horses rule Updates

a comment was made to the answer: horses defenately over a year ago by blackmagic101
an answer was added to this question: which is easier to ride pony or horse over a year ago by blackmagic101
a comment was made to the question: woud you ride in a rodeo or a jumper classic? (jumper classics are jumping comititions!!!) over a year ago by juliakeyser
a comment was made to the question: woud you ride in a rodeo or a jumper classic? (jumper classics are jumping comititions!!!) over a year ago by juliakeyser
a question was added: woud you ride in a rodeo or a jumper classic? (jumper classics are jumping comititions!!!) over a year ago by juliakeyser
a comment was made to the answer: horses defenately over a year ago by juliakeyser
a comment was made to the answer: horses defenately over a year ago by juliakeyser
a comment was made to the answer: horses defenately over a year ago by juliakeyser
an answer was added to this question: which is easier to ride pony or horse over a year ago by juliakeyser
a question was added: which is easier to ride pony or horse over a year ago by ldylion4444