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Grey's Anatomy Question

Shonda Rhimes said that there will be a wedding, but she didn't told who's wedding. In some awkward and freaky world, if it's not Merdith's and Derek's, who could it be??? :D

Shonda Rhimes said that there will be a wedding, but she didn't told who's wedding. In some awkward and freaky world, if it's not Merdith's and Derek's, who could it be??? :D
 carica94 posted over a year ago
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Grey's Anatomy  best answer

FanDlux said:
Maybe Alex and Izzie, 'couse Izzie want's to get married before she dies with cancer
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posted over a year ago 
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x-missmckena-x said:
If its not Mer and Der then its most likely to be Alex and Izzie, i'd guess this could happen becase maybe he would want to marry ehr before she dies, if she dies!
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posted over a year ago 
andra said:
My thoughts on whose wedding it could be include..

meredith and derek - although i think its too soon in their relationship and might be a bit of a push for meredith to be willing to commit to marriage so soon....

izzie and denny - maybe in a dream sequence bought on by izzie's cancer.

izzie and alex - might be a bit of a stretch for alex as he suffers emotional issues like meredith... but still a possibility because of izzie's cancer.

cant really think of any other couple who might be at the stage of marriage... so there we go!!
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posted over a year ago 
FashionVictim said:
I hope it will be Alex and Izzie's wedding :D I love this couple since the day one and I think they are meant to be <3 Izzie is the only woman that Alex really loved and I hope that he will propose her in a beautiful and romantic way :D
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posted over a year ago 
Locita said:
either MerDer or somebody unimportant :D
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posted over a year ago 
dave said:
It could be McSteamy and Little Grey or Alex and Izzy.
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posted over a year ago 
opicka85 said:
It must be Izzy and Alex with good reason as all other options sound unreal...but we don't want to lose Izzy! :'(
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posted over a year ago 
geekyxsushi said:
it could be Christina's & Owen's.
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posted over a year ago 
kaygirlrach said:
The only people are meredith and derek
there are no others couples we can take that step.
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posted over a year ago 
Ga_PPFan said:
I So Hope is Mers And Ders And in That Pic Dr Burke is in the background with the cheif and derek and burke are close so i hope its theres
If that is from the wedding episode???
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posted over a year ago 
vipvictor said:
Slex & Izzie,i really think so..and i would really like to see them get married!
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posted over a year ago 
jweaver said:
I think it could possibly be Izzy and Alex because it seems right now that they are stable and also it just makes sense that its them if it wasn't going to be Mer/Der Iwould choose Izzy and Alex
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posted over a year ago 
pdlma said:
I found that it's Izy's and Karev's wedding I saw the pics and Meredith and Derek were getting married but something's happened that i still don't know :S
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posted over a year ago 
Ali13Singer said:
Owen and Christina

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posted over a year ago 
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