Heroes Vol. 4 Spoilers.

chels125843 posted on Jan 02, 2009 at 07:24PM
So I wanted to know if anyody knew any spoilers for the new volume. This could be a forum to talk about spoilers so if you dont like spoilers then dont read!! :P

i heard from eonline that there is going to be a huge planecrash with a bunch of the heroes on it. I take it thats from in the promo when they are in the orange jumpsuits on the plane.

ive also heard that daphne gets kidnapped but i dont see this as a big deal considering everyones getting hunted down and captured.

any thoughts?

Heroes 40 replies

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over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
I Remember Hearing Or Seeing THe Below.
Matt Goes To See Claire, Claire Says That " Did Angela Tell You That They're After You" Or Something Around Them Lines.
Matt Doesn't Know What She Is On About And They Both Get Captured.
over a year ago chels125843 said…
claire & matt thats weird. to me anyways
im so excited that i just wanna know!! :)
over a year ago 675 said…
I copied these for ya:

~When the series return, all of the characters are back in their real lives. You see Peter as a paramedic. Claire is looking for colleges. Matt's wife Janice comes back. We'll find out what happens when you have a superbaby.

~John Glover will play Sylar's father. "When Sylar meets his father, he's going to see a path ahead of him that he doesn't want to take,"

~Daphne is not on the crashing plane :) she is searching for Matt while he's on the plane :(

~Daphne is the blond that dies that isn't really dead <3

~We will not see much of the future Heroes and Kring says time-travel has become a "crutch" so it will be avoided

~We might see the origins of The Company and the first time they met in 1977

~We will see Nathan's wife and kids again this season

~Zeljko Ivanek will be joining the gifted ones as a character called "The Hunter."

~We will get more details about Ando's past

~Heroes are not the only ones in danger, but the people in their lives are as well.

~Eric Doyle will be appearing in a couple more episodes

There you go. I don't know how reliable this all is because most of it was stuck in quotes and different places. You can get more at link Hope that helps!!! <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chels125843 said…
over a year ago 675 said…
I'm so happy Daphne comes back!! but I'm sad too because that means Elle isn't, if only one blond comes back :(
over a year ago chels125843 said…
yeeah im SOO still upset about that cause kristen is amazing!!
over a year ago Galbraith said…
Neat, thanks for getting all this info together and posting it :)
Kinda hope Matt dies - unless he ends up staying with Daphne, in that case he can live lol
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Oh Yeah I Think Claire Has A New Boyfriend Named Alex, I Posted Images Of Them Together =]
over a year ago 675 said…
^yeah I looked at them and it totally shocked me! what about Milo??
^^I sort of agree with galbraith about Matt. I didn't like him til he got together with Daphne but now I think he's sort of cute, even though he's old enough to be my dad :S
^^^Kristen was the best actress on the show :( do you know if she's going to do any movies soon?
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over a year ago chels125843 said…
yup yup :)

shes going to be in fanboys, when in rome & couples retreat & the veronica mars movie :)
all 2009 except the vm movie which is being written now!
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
The Hunter Will Be Portrayed By Željko Ivanek

Here Are Some Fan Theories About The Hunter.

He is tasked by Nathan to capture the enemies of Pinehearst.
His actions are not illegal and are supported by the government.
He has a power which helps him subdue people he encounters.
His power is mental manipulation.
His power is persuasion.
His ability is Paralysis
he will have Evolved human detection
He doesn't have an ability because he works for the government; And the government wants to get rid of evolved humans.
The government may use people with abilities to help them complete their mission.
He captures a collection of heroes in 'duel' who are then either killed or escape after the plane they are on crashes.
He will have hounds that can sniff out evolved humans to capture.
He is related to an evolved human we already know.
He will recruit Sylar to do his dirty work.
When Angela talked about Pandora's Box being opened she was referring to The Hunter.
He hunts evolved humans for the challange.
His ability is to adapt to situations, thus, by defeating a human with an ability, he somehow become immune to the effects of that power. Like DC Comics's Doomsday. Like Sylar's Intuitive aptitude, this power extends in other fields like solving puzzles, understanding how things work, but unlike Sylar, he also overcomes the obstacle instantly. Certain powers he can't adapt to like fast regeneration or flight since they are not channeled onto him but lightning, time stop, temperature powers, etc... those are easy.
He has advanced olfactory abilities, allowing him to locate people by smell.
over a year ago chels125843 said…
^^ whoaaa thats a lot about him!!! :)
i wonder whats true and whats not!?

apparently since claire (stupidly) jabbed poor sylar in the back of his head he wont have his abilities anymore....?
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Oh, I Reckon He Will Be Fine ;)
over a year ago chels125843 said…
cause it said that on spoilers on eonline. you heard of it? "watch with kristin"
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Well I'm Not Sure But If He Doesn't Have His Powers, It Will Piss Off Everyone, Plus Someone Must Have Helped Him Out The Wreckage Of Primatech, Who Would That Be?
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over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Luke is an evolved human with the ability to emit microwave rays.

Luke has the ability to emit microwave rays. It is currently unknown as to how this ability works or the limitations of using it.

Fan Theories

Luke will become Sylar's apprentice.
Sylar and Luke will hunt evolved humans.
Luke is Ted's younger brother
Luke will be one of the people captured on the plane in volume 4.
Luke is Sylar's younger brother.
over a year ago chels125843 said…
thanks for all the spoilers!!! I WONDER WHO SAVED HIM!
over a year ago chels125843 said…
do you think the hunter saved sylar so he could get him to work for him???
i have noooooooooo idea!! :s
over a year ago The-Stig said…
Does nayone know if we'll be seeing any more of adam?
over a year ago chels125843 said…
hes dead ! :S
over a year ago The-Stig said…
yh, I know, but if we may be seeing a bit more about the origins of the company, seeing as he brought them together, he my make an appearnace
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
Oh Yeah If It Is True About We Will See My Of The Origins OF The Company We Should See More Adam!
over a year ago chels125843 said…
okay cool!
but if they are gonna show us more adam i think to be fair we need more elle! for the fans' sake. :)
over a year ago 675 said…
^ I agree :)
More more more spoilers!:

~Claire,Mohinder Tracy, Hiro and Peter are captured on the transport plane

~Matt teams up with Peter against Nathan

~Matt and HRG are locked in an intense mental interrogation, both of them breathless, both trying not to pass out. A very intense episode. HRG will have some scenes with Adrian (Nathan).

~Daphne is a fugitive and Matt will reveal a darkside

~Kristen Bell is not retuning but someone else is

~The Heroes are all on the run TOGETHER from the Hunter and his team

~We will definitely see Molly again this season

~Dan Byrd's character Luke will team up with Sylar in Volume 4 and he has the ability of using Microwave Rays.

~another Petrelli brother will be losing their powers.

~West would not be back this season, and Claire doesn't get into any new romances...at least not until after the eighth episode

I got them from Heroes wiki under spoilers :) there's not alot and they're mostly Matt and Daphne because Greg usually gives most of them :D
But only like 3 people read this anyway so..

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago The-Stig said…
Yay! I might see Adam again! And I agree, we should see Elle too, what are they thinking not bringing Kristen back?! Mind you I hope that someone else is David Anders, that would be good ;)
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over a year ago The-Stig said…
“Fugitives”, will feature the deaths of two more heroes, both “significant” characters — one of which will be permanent (that is, no more coming back from the grave this time, or so they say), while the other may or may not be, since the producers haven’t decided yet. And the kicker? Both deaths will be women characters.

Okay, so its not much, but everyone seems to have posted all the toher stuff I found out ;)
over a year ago chels125843 said…
well thanks :)

i bet its tracy & daphne
tracy will be permanent and then barbara will come in and daphnes will not be :)
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
This is from Kristen of E!Online:
1) Since Nathan has information on all the Heroes he will become best friends with the president immediately.

2)The first person Nathan "sells out" is Tracy

3) Hiro and Ando will be getting their own "lair"
over a year ago The-Stig said…
oh right, cool. yeah, that makes sense.
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Lol. Okay,there is more. According to Kristen, a major actor on the show wants out. Here, is the story:

Sources close to Heroes tell me that one of the show's stars has asked to leave the show at the end of the current season, in part because of a lack of screen time.

According to insiders, NBC has not yet decided whether this actor will be released from his or her contract; however, there is an apparent "death" planned for this season (somewhere in the last few episodes) that could wipe out this character for good.

So who is it?

Well, we can't reveal the actor's name (which is why this is a blind riddle—sorry!) but I can tell you:

1.It's a series regular who's been on since season one.
2.Some of you fans would freak if this actor were to leave.
3.This particular Hero-ic soul has more name recognition than others in the cast.
4.According to Peacock-net insiders, NBC is not likely to release this actor. (See number three.)
5.If this actor does return for season four, there's an easy way to bring him or her back from the planned "death."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chels125843 said…
hayden panettiere i bet you anything!
over a year ago haddy said…
u may already kno bout this but-
-cailtlin/bitch comes back
-hiro andando gain a lair
-barabra eventually arrives
-sylar gets an apprentice lol, who becomes claires new lover
over a year ago The-Stig said…
nooooo! I do not want caitlin back, and I do not want Sylars apprentice to be with Claire!!!! No, no, no, no, no!
over a year ago chels125843 said…
over a year ago The-Stig said…
i dont know why they even want Caitlin back to the show, she brings nothing!
over a year ago dazzled1901 said…
From what I gather Sylar is alive and is one a 'journay of self discovery'. He is out to find his real parents, an entire episode will be dedicated to him. I know that in the first episode of volume 4 a plane filled with captured heroes will crash. There will be some flashback episodes, including a younger Angela, supposedly a dreamer trying to save the world. And that young Angela has a younger sister, Wendy who worships the ground Angela walks on. Now I don't know for sure but wasn't Candice's real name Wendy? Are the illusionist and Angela related?
over a year ago Galbraith said…
Candice's real name was "Betty" - woulda been cool though. I'm actually glad they're bringing Caitlin back, cos now they're gonna explain what happened to her AND they'll be able to kill her off slowly and painfully.
over a year ago 675 said…
oh my god you have to watch this video!!!

over a year ago chels125843 said…
big smile
thanks for the clip looks AWESOME! :D<3
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
check out these tv guide scans: