Heroes Sylar

Motherhubbard77 posted on Dec 03, 2007 at 11:03PM
Well first of all, I'll admit, I never liked Sylar. I felt like he was this lonely highschool geek that discovered something about himself. I thought he was cheesy, and no he really didn't scare me. I like bad guys like Hannibal, Dracula, etc. Someone classy someone with intelligence. I just felt like he was going through the motions of being a bad guy.
However, today as I checked out a clip from tonight's finale, I am starting to change my mind. I always love the bad guys right, always secretly cheering for them, etc etc. And today when Sylar invited Mohinder into his own apartment, when his "adoptive" daughter lived, and tried to serve him breakfast, I realize that he may have started out all awkward and stuff. But I was sorta cheering him on, lol! Especially when he has wide eyed Maya eagerley fixing him breakfast! LOVED IT! And not to mention him making out with her while her brother lay there still warm, awesome!
So officially my opinion has been changed. I am liking Sylar more, and yes I even think he's earning himself some style!

Heroes 17 replies

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over a year ago blisslikethis said…
i don't know if he's gaining style, but he's definitely getting creepier.
over a year ago krazykray said…
I LOVE Sylar! He is with out a doubt the BEST actor on the show.
over a year ago drcoxrox said…
no offense krazykray but you and other people favor sylar, a villain and if you realize if sylar took over there would be no heroes the show would be called "villains" and especially TheLostBrotha obsesses over sylar and it doesn't make sense
over a year ago doonis said…
Actually part three is called Villians. So maybe something like that will happen.

P.S. I think Sylar is great!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Motherhubbard77 said…
I agree, everyone needs a badguy, I just for the whole series I felt that he was nothing but a wannabe bad guy, and yes I realize he did the whole cutting open of the skull thing, it's just I didn't buy it. He seemed fake-ish. Anyway I feel now that he has developed a bit more, he's much better!
over a year ago oatmealraisin said…
hes a good actor, a little hot, but really scary in the show.
over a year ago c3c3 said…
I like Sylar as well, Zach is a very good actor.
He stares like a devil .. really like those eyes haha...Still remember in season 1 after he got Ted's nuclear power ,he was looking at NY's nite view from up hill and said 'BOOOM'... that's cool...
and now he ended the season with "I'm back!"
Hooraay...welcome back Sylarrrr...
over a year ago Kitzo said…
Yeah, he does kind of lend a little "revenge of the nerds" flavour to the show. But I'm hoping his character will develop a little more in the next volume. The sociopathic emotionless killer thing is getting a little stale.
over a year ago TheLostBrotha said…
So what if I like Sylar 'drcoxrox'. Its the same with you and Dr. Cox! Everyone has likes so you gotta just accept it!
over a year ago bobert said…
I like Sylar as a villain. He is far from my favorite Hero(that would he Elle, Hiro and Ando). But we are all alowd to like who we want to. Alot of people root for the bad guys anyway. But Sylar plays the part of creepy bad guy very well. But i don't think Zachary Quinto is the best actor on the show. That would be Kristen Bell. But that is my opinion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
Syler can multiply?! omg thats some scary stuff.. haha
over a year ago fate-late said…
Sylars my fave aswell, i just think hes ace!
over a year ago jamesjamesjames said…
Sylar is cool...nuff said!
over a year ago gotbuffy said…
I agree! I think Sylar is an AWESOME bad guy! Right from the start.
over a year ago PenaQueNao said…
Yeah, I liked Sylar since his first appearance!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xElvenPiratex said…
I've always thought that Sylar was the perfect villain! He just gives off this creepy feeling...he's just mesmerising! And I disagree with Bobert...I think he's a far greater actor than Kristin Bell. I mean, it would be easy to play the immature psycho kid who's addicted to pain, but Sylar is far more complex. It would be a tough role to play and he absolutely rocks it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago franzee said…
and for a villain he's really good looking!