Heroes Thoughts on Season 3 Premiere?

papa posted on Sep 23, 2008 at 06:31PM
Anyone care to discuss their thoughts about the season 3 premiere?

I'm gonna get grief from other fans, but I was somewhat disappointed.

What I liked:
* I enjoyed the Hiro/Ando subplot and the introduction of Hiro's nemesis
* Nathan's spiritual awakening has some interesting potential for the story (though it reminds me a bit of Balthar in Battlestar Galactica)
* The pacing was fast and furious, much better than the beginning of Season 2

What I didn't like:
* A bit too much rehashing of themes and ideas: Another "I'm your parent revelation", Claire shooting more videos of herself, another convoluted end-of-the-world future scenario, Syler now has the regeneration power (now we've got 3 -- or is it 4 characters with that ability).
* Mohinder continues to act like an idiot. Why, I will inject myself at the this pier here. What a brilliant idea!
* While I like Linderman, there's a bit too much of the "coming back from the dead" business going on. It's an ok plot device when used sparingly, but we're seeing it happening too often on Heroes.

Anyway that's it for me. I'm still happy that Heroes is back on and hope that things turn out well (one only wonders what will happen on Parkman's walkabout).

Heroes 12 replies

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over a year ago Amnesiac727 said…
You weren't the only one, too was disappointed. The premiere was fast paced but not in a good way more like a "what the hell? wait, what about?...huh?" way. One thing that annoyed me the most was the random dramatic heroes theme playing every 5 minutes.

I know the whole point of this premier is to throw questions up in the air, questions that will surely be answered as the season progresses but still. And the dialogue between the characters was just....crap.
over a year ago layla_14 said…
I loved it, I think it's going to be the best season, I started off much better than season 2 did, but what did sylar really do to get claire's power? I've only watch the first episode so far, but I don't understand what happened there? though it was kinda of funny! I didn't like the mohinder part, I don't want everyone to have powers, now where is the fun in that, and Ando in the future, I was shod to see that happen, it was so not what I was expecting. I really loved the all of the scenes that peter was in, thought that was great! All in all I thought I was a good way to start!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago danrowe said…
I agree with the crap dialogue. It was so action packed I could hardly recall what had really happened throughout the episodes.

Very good though. Definitely better than Season 2. But I feel Season 1 was more exciting.

I think they just needed to tone down all the deaths a bit. I couldn't remember who had died! :P
over a year ago spezlee said…
I LOVED it! I guess there were some things that bugged me but the good far outweighed the irritating in my opinion! I loved the claire and sylar scene and her and peter!
over a year ago L_Lawliet said…
@danrowe: Season 3 premiere was far more exciting than the season 1 premiere. It had a lot of action.
@papa: I disagree in some points, namely...
*I didn't like Nathan's "spiritual awakening". It is something that doesn't fit his character. It seems very unlikely that a cold minded, selfish and apathetic person like him would had a quick change of heart like that.
*Linderman's rebirth: I think this has something to do with Nathan's craziness; it's clearly stated that Linderman is only visible for Nathan, and I see it as like Nathan going insane. My theory is that he is being mentally controlled (Maury Parkman, maybe).
*You'll have to excuse me, but I don't really trust Angela Petrelli. Do you? She could be lying as far as I know; it wouldn't be the first time. It's even speculated that she hypnotizes people by touching them (as she aparently did with Nathan's wife, and now she touched Sylar while talking to him).
*What is so annoying to you about Claire shooting videos of herself? It's her life, she can do anything she wants to! Plus, she has reasons to do it again, and it's somewhat significant.
*I think the end-of-the-world scenario is inevitable. What do you expect the Heroes to do? What do you want to see them doing? Some gardening? Plus, it's all the emo nurse's fault: he always screws everything. The end-of-the-world scenarios are ALWAYS caused by him. He's not a Hero. He's a villain, and Sylar is a hero who wants to stop him. =D
*About Sylar getting Claire's power: if you have at least 2 characters with the ability to obtain other's abilities, you can't avoid to see them doing just that... It's the reason of their power.
*We all know that Mohinder is just plain stupid, so I don't see your ponit...

lol, all my commentaries are with good intentions, with no offense intended. =P
I await your responses.
over a year ago fuddle said…
I hope it lives up to season1, season 2 was ok but a bit of a let down. season 3 seems to cram a lot in and repeat alot of what we have already seen, I enjoyed it but it didnt give you the chance to take it all in.
maybe the creators are trying to cram more in because season 2 was cut short by half a season. I just wish they'd get rid of Maya!
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
im really hoping that this season is going to be a good season!!! ive been waiting for the season to start for months. the premiere was okay a lot better than season 2 anyway. i think the theme of villians is a fabulous idea. i think its going to be great to see which main characters are going to turn into villians. i say these ones will;
obviously Sylar lol
Nikki (or whoever the hell she is)
and i recon peter is gonna be the worst villian they have ever had on the show

over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
lol i wanna know what made claire so bad-ass.. her story line with meredith seems cool..
over a year ago Nagrom said…
L_lawliet I agree with almost everything you say :) especially the nathan insane storyline.

My friend pointed out that it is definitely true that angela is sylar's mother, for what she did...sacrficing that girl that could see the past history of objects...she did it so that sylar could make tactile contact with her and find out she was telling the truth.

The end of the world storyline, Mohinder, Maya and everyone getting powers do seem a bit lame. But there is more pressing annoyances... the HUGE inconsistencies with Claire. Can she or can she not feel pain? If she can then why did she put her hand in the plug hole cutting device thing in season one and cut her toe off in season 2, if she cannot then why was she moaning when she is suffocating...I am pretty positive that it would NOT be painful or unpleasant if she couldnt feel pain :P

I really like the cloning Nikki, Barbara, Tracey Strauss idea and would like that to be a huge storyline, the whole villains idea is rather lame as anyone who has every met anyone knows that "good" and "evil" aren't seperate entities and that most people are grey, seperating us into heroes and villains is pointless, it would be better if they had less goody two shoes and less evil ruthless villains and more HRG who we cannot tell whether they are doing good or not
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
its not really inconsistent with claire.. she has regenerative abilities and does not feel pain but she can still suffocate when she is unable to breathe. and she has been able to feel pain all the time till sylar took her powers.. he changed something so that afterwards she could no longer feel pain which is what upset her even more..
over a year ago Nagrom said…
yes but my point is that surely you only FEEL suffocation if you have the ability to FEEL :P
over a year ago franzee said…
oh men!
reading your comments make me feel a lot jealous guys!!
we're still on season2 episode 5 here in asia!
bummer much!!