Heroes Plot holes?

dark_requiem posted on Oct 07, 2008 at 07:40PM
So I have a few questions about the plot and discrepencies between this season and previous ones, especially in light of the latest episode.

1. When did Peter have to work to absorb another's powers? He was automatically doing it for the first two seasons. I can understand if Sylar was able to consciously prevent it with some power of his own, but in hte past it wasn't possible.

2. In light of the above, would past Peter have been able to absorb all of future Peter's powers?

3. Wouldn't Claire have been obliterated by the nuclear blast? I'd think if someone was blown in pieces like Claire would have been at the epicenter of a nuke, she couldn't have survived that. (Though Peter could have teleported away in time)

4. If Peter can teleport into Sylar's cell, why wouldn't Sylar be able to use his abilities to get away as well?

5. The Haitian can't stay awake forever, so why can't Hiro teleport out with Ando at some point when the Haitian is asleep?

6. After the nuke (since they both did survive), why would Claire have regenerated before Peter? The Haitian couldn't have gotten to them that fast, at which point Peter could have easily gotten away from Claire.


Heroes 5 replies

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over a year ago papa said…
It seems like Sylar (in this episode) can demonstrate *some* understanding of another heroes' abilities without having to do the brain inspection (e.g. when Sylar figured out the guy who fed of fear). So maybe he was able to prevent Peter from doing so because of this knowledge? (which would explain why others could not do so and Peter accomplished this effortlessly)

But in general you raise some really good points. I personally think the writing has gotten really sloppy and repetitive.

I still don't get how the 2 most powerful characters on the show, Sylar and Peter, get held up by Claire with a gun, Daphne and Mr. Fear/Anger Guy. That was just plain idiotic. Peter and Sylar should've owned those guys from the start.
over a year ago wisteriawoman said…
Points 3 & 4:

3. Claire has already survived a nuclear blast, we saw it at her home, when she went back in for Noah, remember?

4. Presumably your speaking about when Sylar goes all nuclear ..........It would appear this one is a difficult gift to control as the original owner of this gift blew up Noah & Claires home, then Peter nearly blew up New York and as Sylar was Angerered over the death of his son, I guess he just didnt want to stop it?

I agree that Sylar Main gift is that he understands how the abilities work much more than anyone else, he knew claires much better than she did and I emagine thats how come Peter could not absorb it as Syler understands how he absorbs and can somehow block it!

And as for Future Claire, well she is clearly much more advanced that Peter in Regeneration probably as this is her only ability - and didnt Sylar tell her that she was 'Special' - I dont think we have seen all of what Claire is capable of!

I do agree that there are a few loose ends and questions left open, but I guess thats probably because they had to cut short the last series due to the writers strike and they are now tryin to fit all that into this series as well

I am still lovin it though!
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Heroes is getting really sloppy. It has too many plotholes. Apart from the others mentioned:
Claire shot future peter in the chest,now,i understand that the hatian was there then but why couldn't future peter regenerate later? I remember maya coughing the bullets out,why couldn't he?
over a year ago raknaff said…
anwser for number 4: Sylar can't teleport!
over a year ago Nagrom said…
Sylar has telekinesis....he could break through anything...he can melt things...he can use his super hearing to hear them coming...he has the illusion power...he has any number of ways of getting out of there