call herself a bitch. Now, she still schemes, but calls herself nice. That level of denial is something I like to call the "Dan & Vanessa" disease. But Chuck doesn't make any excuses for who he is. And Blair didn't use to either.
posted over a year ago.
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cathedrals picked Dan:
I think Blair maturing is a good thing. Her schemes never really worked out (except when she was scheming for someone else, eg: saving Serena), she lost a lot of things because of that (Yale). She should learn that there are other ways to get things/ and that she can get them without sabotaging someone else.

I think Blair is way more than what Chuck sees in her. And I don't think he really believes in her. Their relationship is always about him. He tries to control her. He tried to blame her for the IP. He didn't even apologize, he just gave her that stupid ultimatum. He made her believe that she was so horrible that no one else could ever love her. That's classic abusive bahaviour. And Blair has said herself that Chuck makes her miserable.
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Look at the beginning of season 3. Blair was completely happy with Chuck. And Chuck completely believes in Blair. He said he would give her however much money she needed to start whatever organization she wanted. He said "Don't let anyone tell you you're not powerful. You're the most powerful woman I know." Chuck encouraged Blair to persevere at NYU even when she wanted to give up. Starting in season 1, Chuck has always been in awe of Blair's determination to get what she wanted. "The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass, and I love you." Basically, Chuck believed in Blair even when she didn't believe in herself. And did I say Blair maturing was a bad thing? No, I didn't. I just think it's a bad thing that Blair is becoming an entirely different person. She shouldn't have to worry about the person that supposedly loves her judging her. Chuck has always accepted Blair for who she is. And he loves her so much, he let her go. I think that proves that Chuck has matured. Which, I'll admit, he needed to. But, like I said before, even without Chuck in the picture, I would NEVER ship Dair.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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babe1492 picked Chuck:
couldn't have said it better myself ^^ ;)
posted over a year ago.
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YJaded picked Chuck:
I ship chair and i absolutely don't give a damn about what anyone else think, it is all BLAH BLAH BLAH now for me!!
and those who feel the need to insult others and call them 'lost their mind' for shipping a fictional tv couple..seriously the need to get a life and stop being pathetic!!

I love CHAIR and I don't care :)
posted over a year ago.
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
how in the heck does Chuck deserve Blair you do all know what the word 'deserve' means right?

@LoveMeABasshole i really don't give a flying fiddlestick anymore about Chuck being "in awe of Blair's determination" and "believing in her" because that doesn't even come close to neutralising the arguments against chair he doesn't respect her (he traded her for a freaking hotel! nobody fictional or not should be with a person who does that to them!) so money obviously means more to him than Blair does! he constantly refuses to let her be happy and selfishly destroys all her relationships like it's either him or nobody for her, he constantly dates other girls not caring in the slightest about Blair's feelings, expects her to wait around for him and then won't let her date anybody else! he thinks she's "his" he said that himself which was initially objectifying her, he smashed a glass and physically harmed her (and don't start talking rubbish about it being a accident, because you don't just accidentally punch a glass right next to somebody's face!) so after all that how and in what world can Chuck Basstard "deserve" Blair!? oh and on top of all that Blair hates who she becomes when she's with Chuck, when she's with Dan that's the real Blair.

Dan makes Blair happy, he wants her to be happy even if that means being unhappy himself (unlike some people), he's always been there when she needed someone even when they hated each other (again unlike some people) he's actually her friend (once again unlike some people) and he has stuff in common with her other that plotting and scheming (do i need to say it?) that's deserving someone not acting like a complete a** to them!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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cathedrals picked Dan:
"Do you know the last time I felt joy? Chuck had brought me into his darkness for so long, I’d forgotten what that felt like.

Maybe there was atime in season three when Blair was happy with Chuck, but she isn't now. He's making her miserable. He hurts her.

Also, Chuck offering to "buy" Blair sucess doesn't show he really cares abot her. Again, it's about him, and about what he wants.
He uses money to solve his problems.
He offers her to buy her a foundation when she want to have success more than to be with him.
Then, he lets her go, because he doesn't need/want her at that point. Later, after Raina dumps his ass, and Fish Industries is in danger, he suddely remembers that Blair was always there for him. He doesn't give a fuck about her/ what she's going through until that point.
He just decides for her that now is the time to get back together, because all his other plans didn't work out.
He manipulates her into thinking she is successful/ in charge so she'll take him back.
There is a huge difference between actually being in charge/ powerful, or being tricked into believing you are while someone else pulls the strings.

Chuck is always the one in control of their relationship. It's never Blair's call. Always his decision. If he would love her, he would respect her.
posted over a year ago.
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claudia_bb picked Chuck:
there is no doubt.she does not love dan and she will never do! just friends so stop dreaming!
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Chuck doesn't let Blair date anyone else? He let her be with her fiance because he knew it's what she wanted. And please. Stop with all the "he sold her for a hotel" bullshit. I'll admit it was a mistake on Chuck's part. But it was also in SEASON 3. Chuck thought he could have both his hotel and Blair. If he had realized he was going to lose Blair, he probably would have made a different decision. In any case, ever since that episode, we have all witnessed how much Chuck regretted giving Blair up. Also, Chuck punched the glass because he wanted to inflict pain on HIMSELF, not Blair. He was upset with himself for his behavior. Blair was not scared for her safety, she was scared for Chuck's. Pretty much everyone affiliated with GG has made that clear. So let it go and come up with a better argument. And, like I have said numerous times, I don't agree with the way Chuck acted in some of season 4. But, I believe his choosing Blair's happiness over his own signifies that he's matured. Which needed to happen for him and Blair to be happy. I also think that Chuck will prove that he's a much better man in season 5. But, no matter what, Blair was at her happiest when she was with Chuck. Or does everyone here choose to block the beginning of season 3 from their minds? I really hate having to repeat myself for a THIRD time, but I'll do it. Even. If. Chuck. Was. Not. Around. I. Would. NEVER. Ship. Dair. End of story. Blair and Dan are not in any way compatible, and anyone besides Chuck would be a downgrade. Because no one can love Blair like Chuck did, and Blair will never truly give her heart to anyone else.
posted over a year ago.
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lissettebyc picked Chuck:
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
@LoveMeABasshole no he doesn't let her be with anyone else, he tries to sabatage every relationship that she has exept for one tiny exeption with doesn't at all outweigh all the times that he did and did you actually just say "And please. Stop with all the "he sold her for a hotel" bullshit"? i mean i'm sorry should i just get over it? after all he only traded her for bricks and cement! it was all in the past, not that big of a deal, let's just all forget about it then shall we!? :/ Chuck thought he could have both his hotel and Blair. If he had realized he was going to lose Blair, he probably would have made a different decision. so his blithering ignorance is supposed to make it any better? and the fact he regretted it is supposed to make it all okay? it doesn't matter if he regretted it, he still did it and oh ok, he was upset with himself and wanted to hurt himself so he punched a glass convientelly next to her face while pinning her to the wall after shouting "you're mine!" thank you i've seen the light now and it all suddenly makes sense to me, poor chuck maybe we should send him some flowers!? and how does Blair being scared for him make what he did any less brutal? exactly it doesn't it simply makes Blair more compassionate, let it go and come up with a better argument? yeah ok because objectifying someone, pinning them to a wall and smashing a glass convenientally right next to them is so not a big deal and nowhere near a decent argument right? matured? yes maybe a little but that still doesn't counteract all the times he didn't choose Blair's happiness and i don't hesitate in believing that he'll do it again and believe me alot more than Chuck maturing needs to happen for he and Blair to ever be happy again. I also think that Chuck will prove that he's a much better man in season 5. well i wouldn't hold your breath. and seriously? you honestly think Blair was at her happiest when she was with chuck!? did you even read the quote cathedrals gave? "Do you know the last time I felt joy? Chuck had brought me into his darkness for so long, I’d forgotten what that felt like." she literally said that Chuck had made her unhappy and just for the record when she said that i do remember the last time she felt joy and it was with Dan not Chuck (with whom she was unhappy.) Or does everyone here choose to block the beginning of season 3 from their minds? what, you mean like you and most other Chair shippers choose to block the big deteriaration and onwards and all the other terrible times that they had from your minds? Even. If. Chuck. Was. Not. Around. I. Would. NEVER. Ship. Dair. End of story. i really don't give a flying monkey darling, we're actually having a discussion on who deserves Blair not trying to discreetly convert you to a dair shipper. Blair and Dan are not in any way compatible oh really? so the same favourite movies, interests, hobbies, shows, intelligence, morals, decency, both being human beings (you know all the things she doesn't have in common with Chuck) they all mean nothing? yep thy're soooo not compatable. and anyone besides Chuck would be a downgrade. you do realise you sound almost as ignorant as Chuck does right? Because no one can love Blair like Chuck did oh look more ignorance. shocker. and yeah because Chuck really acted like he loved Blair. and Blair will never truly give her heart to anyone else. oh and can you please read my fortune too?
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
I'm done with the conversation. Just look at the results of the question. People want Blair to be with Chuck, not Dan. With good reason. Dair was only around as a lame attempt to make season 4 interesting. Funny thing is, season 4 was almost everyone's least favorite season of GG. Do you think it's a coincidence that it's also the season Dair was introduced? Umm, NO. And maybe you should look up the word abuse. Abuse is to intentionally hurt someone, and that's not what Chuck did. Although all of it was laughable, this was the funniest part of your comment: You think I'M ignorant! You're the one who actually thinks Dair has a chance of being endgame! The only good thing I have to say about Dair is this: Congratulations, GG producers! You are one step closer to having every character on the show date every other character. That was the point, wasn't it?
posted over a year ago.
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
This is like banging my head against a brick wall! how many times? the question is not "who do you want to be with Blair" it's "who deserves to be with Blair?" there's a difference! and i'm afraid you haven't looked at your facts correctly because season 4 was admittidly most people's least favourite season but the reason for that was because almost everything about it was just dull except for dair, that's clearly not the majority's reason on fanpop but there's something called a general audience, and this includes the people who watch that aren't on fanpop believe it or not, it's just everybody who watches the show and actually when you look at the ratings they'll clearly show that the ratings went down in season 4 then when dair was introduced experienced a a huge increase only to fall again when they stopped showing Dair and giving us chair again, so actually i think you'll find that within the general audience Dair's actually more popular than Chair so maybe you can climb of your high horse now? and actually the word abuse has three similar meanings but i think you'll find that it can be done unintentionally and even unknowingly and yeah that is what Chuck did. I actually haven't once said i thought they had a chance of endgame but yes of course i think they have a chance at endgame, actually i know they do because if you look at the math every couple does even if it is just the tiniest chance but anyway that isn't ignorance it's just my opinion, if i was saying "Dair's endgame and Chair's not end of story!" (you know kind of like you're doing vice versa) that would be ignorance, thinking that a couple has a chance at endgame i think you'll find isn't.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
I highly doubt you looked up Gossip Girl's ratings. Everyone I know that watches the show ships Chair, so I'm pretty sure they have a larger fanbase outside of this site. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound going on and on about the abuse thing, when a GG executive producer flat-out said that Chuck did not and never would abuse Blair? It's not just my personal opinion that Chuck isn't abusive. It's a fact. Look, I realize that I'm never going to convince you to ship Chair, and vice versa. But at least come up with a legitimate and truthful argument against Chair. I'm so sick of Dair shippers searching for reasons to hate Chuck, even if finding those reasons involves twisting the truth so much it isn't even the truth any more. My reasons for disliking Dair have nothing to do with false accusations or lies. In my humble opinion, Dair perfectly embodies all that went wrong in season 4 of Gossip Girl. Season 4 was unsuccessful because all of the show's characters became unrecognizable. In the first three seasons of GG, Blair would never have kissed Dan. Dan would never have kissed Blair. Blair would have realized that she didn't have to choose between Chuck and her career; she could have them both. Basically, had the GG producers referred to the last three seasons of the show, they would have realized that the characters of Blair and Dan they so carefully constructed never would have been linked romantically. Dair shippers tend to explain Blair and Dan getting together by saying that Blair has matured, but the Blair of the first three seasons, who we all know and love, never would have matured enough to see anything in Dan Humphrey. So, I dislike Dair because I dislike couples who make each other change from who they truly are. Oh, I also dislike them because of their complete lack of chemistry, but all you have to do is watch the show to see that. Of course, all of this is just my opinion. I wouldn't want anyone to get all offended.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
^well believe it, you can look it up yourself if you like and you'll see the ratings are higher in the dair episodes and lower in the chair episodes, so actually no they don't have a larger fanbase outside this site, just among you and your friends (and most internet websites for some reason) and i actually don't sound that ridiculous because all i'm doing is retorting to what you're saying and i could invent a show, make a character abuse another and then say it wasn't abuse but that wouldn't make it a fact, but anyway i don't really need to search for excuses to hate Chuck because i have a one million and one right here, the main consensus being that he's a huge asshole, but the point is yes Blair does change in the fourth season but she changed to a better person not someone that she's ashamed to be and anyway isn't that what people find so attractive about Chair? the girl changes the bad boy and makes him into a decent person? well i'm sorry but once an ass, always an ass but anyway your sentence is kind of contradictary because Chair changes Chuck from "who he truly is" you really think the Chuck in season 1 that tried to rape Jenny (asshole!) would ever "let Blair go" (finally!) and behave with some morals (every once in a while)? Chuck's very different now from how he used to be so you're technically saying that you dislike Chair, the lack of chemestry thing i disagree with, because i think they have tons of chemestry, but like you said that's just your opinion.
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Haha. So you really believe Dair has a larger fanbase? Because it surely doesn't on this site, and you said yourself that it doesn't on most sites. It sounds to me like Chair has the bigger fanbase. Also, if you're going to say one character abused another character, you have to have some proof of abuse. And the only injury Blair sustained was one that Chuck did not inflict intentionally. He punched the glass out of frustration, not some diabolical scheme to hurt Blair. Think about it this way. Had a piece of glass not hit Blair, would you still consider what Chuck did abuse? I don't think so. It was really unfortunate that Blair got cut, and Chuck should have known better than to punch a piece of glass that close to her, but his intentions weren't to harm her. And yes, I do know his intentions, since the Gossip Girl producers spelled them out for us. Also, I think I've made it pretty clear that I do like Chair. Blair changed Chuck for the better. Dan changed Blair into a completely different person from who she was the first three seasons. So unless you hated the Blair from those seasons, I don't see how you could ship Dair. And if the ratings did go up during the Dair episodes, good. It only proves that while a lot of people have been subjected to Dair, Chair still has the larger fanbase.
posted over a year ago.
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
This conversation is making me so exasperated I think I might punch a glass in frustration. You don't seem to be able to process the information as required to understand what I'm saying (putting two and two together and making four rather than twenty two.) so I'll try and simplify it, (not that it can get that much more simple.) ok so let's just explain this in terms of say eagles, pigeons and robins, Dair shippers are the eagles, Chair shippers the pigeons and people that don't ship either the robins..and all of them are together in one large group, this is the whole fanbase, and there's actually more eagles than pigeons and robins, now let's say some of these eagles, pigeons and robins sign up to certain websites however alot of pigeons sign up to these websites and not that many eagles or robins so now obviously within the websites because so many pigeons signed up to them Chair (the couple favoured by the pigeons) the most popular within the websites, but now when the birds are all put back together in that one big group there's still more eagles than pigeons, so do you get it now? And no I didn't hate Blair in the first three seasons, she's my favourite character, I like her and think she deserves to be happy that's why I ship Dair, usless you hate Blair I kind of don't see how you can ship Chair and besides if I need proof to say Chuck abused her (which I kind of don't because anyone who isn't blinded by their Chair obsession can see it.) then you need proof to say he didn't. (and that interview with the executive producer doesn't count for reasons I've explained numerous amounts of times.)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
Okay, so Dair shippers just don't go on fansites? Stop making excuses. Chair has a larger fanbase. I didn't say it was a better fanbase, but it is larger. And is wasn't abuse. According to what you're saying, someone could trip and accidently knock someone down and that would be abuse. The Gossip Girl producers know what they're talking about, since they created the show and all. You, on the other hand, look for reasons to hate Chuck, so of course you would call it abuse. If you don't like Chair, fine. But come up with legitimate reasons. Unless you think the GG producers are "blinded by their Chair obsession" too. Because they're the ones who released a statement saying Chuck did NOT abuse Blair. I really don't know how you could read that and come to the conclusion that Chuck is abusive.
posted over a year ago.
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cathedrals picked Dan:
@LoveMeABasshole: Do you seriously believe it's only abuse when someone gets physically hurt? Like really?
Then I would highly recommend you to educate yourself before talking about such a sensitive/important issue.

Abuse doesn't have to be phisical AT ALL. It's called EMOTIONAL ABUSE and is just as dangerous as any other form of abuse.


This side has a lot of information on different kinds of abuse.

Also, someone, idk if from tumblr or LJ made this to show some of the abusive bahaviour on GG:

posted over a year ago.
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cathedrals picked Dan:
The top 10 signs of an abusive person.
If your partner exhibits one or more of these signs, it may be time to reevaluate your relationship and seek help or get out.

1. Jealousy & Possessiveness – Becomes jealous over your family, friends, co-workers. Tries to isolate you. Views his woman as his property instead of a unique individual.

2. Control – He is overly demanding of your time and must be the center of your attention. He controls finances, the car, and the activities you partake in.

3. Superiority – He is always right, has to win or be in charge. He always justifies his actions so he can be “right” by blaming you or others. A verbally abusive man will talk down to you or call you names in order to make himself feel better. The goal of an abusive man is to make you feel weak so they can feel powerful. Abusers are frequently insecure and this power makes them feel better about themselves.

4. Manipulates – Tells you you’re crazy or stupid so the blame is turned on you. Tries to make you think that it’s your fault he is abusive. Says he can’t help being abusive so you feel sorry for him and you keep trying to “help” him. Tells others you are unstable.

5. Mood Swings – His mood switches from aggressive and abusive to apologetic and loving after the abuse has occurred.

6. Actions don’t match words – He breaks promises, says he loves you and then abuses you.

7. Punishes you – An emotionally abusive man may withhold sex, emotional intimacy, or plays the “silent game” as punishment when he doesn’t get his way. He verbally abuses you by frequently criticizing you.

8. Unwilling to seek help – An abusive man doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him so why should he seek help? Does not acknowledge his faults or blames it on his childhood or outside circumstances.

9. Disrespects women – Shows no respect towards his mother, sisters, or any women in his life. Thinks women are stupid and worthless.

10. Has a history of abusing women and/or animals or was abused himself – Batterers repeat their patterns and seek out women who are submissive and can be controlled. Abusive behavior can be a generational dysfunction and abused men have a great chance of becoming abusers.

It Is Still Abuse If . . .

* The incidents of physical abuse seem minor when compared to those you have read about, seen on television or heard other women talk about. There isn’t a “better” or “worse” form of physical abuse; you can be severely injured as a result of being pushed, for example.

* The incidents of physical abuse have only occurred one or two times in the relationship. Studies indicate that if your spouse/partner has injured you once, it is likely he will continue to physically assault you.

* The physical assaults stopped when you became passive and gave up your right to express yourself as you desire, to move about freely and see others, and to make decisions. It is not a victory if you have to give up your rights as a person and a partner in exchange for not being assaulted!

* There has not been any physical violence. Many women are emotionally and verbally assaulted. This can be as equally frightening and is often more confusing to try to understand.

Can you honestly say, that Chuck /the Chair relationship doesn't apply to most of these?
posted over a year ago.
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LoveMeABasshole picked Chuck:
You could make a case that every couple on TV has emotional abuse in their relationship. I never said that Chuck and Blair didn't. I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Chuck AND Blair have done in the past. They both had to mature before they were right for each other. But no, I don't think Chuck ever verbally assaulted Blair. I think their main problem was that they couldn't trust each other. And Blair was NEVER afraid of Chuck. Never ever ever. So don't tell me to effing "educate" myself. If anything, you need to educate yourself, because you obviously don't understand the difference between television and reality. People watch TV because they want drama, not a guide book for how relationships should be like. And please, don't start on the whole "Gossip Girl promotes abusive relationships" bullshit. If you honestly think that people will strive to emulate Chuck and Blair's relationship, then you don't give people enough credit. To tell the truth, I wouldn't have put up with half the stuff Blair put up with. But then again, I wouldn't have DONE half the stuff Blair did. I like to believe that people are smart enough to realize that the characters and relationships shown on TV are made as dramatic as possible in order to keep viewers interested. And if people aren't that smart, then they have bigger issues than what TV show they watch or what couple they like. Despite all this, I still don't think that Chuck and Blair have an abusive relationship (physical OR emotional). Dysfunctional at times? Yes. But again, look at most couples on TV. Gossip Girl, or any other show for that matter, wouldn't be worth watching if the relationships on it were picture-perfect. Trust me, you would be bored out of your mind if that were the case. In any case, I agree that both Blair and Chuck had to mature in order to be right for each other. But I think that they both have. We're never going to see things the same way, and I'm tired of trying to get my point across, so let's just stop. Shall we?
posted over a year ago.
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mangie1995 picked Dan:
@LoveMeABasshole ok let's just drop it with whole "who has a bigger fanbase?" thing because i really couldn't care less and it's completely beside the point, but as for the abuse matter you seriously cannot keep trying to deny that Chuck has at least at one point abused Blair! look at the list of signs of an abusive relationship! i think just about every one of those things applies to chair! and i don't know what you're talking about with the whole "you could say that about any couple on the show" thing because you couldn't, reading all the signs the only couple those applied to was Chair, every other couple on the show whether i like them or not seems at least reasonably healthy, and as i said Chuck needs to do alot more than mature to be right for anyone but yes please let's just stop because i'm tired of trying to get my point across too, and i'm not searching for reasons to hate Chuck, i don't need to search, there's already about a million reasons right there, but the general concensus is that he's a huge asshole.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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3billiesmith picked Chuck:
They've been through so much, and he's the only one who will love her unconditionally. I understand why people ship Dair, it would be simple love, but they could never elevate to the love Chuck & Blair have, no one could.
posted over a year ago.
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babe1492 picked Chuck:
It makes me laugh with the whole story arguments. To me I love these two and nothing anyone will say will make me think otherwise.
posted over a year ago.
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2Chewy picked Dan:
since 1x04 :)
posted over a year ago.