Happy new year 2012 Updates

fan art was added: Welcome 2014 over a year ago by johnvic
a photo was added: Happy New Year 2014 over a year ago by johnvic
a comment was made to the poll: HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR RESOLUTION? over a year ago by xHardcoreBunnyx
an answer was added to this question: Do you get annoyed when people say the world is going to end this year? Or do you believe the world is going to end this year? over a year ago by xXxDracoxXx
a comment was made to the poll: Do you feel that this will be your lucky year? over a year ago by xXxDracoxXx
an answer was added to this question: Do you get annoyed when people say the world is going to end this year? Or do you believe the world is going to end this year? over a year ago by 523906
a link was added: 2012 over a year ago by HPCouples
a comment was made to the question: Do you get annoyed when people say the world is going to end this year? Or do you believe the world is going to end this year? over a year ago by HPCouples
a question was added: Do you get annoyed when people say the world is going to end this year? Or do you believe the world is going to end this year? over a year ago by HPCouples
a poll was added: What do you hope to gain from this new year? over a year ago by HPCouples
a comment was made to the poll: DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS GOING TO END? over a year ago by HPCouples
a poll was added: Do you feel that this will be your lucky year? over a year ago by HPCouples
a poll was added: HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR RESOLUTION? over a year ago by gigibear16
a poll was added: DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS GOING TO END? over a year ago by gigibear16