Heroes Wasn´t Sylar supposed to....

adavila posted on Oct 14, 2008 at 05:00AM
hear the conversation between claire, her dad, and the guy that opens vertexes in this past episode?

Heroes 6 replies

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over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Totally! I was about to start a forum called "The Major Continuity Issues Continue" but then I saw this.

1. Sylar should have been able to hear it since he killed/took the power of the woman with the freakish hearing.

2. Peter should have theoretically had Sylar's power, hunger and all, since just being around other "special" people in the past borrowed their powers, enough to the point where he borrowed telekineses from Sylar.

3. The "Hunger" shouldn't even really apply to Peter since he doesn't have to look at the brains of others to get their powers, they just come to him.

4. Isn't Nathan still married?

5. So we now know that there were triplets, Barbara, Nikki, and Tracy... but what about Jessica? At one point wasn't she supposed to have been Nikki's twin?

6. Why hasn't Peter been whining about Caitlin? I mean.. she's definitely been written out at this point, but I can't just see him not caring all of a sudden.

I'm sure there are many, many more... those are just off the top of my head.
over a year ago suggy said…
1. The shanti virus took away some of his powers (If I'm not wrong.)

2. I couldn't answer this as well.

3. The curiousity caused the hunger. Although Peter need not slice head to get the power, but he wants to examine the brain to understand as much as he can.

4. They got separated ever since the explosion took place.

5. Jessica is Niki's elder sister.

6. I don't really like that girl, so yeah. :|

There are many loopholes in this season :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dalylfc said…
sylar did hear it you could see him listening and he even said to bennett in the car scene you tried to make him kill me. god do people actually watch this show. and jessica is prob another adopted girl in a care home just like nikki was and she thought this was her sister nikki and jessica are not biological sisters. nikki tracy and barbara are the triplets all injected and sent off too different familys
over a year ago thecon said…
SPOILER ALERT for this post... do not read if you haven't seen this week's episode 'Angel's and Monsters'!

The BIGGEST plot hole this season has to be the formula.... Why not just destroy it? Though I can think of a couple other reasons to keep it sticking around, non make as much sense as destroying it.

Also, don't know if anyone else is feeling this, but it seems like their is too much going on in each episode, as in too many big events happening each week. It's making it feel a little 'messy' to me... though I still love it, I 'd like bigger events to be a little more special rather than relentless... especially with this week's Peter cutting his mum's head, Ando being killed, Nathan's artificial power reveal, Mrs Petrelli's dream, and daddy petrelli/ linderman reveal.

All that in the one episode! Any one of those is worthy of a cliffhanger! Anyone else feel the same?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dalylfc said…
i know what you mean it is going pretty fast but im hoping its going to calm down. i wonder if there just trying to show you everyone involved as quick as possible then tell there stories as we go through. i mean they could of easily left the petrelli linderman reveal right untill the last epidoe or so. but i suppose that would just wreck your head but is that not why we love this show.
over a year ago thecon said…
That's a good point... it feels like the different factions are at different stages. Hiro and Ando have had their initial revealing info and now are on their quest, but other character's are still seeking info/knowledge/revelations that will do the same for them. And perhaps this is where the 'mess' is... because characters like Mrs Petrelli are crossing over into many of the different plot strands, and each time in a different manner and with varying stakes.

I'm just thinking aloud now, but I love typing thoughts out.. I really feel like I'm seeing everything more clearly!
last edited over a year ago