Harry Potter Weird pairings - help please!

snoznoodle posted on Aug 15, 2007 at 03:13AM
So I can understand why people would like Harry/Hermione because they are best friends and they do love each other, but there are some odd couplings that I don't understand and I would really like some explanation why it is people who like them.

Pairings like Draco/Hermione and Ginny/Draco I just really don't get when in the books they really hate each other.

So I'm just wondering if someone could explain it to me. I don't want to start a fight I'm just really interested and curious about this.

A little help please?

Harry Potter 31 replies

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over a year ago meeee said…
I think it's just because they hate each other.
It wouldn't be as obvious as Ron/Hermione or Harry/Ginny.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
But if they hate each other... how could they possibly be a good couple?
Ron and Hermione have huge fights but they're also best friends.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
I can understand Ginny/Draco - people are fascinated with the whole concept of a 'Romeo and Juliet'-style romance

As for Hermione/Draco - like meee said, people like them because they 'hate' each other on the outside but are actually amazingly attracted to each other. People want them to overcome their hate and fall in love, kind of like Ginny/Draco

There are other pairings like Harry/Draco, Snape/Hermione (URGH!), Snape/Draco, Snape/Remus...fans just love pairing Snape up with people. Seriously, anything can happen in the fandom. I once read a fanfic about the budding romance between Sirius' flying motorbike and the Weasleys' Ford Anglia
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Yes! Snape/Hermione must be the worst pairing ever! I can't believe people actually like that one. I'm quite surprised at how popular Draco/Hermione is...
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
yes fanfiction is pretty scary sometimes...

Thanks for a bit more of an explanation duckgoddess. It still scares me though.

I only really like realistic fanfiction which is a bit hard to find obviously... then again the motor romance would be pretty kool.
over a year ago tinydancer said…
I was just thinking the same weird thing about fan fiction when I saw this post! I'm reading fics on a site I haven't used before, and decided to look for Oliver Wood fics, cos I loved him in the books (and films...) But they're nearly all slash!! Did anyone else every get the impression that Oliver was gay??
I agree about all the other weird pairings, I just couldn't read a Hermione/Snape fic, that would be too weird!!
over a year ago piperpayton22 said…
i really dont know and dont car not to be mean but i have it when people write fanfics about them i only read R/Hr H/G or james and lily but after the 7th book came come i am not reading them cuz of stupid snape
over a year ago caintil31 said…
i read this one piece of slash fanfic with seamus and dean. it had me leaning towards being a S/D shipper
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
They're scary! It sounds like people are mixing the whole 'just friends' thing and twisting it and taking it to a brand new level. Much too weird for my standards.
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Yeah I'm not a fan of slash really cos it's so far away from canon... But I could actually see how the Seamus/Dean thing could be believable!
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
It's like in fandoms, fans just make everyone gay...while I think some of them could be not all of them are! I don't want to gross anyone out on this forum but there are things like incest fanfics; fans can be really disturbing...I guess it's easier to find fics on specific archives

I've read some Oliver Wood fics with Oliver/Katie Bell so I'm a bit of a shipper for that as well. I'm a canon gal like the rest of you but I read this hilarious fic where the author just used lines from the books and mashed it up so it became a Harry/Draco fic!
over a year ago tinydancer said…
I agree duckgoddess, I have stayed away from the Oliver/OMC fics, and I am also a bit of Oliver/Katie shipper!
I've seen those weird kinda fics and stay well away from them, I was amazed that people can be that weird.... I have also seen crossover HP and LOTR fics, and HP/Star Trek fics which I thought was slightly bizare....
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I found a forum on fanfiction.net where there were Ron/Ginny shippers. It really scared me so I pointed it out... but not specifically in an articulate way... it was more like 'ARGH! ARGH! BROTHER AND SISTER! ARGH!' lol.

I guess there is no such thing as 'just friends' anymore. People love when theres more behind a relationship, thats whats happpened with Harry and Hermione. Fans love there being more to the story than there is. I suppose they think it makes a great story.
Oliver/Katie does sound nice I don't mind those stories but I've sort of grown out of fanfiction for a while so I haven't really read any.

Well what ships DO people like? I used to love reading Lily/James and I adore Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny.
over a year ago tinydancer said…
I almost wish I would grow out of it, I feel I'm a bit old to reading about fictional characters outside of the actual books, but oh well! I mainly read Ron/Hermione stories, cos I love Ron's character. Harry/Ginny fics can also be really good, and I have also read some Oliver/Ginny fics which were random, but I just love reading Oliver fics cos there was never enough of him in the books! I've never read any weird pairing fics, generally stay away from slash, and run a mile from fics like you mentioned above Snoznoodle. I think fanfiction.net is really bad for how many slash/incest/abuse fics it has. I only read a couple of fics there, but there was so many weird ones that I don't think I'll be visiting the site again. Checkmated.com is my favorite site so far. Have I gone off topic? Sorry :D
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
I'm an avid Harry/Ginny reader with Ron/Hermione as a secondary pairing but I'll also read any good Ron/Hermione, Lily/James, Remus/Tonks or Oliver/Katie fic. My favourite archives are PhoenixSong, SIYE and LiveJournal (not really an archive)
over a year ago choci33_lover said…
well as a complete fan of cannon, and fandom i think basically the reason we get weird pairings like

snape/ etc char. and draco/ etc char.

cuz every1 loves out slytherins nad there realy just isnt enough romance going on w/ them...

oh and for the slash-ness XDD well just think really hard about all that sexual tension going on in those dorms XD

ha im just kidding; im a fan of yaoi but i dont no what makes ppl think of things liek Harry/Draco Siirus/remus Snape/Siirus lol
over a year ago slytherin360 said…
One shipping u have to read is Bellatrix/Harry. Weird but i recommend the story Earl of the North. Very well written, give it a try. Remus/Tonks is great as well. Blackcest is pretty oool. I cant stand slash
over a year ago boobud said…
well i love Draco/Hermione .. i like it cos it would cause so much controversy .. i means theres the whole Slitherin/Gryffindor thing, then pureblood/muggle-born, they 'hate each other' .. he's got nice hair and hers is bushy ..
i kno it would never happen .. but i can dream *sigh* =]
over a year ago iluvjesse said…
Grr....I am the biggest Ron/Hermione fan in the wold (I started the Romione spot, actually!) All those stupid Snape/Hermione, Draco/Hermione and Ron/and some other random person make me sooo mad!!!
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Oooo.... Katie/Oliver sounds so cute! Where can I read fanfiction about that pair? Seriously, I want to read about them.

Honestly, I kind of get it, but don't. It's supposed to be like Romeo and Juliet, with two families (Weasleys and Malfoys or Grangers Malfoys or Gryffindors and Slytherins or whatever you like to call their families) who are supposed to hate each other, but they end up falling in hot, passionate, secret love. Sounds sexy, but really, Draco and Hermione or Draco and Ginny? He has wished both of them death in the past!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I think it bothers me because in Romeo and Juliet, they both are good people and they actually originally liked each other.

Hermione hates Draco Malfoy... and although Draco's not entirely bad, he's not a fan of Hermione either. I just think if either of them found out people were fantisizing about them falling in love they'd be a tiny bit repulsed. lol. They just wouldn't do it!!
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
I agree!
over a year ago tinydancer said…
kateliness2, you can read about Katie/Oliver on www.fanfiction.net - that's where I have read most of the stories about them, some are good. Also try www.checkmated.com, they don't have that many KB/OW but generally I think the quality of the stories is better than on ff.net. Hope that helps!
over a year ago Laura90 said…
If you go to this website :


you can actually click on a pairing you want read about.
Some great stuff on here... :)

I would just like to say it doesn't matter if you don't understand/agree with some HP pairings that other people may like. Fanfictions are great as they let you write/read things that are not necessarily "correct" within the HP books. They let you expand your imagination.

So eventhough pairings such as draco/hermione, draco/ginny etc. are not going to happen fans can still enjoy the fictional stories. We all have different prefaces and fanfictions are a great way to enjoy all different types. The "normal" to the "scary"
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Really well said Laura90! Now i feel kind of bad lol. Fanfiction is your own imagination, you can make anything you want happen and it doesn't have to be exactly like someone else's story.

So all those people who want to read about Draco/Hermione, we're not putting you down, it's just not really our taste. lol.
over a year ago Laura90 said…
Lol :)
over a year ago slytherin360 said…
rita/harry O__o or get this... grawp/umbridge.. sirius/regulas... sirius/remus... lucius/draco... PPL WRITE SOME PRETTY WEIRD SHIT! strangest thing ive ever stumbled apon was a dobby/dumbledore/bellatrix trio romance O___0 i had to exit like half way down the page cuz... well it was really messed up.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
LOL! I kind of want to read that just to see how it works! lol! Grawp/Umbridge! SCARY!
over a year ago MioneWeasley545 said…
OMG, u can find some really good stuff on fanfiction.net but it's mixed up with a lot of weird/far fetched and, at worst, disturbing fanfics. Hopefully, you're lucky enough to figure out the paiting in the summary nad not click on it expecting something. like i once read a snape fic nad at the end it brought in some random slash with sirius and i'm like "what???"

the worst thing that i have ever seen in a summary is... *shivers*... twincest. eeeek! i think u get it. isn't that just... EXTREME?

most common:
Snape/Hermione: I'm a fan of both characters. So the fact that Snape could be with Hermione disturbs me. I know, some age differences are acceptable but this ship is... yet it's soooo popular.

Marauder Era Slash: Basically every combo SS/RL, RL/SB, JP/SS, JP/SB, SS/SB... you get the point. Just... why?

Then there's slash of present era, Ron/Harry, Draco/Harry or Ron etc.

And Hermione is basically paired up with every guy in the series (except, yet to see a Dumbledore/Hermione, thank heavens)
I'm a huge R/Hr fan, lol. But at least some of the ships are, though non-canon, rational. Still, Ron doesn't get paired up with random characters as often...

anyways, done with my rant...
over a year ago -SarahRaRaRa- said…
Snape/Hermione and Draco/Hermione just boggle my mind?!?
over a year ago OCFan123 said…
I really don't get Draco/Ginny, Snape/Hermioe.