herobrine beleivers Updates

an icon was added: Heyoooooooo over a year ago by AnimeGum78
a photo was added: Herorbrine, OH YEAH' over a year ago by AnimeGum78
a comment was made to the poll: What is the first thing you would say if Herobrine is right behind you? over a year ago by Bluecherry6765
a comment was made to the video: Herbrine documentary over a year ago by awsomebrony
a comment was made to the poll: Who is better? over a year ago by MocingJay
a poll was added: Who is better? over a year ago by MocingJay
a comment was made to the fan art: herobrine over a year ago by MocingJay
a comment was made to the photo: Herobrine miner over a year ago by ILovePeterPan
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think you can kill Herobrine? over a year ago by ILovePeterPan
a comment was made to the poll: Herobrine vs Chuck Norris over a year ago by ILovePeterPan
a comment was made to the poll: Herobrine vs Notch over a year ago by ILovePeterPan
an answer was added to this question: What if everything in minecraft got out into the real world? over a year ago by pigsrhot
fan art was added: Herobrine is out to get me! over a year ago by ILovePeterPan
a comment was made to the poll: If you had one other person to help you defeat Herobrine, who would it be? over a year ago by LiptonGold
a poll was added: Do you think you can kill Herobrine? over a year ago by awesomeface7
a comment was made to the poll: Apperently we got a thief in Minecraft over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a question was added: What if everything in minecraft got out into the real world? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a comment was made to the link: Ask herobrine over a year ago by Coletheconquer
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Whos the person that created minecraft? over a year ago by Silvazeking100
an article was added: I meet Herobrine ch 2 over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: Apperently we got a thief in Minecraft over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a pop quiz question was added: Who is herobrine? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: You have just killed Herobrine. What are you gonna do next? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
an article was added: I meet herobrine over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: If you had one other person to help you defeat Herobrine, who would it be? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a comment was made to the link: Cult of Herobrine over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a pop quiz question was added: Whos the person that created minecraft? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a link was added: Cult of Herobrine over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: You just summond herobrine. What do you do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a comment was made to the link: Herobrine documentary over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a reply was made to the forum post: Lets look for Herobrine over a year ago by Silvazeking100
a link was added: Herobrine documentary over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a video was added: Herbrine documentary over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: You're walking home alone. Its dark. The only light that is illuminating your path is the moon. Then HIM steps out of the darkness. What do you do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: Herobrine vs Chuck Norris over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: What would you say if Herobrine stole all of you items? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What does Herbrine look like and what does he do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a pop quiz question was added: What does Herbrine look like and what does he do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a pop quiz question was added: What does Herbrine look like and what does he do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a link was added: Ask herobrine over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: Would you rather get chased by Herobrine or Enderman? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: What is the first thing you would say if Herobrine is right behind you? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a link was added: Herobrine over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: Herobrine vs Notch over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: What if Herobrine entered the REAL world? What would happen? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: Herobrine vs. Enderman Who will win? over a year ago by haliethefangirl
a poll was added: If you ever met Herobrine, what would you do? over a year ago by haliethefangirl