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New Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Must Watch: New International 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer Hits |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Must Watch: New International \'Guardians of the Galaxy\' Trailer Hits
This looks so damn good! How did Marvel pull this off?! We\'ll all find out in just a few more months, thankfully. Marvel UK has debuted another full-length international trailer for
, James Gunn\'s adaptation of the sci-fi comic book superheroes who must save the galaxy. Chris Pratt stars as Star-Lord, and we actually get to see some of his backstory. There\'s also Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Bradley Cooler & Vin Diesel as Rocket Raccoon & Groot, Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, John C. Reilly as Rhomann Dey. Plus we finally get to see Glenn Close as Nova Prime Rael. Everything about this movie looks like so much fun, and I\'m even more excited to see this now.
). Brash adventurer Peter Quill finds himself the object of an unrelenting bounty hunt after stealing a mysterious orb coveted by Ronan, a powerful villain with ambitions that threaten the entire universe. To evade the ever-persistent Ronan, Quill is forced into an uneasy truce with a quartet of disparate misfits — Rocket, a gun-toting raccoon, Groot, a tree-like humanoid, the deadly and enigmatic Gamora and the revenge-driven Drax the Destroyer. But when Peter discovers the true power of the orb and the menace it poses to the cosmos, he must do his best to rally his ragtag rivals for a last, desperate stand. The Marvel Studios film arrives in theaters August 1st, 2014.
Love the look of this movie, and this trailer just nailed it! Gives me the same feeling that Star Wars IV-VI and Firefly/Serenity gives me. I\'m so looking forward to seing this movie
Haha I liked how you did not leave it at just "Star wars" :))
I had mega reservations about this movie, not a fan of the comic at all. However, this movie does look like a lot of fun and I\'ll definitely see this and am excited to do so.
This just finally shows how intense the movie could be, yet still be funny. I love it, cannot wait for this. Hands down my most anticipated movie this year.
Wrong music choice - was so digging the old school music...this just dropped that feeling for me - made the jokes seem flat. Hoping they don\'t do the same in the actual movie.
I agree. Even so, I think this trailer had to be made the way it was; the quirky music (for a superhero movie) from the previous trailers won us over with its uniqueness, but it put off a lot of people. This trailer, despite its humor, seems to be playing it a whole lot safer, and that\'s fine--this film\'s marketing needs to reach out to as many people as it can.
I agree and I do get why they did just urks me is all...oh well. Like I said, I hope the movie lives up to the humor and spirit of the original trailer more. I know they have said that the 70\'s music mix Star Lord carriers around does play a part, I just hope it\'s more than a one off bit part.
It will! Apart from what Gunn has said about Star Lord\'s attachment to Earth music and how much his music player means to him, there\'s proof in the trailer! I only just noticed that, in the shot of Gamora and Star Lord kissing, she has his headphones on. I imagine he shows her Earth music and then they share a moment. I\'m really looking forward to the movie. Since we\'re on the topic of this film\'s music, though, is anyone somewhat disappointed that Tyler Bates is doing the film\'s original score?
Agreed. Typical stupid lame ass Trailer "epic" crap. Old School stuff did indeed work better. Still. Gonna see it on day one!!!!!
I have to disagree a bit. Though it did fit the mold of a "typical" trailer the tone feels more "epic" than the previous trailer. Not saying I didn\'t dig the old school feel that music gave off.
This is easily the most anticipated film of the year for me. It seems to have all of the qualities of some of my favourite sci fi films such as Serenity, Star Wars, and The Fifth Element. I hope that they find a great balance of the music in the film between the original score and the 80s greatness. And Rocket! "I was going to put it in a box!" August can\'t get here soon enough!
I feel like you just describe this movie, Serenity meets Star Wars with a Huge Portion of Fifth Element, which are some of my favorite sci fi films as well..
If this film fails in box office, I will never have faith in humanity anymore.
Oh boy, do I look like I fool now. When the first news about GOTG hit the web, I was like "come on, a raccoon with a rocket, this is going nowhere...". And look at these trailers now. This is going to be a worldwide all time top 5 blockbuster, and heck, it\'s going to be so much entertaining!
Quill\'s monologue seemed very hokey. I know once given context it will probably be epic, but Pratt\'s speaking voice does have the same effect as come of the more seasoned action stars.
Want to watch because the previous two trailers have got me pumped but I don\'t want to spoil the experience or see too much that I will be looking for in the film.
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