Heroes Synesthesia - Color from Sound

Dragonclaws posted on Sep 29, 2009 at 05:32AM
So, in tonight's episode Ink, a deaf receptionist starts perceiving sound as color. Her doctor names it as synesthesia. I have that to some extent. It's not a power, just a rare neurological thing. I'm not sure why they're framing it as a power. I hope she has some other something like her synesthesia lets her see the future, 'cause otherwise it's... kind of like saying we synesthetes are evolved humans. That might be an insult. I don't know.

I made a video of the colors I perceive from letters. Folks might find that interesting?

Heroes 9 replies

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over a year ago Shadowsign said…
The doctor called it synesthesia, but that doesn't mean that's what she has. From the looks of it, what she has definitally an ability. I don't think they're trying to pass synesthesia off as a power. That was just a doctors logical explanation.
over a year ago Dragonclaws said…
I hope you're right, 'cause if it's otherwise I think Heroes would have messed up.
over a year ago Shadowsign said…
Did you see Sylar tormenting Matt? Heroes is already messed up. But I still love it!
over a year ago The-Stig said…
i dunno y they did tht either, coz i was thinking not a power coz i know tht on the whole its relatively common, its not some rare unheard of thing or ne thing.
over a year ago The-Stig said…
cool vid by the way. do u actually see the colours or only in ur head? Coz when I think of certian numbers i c colours. thought it was really interesting tht u gave all of them a colour tho :)
over a year ago dark_requiem said…
Heroes messes up constantly with thier own lore - it's just a signature of the series :)
over a year ago Dragonclaws said…
The-Stig: It's more of an intuitive visualization than actually seeing the colors in the real world. There are those who do see colors in the real world, but I have a lesser variety of synesthesia. If I use the number 3, to me it's pink. I can imagine it as navy, but it's really pink. It makes learning math difficult because I think more of color patterns going together in certain ways than I can visualize the numbers themselves. An example is that the word "even" is light-colored and the odd digits are also light-colored, despite the word "odd" and the even numbers being dark-colored. This will always confuse me.

Shadowsign and dark_requiem: I meant messed up in terms of sensitivity to the subject, and that this might be insulting to synesthetes. Burger King once had these kids meal characters, one of which was named Wheels because he was a kid in a wheelchair. In comparison X-Men has Professor Xavier, a powerful psychic who also needs a wheelchair. Burger King is less progressive because their disabled character has his disability as the whole of his character (ignoring for a moment how much higher quality X-Men is anyway). I'm afraid of Emma being the deaf woman whose power is a stylized neurological disorder.
over a year ago Dragonclaws said…
Okay! Well, blowing giant cracks in walls will do it.
over a year ago Shadowsign said…
Yeah. That was really cool.