Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Merope Gaunt vs. Bella Swan

PromptDreamer posted on May 22, 2012 at 12:42PM
Who do you think is better: Merope Gaunt from "Harry Potter" or Bella Swan from "Twilight"?
I'd love to hear your opinions!
I think Merope is better because at least she isn't whiny and annoying. And at least, she tried hard to survive after Tom left her, even though Merope became depressed/heartbroken. After all, she sold the Slytherin's locket to Burke just to have some money. But Bella wasn't dirt-poor and she still had parents who took care of her (well, better than how Morfin and Marvolo treated Merope) when Edward left her, so . . . loophole.
P.S. I got this idea of comparing the two after I thought, 'Bella and Merope are kinda similar. After all, both become depressed after the loves of their lives leave them.'
last edited on May 30, 2012 at 12:24PM

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