Heroes :(

unfair_love posted on Feb 11, 2009 at 02:30AM
Hey... :( Heroes is just 2 violent for me and my mom... when Sylar tortured that man... and... well the show has changed SO much.
I mean it went from this wonderful story about all these people coming together and trying to use their powers for "The Greater Good"... to a porly directed love infested soap... to a SAD...Sad few eppisodes where everyone lost power... and now... well It reminded me of 24... I hate seeing people being tortured... Anyway I knew it would change... but not like this
so I bid thee adoo

Heroes 5 replies

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over a year ago 675 said…
I think the show is less violent than previous seasons, actually. I mean, in season one they showed all kinds of deformed bodies and people losing thier skin and stuff. In season 4 all they showed was that guys missing fingers, they didn't actually show him being tortured
but I think you should give the show another chance :)
over a year ago Galbraith said…
Yeah, Isaac got crucified to the floor with paintbrushes in season 1 and you watch charlie's head being sliced open, as well as linderman's brain being squished from inside his head... Molly's parents... the bodies Niki ripped to pieces... etc
over a year ago The-Stig said…
I still like it, I think its cool, besides, when tht man got tortured it wasnt tooo grpahic, i mean, he wasnt scremaing in agony or anything, besides, he desreved it... trying to kidnap Sylar like that...
over a year ago unfair_love said…
anyway my mom has made it final... i'm only 13 what else can i do except obey? Anyway thanks for your opinions
unfair love
over a year ago chels125843 said…
i agree with claire (675) well i agree with all of them actually, heroes hasnt gotten worse, its gotten better in that concept! but that sucks you cant watch it anymore! cause well its pretty amazing <333