Heroes I can't be the only person who believes they've totally lost the plot...

Joker posted on Dec 17, 2008 at 11:46PM
Ya know, I wanted so badly to defend Heroes but after what I've witnessed tonight I feel it's no longer possible. I thought this season started out so promisingly, Angela's dream, Hiro's trip to the future where Ando 'kills' him. It looked like it was getting set-up so nicely yet they've managed to completely mess the whole thing up by making it over-complicated and creating more plot-holes than you can shake something brown and sticky at.


They've taken everything that was cool about the show and completely tarnished it. What is the point in watching now that Peter AND Hiro have lost their powers? That was the best thing about the whole show! All the promise of 5 Years Gone has been completely wasted by writers who clearly have absolutely no idea what direction they're going in. What was that about tonight, with Peter injecting himself (conveniently giving himself the power to fly) when Nathan could've just flown them both out of there anyway? Hell, even if he didn't wanna save Peter he could've just flown out of there himself! That and the convenience of Daphne and Ando travelling through time to rescue Hiro have just destroyed my faith in the whole show. It's like they've got a group of 6 year olds writing it, a show doesn't need 6 twists or surprises an episode to make it good, that just makes it entirely shit.

Heroes 11 replies

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over a year ago jamfan4 said…
Yikes, that was harsh. I enjoyed the last episode! I liked Sylar going all "Saw" on the worst characters, I loved Ando getting powers, and I thought it was totally logical that they used the Einstein thing to get Hiro.
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
It Really Annoyed Me That Daphne Knew How To Go Backwards And Forwards Into Time! It Annoyed Me That Nathan Was In Many Situations That He Could Of Flew Him Self Out Of, For Example: Knox Keeping Him From Stopping Peter, He Could Of Just Flew Out The Room And When He Was Surrounded By Fire He Could Of Flew Out The Window Instead OF Peter Having To Do It For Him. Oh Yeah Why Peter Didn't Faint Was Annoying And I Doubt Hiro Could Of Managed To Get Himself Off The Pole Without Powers.
I May Have Missed Out Other Stuff But I Did Think It Was A Very Exciting Episode And I Can't Give Up My Heroes Addiction, I Can't Feel Bothered To Get Too Annoyed With Its Bad Points...
over a year ago dark_requiem said…
I feel like Nathan wanted to die in the fire, but Peter saved him. "This isn't what I wanted" is what he said to Peter afterwards - I took that to be that if everyone couldn't have powers, he didn't want to be "special" and thought death was preferrable.
over a year ago The-Stig said…
Your not the only person who found it annoying. i am too big a fan of Heroes to dis it completely, but the writers definitely made several big mistakes this series. Most obviously 9in my opinion) killing off Adam. And if they don't bring Sylar back then i may even stop watching, unlikely, but I want to make a protest
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Yeah The Way They Killed Adam Was Crap Too... I Think Nathan Said "Its Not What I Would Do" To Peter When He Saved Him.
over a year ago Joker said…
Adam's death was so disappointing, I really like the character and was hoping he'd be a major part of the season and they killed him off just about straight-away!

It's not just minor-points that annoy me though, they were just a couple of things that got to me after watching the last ep.

The writing is just lazy, last season Peter lost his memory, tis season Hiro. They can't seem to make their mind up whether or not they want Sylar to be good or bad. Matt and Daphne fell in love when they'd actually only known each other about five minutes...I'd be surprised if Parkman knows her second-name!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chels125843 said…
you are the only one!!!!

the only upsetting thing is taking away the best character of heroes history.....elle :'(
RIP! <3

and of course taking away the syelle relationship! :(

over a year ago Joker said…
The Syelle relationship lasted about 2 episodes!! It was built up and disbanded over about 5 altogether, no tension created at all. One thing that is bugging me was the episode where Peter went to the future because he needed Sylar's power and Sylar still acted as if he was Peter's brother...which we now know he's not. One of many inconsistencies, the writers must think we're all unbelievably stupid and have the attention span of a goldfish.
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
The whole season is full of numerous plotholes. Things don't connect with the events in the past anymore and most of the characters were destroyed by the writers...
But, I can't stop watching it because of some weird addiction I have with this show,so, I have stopped pointing out the mistakes in every episode!
over a year ago dark_requiem said…
We must keep watching it because we really want an ability ourselves.
over a year ago chels125843 said…
other than the plothole with sylar and peter and brothers and stuff i dont seem to find any others. am i just oblivious?
and i doubt it will get cancelled ;P