Hogwarts House Rivalry! Gryffpuff Common Room

simpleplan posted on Jan 25, 2011 at 02:16AM
A common room for Gryffpuffs are just Puffs and Gryffs

Hogwarts House Rivalry! 17 replies

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over a year ago Fenrir said…
I just can't fit in XD
over a year ago simpleplan said…
*hugs* me ether i guess its becuase we are to weird for the lot XD
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
This is going to become unmanageable. I thought we had all agreed that we weren't having mixed houses because they don't exist at Hogwarts.
over a year ago Kadaj said…
Best told them they could, Lexa.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
Is Best our leader? I thought this was a democracy...
I'm not seeing you guys as an official house here.
Good luck!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kadaj said…
It's not. xD
It is just so Fenrir will talk with simpleplan.
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
^^I apologize Lexa, I should've asked you all first, but I see no harm in it.
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
This should have been a spot decision. I don't know if everyone has noticed, but I REALLY don't like mixed houses.

Kadaj, Lol, well that's alright then ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago simpleplan said…
Sorry Lexa i should have ask you to
over a year ago simpleplan said…
its not a real house it does not count as one i still a Gryff and Fen still a puff but no one on here really understand are wierdness XD
over a year ago Ninja-Kitten said…
No you shouldn't have asked me, you should have asked the other members. I'm not the Head Girl. Best is not the Head Girl. There is no Head Girl and if I wasn't an infidel I would PRAY that there never is one again.

That was a rant...a pretty short one by my standards :P

Anyways, an entire forum just for you two? Don't you think this is moving a bit fast? ;)
over a year ago simpleplan said…
we are best friends so XD
we do not mind if you are the other members join in
over a year ago Fenrir said…
Anyone can come in XD We're just in different houses so...yeah XD
over a year ago simpleplan said…
yep XD
over a year ago simpleplan said…
Fen there a fat squirrel at my school
over a year ago LifesGoodx3 said…
A fat squirrel? O.o
over a year ago simpleplan said…
its so cute XD