Hamlet Updates

a photo was added: Prince Hamlet over a year ago by Anakin_13
an answer was added to this question: Is hamlets reaction to the truth about his fathers death right or wrong? over a year ago by Joan-Tendler
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favorite Hamlet? over a year ago by DrDonna
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite character in the play? over a year ago by jokerfan28
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who did Hamlet kill by mistake behind the tapestry of his mother's bedroom? over a year ago by jokerfan28
a question was added: Does Laertes react in a wrong manner when He finds out about his father and sisters death? over a year ago by BarrelRacer95
a question was added: Is hamlets reaction to the truth about his fathers death right or wrong? over a year ago by BarrelRacer95
a link was added: The Dread of Something After Death over a year ago by DragonRiddler
a video was added: Hamlet Fan Commentary over a year ago by gbriggs
a poll was added: Who's your favorite Hamlet? over a year ago by KateB42