Halloween Memories

mrvee posted on May 11, 2010 at 03:36PM
Growing up in the mid-west during the 50's, there was one thing we always looked forward to as summer came to an end and going back to school was an impending certainty.HALLOWEEN !
The weather turned cooler,the leaves changed and the smell of fall permeated the air. My dad made it a custom to take us kids to a near-by orchard to pick apples and there was always fresh apple cider to sample and,of course, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes to consider. I think all kids enjoy this holiday. It catches the imagination of children with it's imagery and simple beauty.
Today too many adults use this as another time to "party" themselves: and forget what a special time it is for children.
What are some of your best memories of Halloween?

Halloween 1 reply

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over a year ago Emmalie1935 said…
dressing up, and carving pumpkins with my sisters and dad. oh and of course trick or treating.