Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Stop using our names!!!

Hermione12353 posted on Oct 25, 2012 at 07:16PM

Dear Twilight,

Our Charlie works with dragons - your's is a bad parent.
Our Bella was a psychotic fighter - your's couldnt fight her way out of a paper bag.
Our James was a Marauder - Your's was a creepy guy.
Our Blacks are a complicated ancient family warring between them over the rights of good and evil - your's are two idiots who think they know everything.
Our Robert Pattinson is good, loyal, man who died fighting Voldemort - your's sparkled in the sun.
Our werewolf died trying to create a better world for his son to live in - your's fought over a girl who was already taken and then fell in love with her daughter.

Sincerely,A harry potter fan

Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 32 replies

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over a year ago alexisn10 said…
HEY! Charlie is an awesome parent! Charlie put up with Bella's depression for months and stood by her side! He loved and cared for Bella! He accepted Bella's marriage (although he didn't agree with it) and happily walked her down the aisle!

Cedric didn't really die fighting Voldemort. He died standing up for Harry. Voldemort was a...thing...when Cedric died.

Love Harry Potter but this comment is repetitive...
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Dear people who like complaining about this,

They weren't very unique names in the first place.

Sincerely, just me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
There are hundreds of other James Carlies Harrys ect in litature.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Did Scooby Doo steal the name Fred?
over a year ago VampiresRevenge said…
Charlie - Carlos Irwin Estévez changed his name to Charlie Sheen because he was copying HP.
Bella - Bela Lugosi, born in 1888, was named after Bellatrix. He played Dracula, who we all know is obviously inferior to any vampire in HP.
James - Bond. James Bond... Copier. HP copier.
The Black family - Shirley Temple Black not only stole Black from HP, but also stole Hermione's curly hair.
Robert Pattinson - Robert Pattinson, at the age of 19, was branded on his right foot as sole property of the HP franchise.
Werewolves - Ancient Greek writers had access to time machines that allowed them to transport to the future where they saw the lore of werewolves being created in the works of JK Rowling.
over a year ago cunha27 said…
Our Charlie was a policeman who protected his community - Your Charlie abused creatures he was supposed to protect by providing dragons to be used and abused as entertainment in the Triwizard tournament.

Our Bella was willing to sacrificed her life and eventually sacrificed her life for her family - Your Bella killed her family.

Your James was a spoilt and entitled rich bully who ganged up on and tormented a boy for 7 years - our James was someone who survived on his own from the age of 10, became a renowned tracker and later the leader of his own coven.

Your Blacks were inbred, susceptible to lunacy and  happily turned on each other - Our blacks were a close knit supportive family who looked after their friends and family.

Your Robert Patterson just stood there while the bad guy walked up to him and cast Avada on him.  - Our Robert Patterson successful fought and defeated numerous vampires.

Your werewolf was part of a gang who bullied people, was someone who abandoned his wife and new born son and who constantly and selfishly put students lives in danger - Our werewolf protected his tribe from dangerous vampires and was a loyal friend.

Funny how HP characters also come out looking just as bad if not worse when you only take their bad points and then contrast them with the good ones from Twilight.
ChasingDawn commented…
Our Charlie was a policeman who protected his community - Your Charlie abused creatures he was supposed to protect by providing dragons to be used and abused as entertainment in the Triwizard tournament. (How is that abuse, it's like elephants in a parade) over a year ago
Shiro_Hittori commented…
wow! for a twihard you know many HP facts over a year ago
over a year ago mr-cullen said…
this article doesn't make sense .I mean the names are pretty common
over a year ago VampiresRevenge said…
cunha27: Funny how HP characters also come out looking just as bad if not worse when you only take their bad points and then contrast them with the good ones from Twilight.

Just wanted to say how much I agree with this.
over a year ago rory2011 said…
dear Harry potter fan , you're the last one who should talk about " copying " cause I think Harry potter is another copy of " lord of the rings " even the characters in the movie look soooooooooo much like lord of the rings movie characters
I'm not defending on twilight cause I can get a lot of big mastakes out of it just like harry potter . I just want from harry potter fans to stop being sooooo ridiculous cause the movie isn't something big to fight the whole world about and just accept the truth that every writer copying some stuff from another story cause writers always are influenced and inspired by another story or writer and that doesn't make any of their stories totally unique or totally orginal
last edited over a year ago
dear Harry potter fan , you're the last one who should talk about " copying " cause I think Harry pot
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
@cunha27 At least HP's Bella does something
over a year ago cunha27 said…
^ As does Twilight Bella. However, between killing your family and doing nothing, doing nothing is well and truly the preferred option.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
My point is at least our Bella can act on her own and do something without requesting help all the time. I simply think she's an all around better character.
over a year ago cunha27 said…
@ zanhar1: Bellatrix herself needed help all the time. She had help when she attacked the the Longbottoms, - outnumbering them 4 to 2- she had help in the Department of Mysteries while facing children, and later had to flee when the older order members arrived - and even then when she separated from the deatheaters she was taken down by a school boy and needed Voldemort to save her - she had help with her at the Astronomy tower and while fleeing Hogwarts, she had help at the Battle of the Seven  Potters, she had help at the battle of Hogwarts, she needed help to escape Azkaban, etc. And all this while she supposedly was on a level playing field with her foes power wise.

The point I'm trying to make here is that it is highly hypocritical for people (and I'm not including you here) to judge Twilight characters by disregarding and dismissing their good points and then only either point out their negative ones or view all their actions in a negative way and then get all upset when the same criteria is used to describe Harry Potter characters. 

I happen to like Bellatrix's character. Interest wise I even prefer her to Bella, but like I said, even Bellatrix comes out looking weak if she's described the same way many Twilight detractors like to describe Bella.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hermione12353 said…
Face It you all are just trying(desperately I might add) to cover up twilights stupid mistakes
over a year ago Hermione12353 said…
Bella Swan.

Media was getting some great female characters. Leia was leading the rebel army. Hermione was fighting a Dark Lord. Jo March had decided that she didn’t need a man in her life. Even Jane Eyre was struggling, and independently pulling herself together. We had Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Lyra Silvertonge (His Dark Materials), Arya (Eragon), and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson). Women weren’t just the love interest on the side that the epic male hero has to save from danger. We were the ones saving the males, the strong heroines who played an epic and important part in the world-saving that had always belonged to men.
And then along comes Bella Swan.
She is possible the most pathetic female character ever. She sets back the female character back to when women always had to be saved by men. She literally does nothing. And when you do have her “save” Edward from harm, she still does nothing! All she has to do is show herself. Really? That’s the best you can do? Even your other female characters are utter crap! All Alice does is shop and be bubbly. Rosalie is just jealous. Esme jumps off a cliff when her son dies. And Renee is such a crap mother that Bella is the mother figure in her house. Speaking as a woman, I was almost offended when I read the Twilight series. You completely lack female epicness! What surprises me the most about this is that you’re a woman writing for teenage girls. Are you trying to teach them that they are nothing without a man? This is not true! We are absolutely great people without our men! Except Bella, who is a completely useless zombie without her man. I’m so glad that teenage girls everywhere are reading about how useless they are, and how they are worth nothing without a man.
Now, putting the message that Bella sends aside, let’s look at her as a character. You have no idea how painfully obvious is it that Bella is a Mary-Sue self-insertion. It is obvious reading the books that you are writing about you living out your little fantasy of meeting a sparkly vampire. Bella is a total Mary-Sue. She is described by everyone as “mature, selfless, beautiful, special” and yet we see no evidence of this. Do mature high school students go into a depression over the loss of a boyfriend of a few months? Do selfless people ignore their friends and then use them when they are dumped by their boyfriend? How is she beautiful or special? And isn’t it just so great that she’s instantly popular? That she has three guys drooling over her? Oh, and she won’t die jumping off a super high cliff, or even get injured seriously! And the Volturi don’t need to kill her, that’s fine! The list goes on and on. One of the main characteristics of a Mary-Sue is favoritism by the author (you). I think this is what we call favoritism.
Another big Mary-Sue alert is that “good guys” can’t defeat “bad guys” without the Mary-Sue. Beep! Beep! Beep! Alert! Bella is oh-so important and saves the day with her shield! Yes, this goes against what I said in the above paragraph, but as she is saving the day, she still does NOTHING! And isn’t it just so perfect and great that she was struggling for months, but suddenly can operate her shield perfectly on the day of the battle? Wow! What a coincidence! Mary-Sue! Her only flaws are that she is completely male-dependant and can’t do anything for herself, but this is portrayed as being just fine and perfectly acceptable. Really?
Now let’s talk about what sort of role model Bella is. What does she teach girls?
• You should automatically go for the hottest guy in school, even if he doesn’t date and hates you. Everyone else is beneath you.
• Ignore nice boys if they are plain-looking.
• If a hot guy is stalking you, it’s fine! It’s romantic and sweet!
• A guy’s personality isn’t important. Only his looks matter. Moon on about said looks all the time.
• Complain. A lot. It’ll get you what you want.
• Feel free to abandon all your life plans for your boyfriend of barely a year. Who cares about friends and family?
• Go ahead and ignore all your friends for your boyfriend.
• If your boyfriend dumps you, go into a depression. Even if you’ve only known him for six months. Then use your friends.
• Now find the next hot guy. Then jump off a cliff.
• Yay! Boyfriend’s back! Ignore your friends again.
• Now kiss and use the next hot guy, even though your boyfriend is back.
• Now, get married at 18 to your high school sweetheart. That always works out great!
• Above all, you are useless. Don’t do anything yourself, but always let the men save you.
If that’s what we’re teaching teenage girls today, I really don’t want to live on this planet anymore. I can only count myself lucky that we still have the girls mentioned before, who can actually take care of themselves.

Seeing as this got very long very fast, I think I’d better stop. However, I think I’ve proven the point I made at the beginning.

You fail. Rather epically.

The Same Harry potter fan
over a year ago cunha27 said…
@hermione 12353: Yeah, that must be it. God forbid there might be people out there with different likes, opinions and thoughts to yours.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hermione12353 said…
well I wouldn't have posted here if I didn't want other people's opinions but I was actually expecting opinions backed up with EVIDENCE
over a year ago VampiresRevenge said…
^ cunha27 was backing her opinions with evidence. The only evidence you presented in your OP was that Twilight used similar, common names as HP. The only thing anyone can say in response to your OP is that those names, that HP apparently owns now, were common and frequently used in the first place.

Also with your post that ends in "Sincerely, The Same Harry potter fan," it would be nice if you gave credit to the person who wrote that in the first place. "Stop using our names!!!" is your forum post, but you seem to have no problem in plagiarizing what other people have posted on the internet.
over a year ago cunha27 said…

1) your original assertions - which were simply copied and pasted from somewhere else- are themselves opinions with no arguments to back them up. Not only that but they were so obviously unbalanced that even other HP fans felt the need to leave comments letting you know they disagreed with parts of it.

2)contrary to whoever's great big rant to Meyer you've just posted, pretty much everyone else who's commented here actually provided their own thoughts and from what I've read, pretty valid arguments to counter your initial assertions.

3) you clearly don't want anyone else to voice a difference of opinion, whether they have backed it up or not, as instead of addressing the points made by everyone, you have simply dismissed it all and accused everyone else -including other HP fans- of trying to cover up Twilight mistakes.
over a year ago Hermione12353 said…
I didn't know who to credit seeing as atleast 5 different people have posted the same things but whoever did originaly post those thing is a clever person
over a year ago Hermione12353 said…

1) Biasing - of course I was biased. I don't know who you are or how old you are but from your posts I am guessing you are old enough to understand the meaning of counterargument. My posts (whether or not they are unoriginal) were fast with evidence supporting my cause

2) Back your second point with evidence because I do NOT see any valid evidence supported responses apart from VampireRevenge who had evidence in her response

3) Did you read my earlier post???

'well I wouldn't have posted here if I didn't want other people's opinions but I was actually expecting opinions backed up with EVIDENCE'
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
You could at least try stealing from a DIFFERENT website.

You should at least try, if you're gonig to do this.
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over a year ago alexisn10 said…
@cunha27 You put up a good argument :)
over a year ago VampiresRevenge said…
I didn't know who to credit seeing as atleast 5 different people have posted the same things but whoever did originaly post those thing is a clever person

Not knowing who to credit isn't a good excuse for saying that the thoughts came out of your own head. At least say "from an unknown source" or "from the dungeons of the internet." You didn't write it, so don't say that you did. It's super easy for us to copy into Google what you wrote to see that you didn't write it.

Even though you are responding to cunha27, I'm going to take a stab at what you said:

1) Biasing - of course I was biased. I don't know who you are or how old you are but from your posts I am guessing you are old enough to understand the meaning of counterargument. My posts (whether or not they are unoriginal) were fast with evidence supporting my cause

One, you are 13 years old according to your profile, so you don't really have room to question how old someone is and what that means about how much they know. Two, even though you are smart enough to know what the word "evidence" means (good job), you still didn't write nor credit any of the evidence you presented. Copying something word-for-word from this website and then claiming it as your own is worse than saying something like "Edward is hotter than HP so Twilight is better." At least that thought may have come out of that person's head. Yours are merely copied.

Also, if you're a troll, then good job. I fell right into your trap.
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over a year ago cunha27 said…
@ Hermione12353:

1) "Biasing - of course I was biased" :  Ok....you do know that by admitting your posts were biased, you have in essence agreed with everything I said? You have just admitted you have  posted irrational prejudiced views. Yes, I am old enough to know the meaning of the word counterargument, but I'm starting to suspect you aren't. Perhaps the word you meant to use was contrasting? As that's what you did in your initial post. There was no argument for you to counter when you started this forum.

2) "back up your second point with evidence": on the originality front, no one but you tried to pass off someone else's article as their own. Alexisn10 used examples from the book to back up her points. Cassie1-2-3 and MrCullen pointed out how common the names were to counter your original point. Zanhar1 and rory2011 used other series as examples to counter your point. And of course there's no need to mention VampiresRevenge as you've already accepted those arguments.

3) I read your earlier post, however it was obviously an untruth.  And I'm saying this because despite stating you want other people's opinions and arguments, when they were given, instead of addressing them, you derided them for simply making their points.

@alexisn10 :-) thank you! Love Barney Stinson
@VampiresRevenge: agree totally. If she's a troll then good work!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
@cunha27 I doubt she needed help, Voldemort simply assigned a group to do it. Bellatrix is pretty skilled at torture and quite enjoys doing it herself. Once again Voldemort usually has them grouped. She fought back unlike Bella Swan, and if you're basing it more on the movies I can see why you'd say it was weak, but in the books she didn't start begging or cry, and she didn't request help (rather she was still taunting Harry), Voldemort just came. Was she even there during the battle of 7 Potters? I thought that one was just full of un-named Death Eaters. The battle of Hogwarts was a war, it's not like one person could take on an entire student and staff body. Like-wise I don't criticize Bella for needing help in the wolf vs Vamp war or that one scene in BD1 where the Cullens and wolves fought, that's like hundreds against one without aid plus in that second one she was pregnant. I'm talking one on one battle; all Bella could do was cry for help when James went at her, whilst Bellatrix single handedly dueled Hermione Ginny and Luna. That one I can't really say anything for because it's true, but she still wasn't crying and begging for help. She is, I think she's at a more powerful level than her foes.

Oh well I see what you mean there, I don't like hypocrites either. I try to be open-minded and look at all aspects not just one. It's so annoying when you get yelled at for doing something the person yelling at you did previously. >.>

That's cool at least you like her lol. Yeah that's true, I'm pretty sure that's could happen to any character if described only using weaknesses and not adding strengths. It's a breath of fresh air really, to finally debate someone who isn't slinging insults and dropping the f-bomb left and right.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cunha27 said…
:-) Thank you. I know it can be upsetting reading obviously unfair words about a character you like, so I'm really glad that you bothered to read my comment fully so as to understand the point I was trying to make.

As to my debating skills, I'll just quote cassie1-2-3 "There are millions out there. I'm not very unique." It's just unfortunate that it's the ones who swear and sling insults that usually stand out and therefore are most remembered.
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over a year ago zanhar1 said…
No problem. It's important to mead the whole comment as the most important stuff is usually towards the end. Nit to mention it's annoying to type a long comment only to receive 'lol' 'okay' or 'lol ur stupid n wrong'.

Indeed, ah well it's probably because most users on here are younger and haven't matured enough yet. No offense anyone, I was there too. Bit I like to remember the nice people. :)
over a year ago yemi_hikari said…
I have no clue what is going on in this topic thread other then the topic has been derailed big time. I looked at the list of names though and I do think there is a point to bringing up the fact so many names are similar.

1. Bella Swan/Bellatrix Lestrange
2. Charlie Swan/Charlie Weasly
3. Alice Cullen/Alice Longbottom
4. Rosalie Cullen/Rose Weasly
5. James/James Potter
6. Peter (American nomad)/ Peter Pettigrew
7. Kate (Denali coven)/ Katie Bell
8. Jacob Black/ Sirius Black
9. Jane (Volturi)/ Hermione and Dolores middle names are Jane
10. Billy Black/Bill Weasly
11. Angela Weber/ Angelina Johnson
12. Sue Clearwater/ Susan Bones

On one side it is true that these are quite common names and Harry Potter is known for having over six-hundred characters. I've seen quite a few Anime that have characters that share the same name. I can't think of any series that share this many similar names though... does anyone else know of any?
over a year ago VampiresRevenge said…
@yemi_hikari: Twilight was released in 2005 and DH was released in 2007, so Rosalie's name could not have been copied from Rose Weasley.

Every single name other than Rose/Rosalie on that list is extremely common. It would be different if Twilight had names like Hermione and Dumbledore. Plus, HP has over 600 characters and if it has 12 names in common with Twilight, that's only 2%. If it was something like half of the HP characters having the same names as Twilight characters, then I could see a reason to get suspicious, but only 12 out of 600+ is nothing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alexisn10 said…
In addition to @rory2012's comment I'd like to add this.
In addition to @rory2012's comment I'd like to add this.
over a year ago ChasingDawn said…
No she is not a troll. Are you? No, some people like Harry potter. So your point? That is insulting to a fan of Harry Potter. If you think she is one, look at that bunch of idiots over there moaning about how Harry should have a shower or some crap. And talking worse than 11 year old, I may add.