Harry Potter Things that JKR said would be included in Book 7 but weren't

PotterGal posted on Jul 23, 2007 at 12:11PM
So, JKR did leave a few things open and some of them were even things she said were important in the last book:

1. What were Lily and James' jobs? JKR said it would be significant.
2. Who was the person who exhibited magic in later life that JKR said would?
3. What was Dudley's worst memory when he came into contact with Dementors?
4. I really thought we would go back to the Department of Mysteries and learn more about the veil.

Can anyone think of any other things that were left open or have answers to the above questions that i may have missed? :)

Harry Potter 15 replies

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over a year ago tinydancer said…
I've been wondering that also, about the person who would use magic late in life too? I didn't think they would go back to the veil, I think that was just to keep people's hopes alive to think Sirius didn't really die or something?

Also, I thought I read what Lily and James' jobs were, but it could have been in fan fiction - I read the book so fast it's kinda a blur! Gonna start reading it again today so if I come across the answer (if it was in the book and not fanfic) I will post it here!
over a year ago caintil31 said…
she didn't say why certain people become ghosts
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
Yeah, she missed out quite a lot of stuff, like PotterGal, tinydancer and caintil31 said, but I really hope she answers our questions on her website or in the upcoming encyclopaedia.

tinydancer - she didn't say what Lily's and James' jobs were

She also missed out:
1. the contents of Petunia's and Dumbledore's letters
2. How exactly did the Potters and Longbottoms thrice defy Voldemort?
3. Lots of stuff about the Department of Mysteries

I'm sure all of these things can be answered on her website or in her encyclopaedia
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Thanks duckgoddess, stupid fan fictions getting in my head.... :) I think that alot of things that were left out will just have to be a bit of a mystery... I'm loving the sound of this encylopaedia she's talking about writing though, that would be brilliant! :)
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Yes I was certain that the final battle would be in the Department of Mysteries and I was really annoyed we didn't learn about the veil. I kept saying to myself if JK had written a "jet of GREEN light hit Sirius' chest" i would believe that he was dead. But she didn't say it and I was sure he'd come back or something!
Nevertheless I loved it.
over a year ago chel1395 said…
I'm disappointed that she didn't tell us what Harry, Ron and Hermoine's jobs were. Clearly they were professors or they would have been on the Hogwarts train with their kids.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
tinydancer - that happens a lot to me as well, it's really annoying cos it's so confusing!

chel1395 - they could be professors because professors don't usually go to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express, they usually go by another means of transport
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Oh yeah, i just remembered that JKR also said that some of the Professors were married and that would be important in the last book...did that mean Lupin?
I always assumed it to be someone like McGonagall, Flitwick or Sprout..
over a year ago rickard said…
ok ive got a question for JK Rowling, while in Gringotts, the goblin leaves with the Gryfindorrs sword, but then when harry is supposedly dead at the end, Neville pulls out Gryfindorrs sword and kills the snake. she doesnt explain how the sword managed to get into the sorting hat!!!! thats wat i want answered!!!!! can anyone explain this coz it doesnt say in the book?
over a year ago goalstopper said…
they did answer the second page to the lily's note to sirius. how she can't belive dumbledore is friends with i forget his name now but hopefully you know who i mean. anyways snape kept it because it said love lily.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
PotterGal - Remus wasn't a Professor anymore when he married Tonks...I dunno about McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Yeah, that's what i was thinking duckgoddess, but i couldn't think of anyone else..*confused*
over a year ago piperpayton22 said…
rickard i think it was like inthe second book cuz he has bravery like harry did so

my sister really believed that sirius was not dead

i argee with all of the coments cuz they are really good and she said it would be there and it isnt

she said that 2 maine charcters would dead but which two cuz there were more than 60 deaths so and i want to know the 50 that they didnt name
over a year ago dazl said…
Just wondering if I'm the only one who wonders about this: Sirius is constantly mentioned as Hrrrys godfather, but anyone else wonder who his godmother is? I thought it strange that harry would never ask, since those in the order would obviously know? Anyone? Or am I just going mad/
over a year ago PotterGal said…
JKR revealed in her live chat about the person who was supposed to do magic in later life. Her exact quote was:
I'm sorry about this, but I changed my mind!
My very earliest plan for the story involved somebody managing to get to Hogwarts when they had never done magic before, but I had changed my mind by the time I'd written the third book.

So, there wasn't anybody!