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Hot guys on Fanpop Question


I have 3 questions.
1. how many males r on here?
2.could u post a pic on ur answer?
3.when a guy plays with ur hair does he like u?
well it was the first day at my new high school (I'm a freshman) and we were called into the auditorium so the principal can tell u the rules and other crap any way a group of guys sat behind me and the one directly behind me started playing with my hair (that the #1 thing i hate when ppl touch me or my hair) and its not long(goes to the bottom of my neck) and he lean forward and sat back and was like mmm she smells good! he said it pretty loud so I guess he was complimenting me on perpose and any way he kept playing with my hair and I just reached my boiling point so I turned around and I said if u touch me again I'll break ur fingurse u got that?!?! and they didnt touch me again

OMG he the guy that was touching my hair was so freaking Hott!!!!!!!! tan ,blue eyes, messy spinked black hair (like Taylor luatner's color:} ) and he is I'm my math and science class my two strongest classes and we had a math question and I was the first to figure it out (yeah I got it right lol) and he turned around and was like wow ur smart too! I was like yeah I was so scared I almost started crying :1 (smirk) I had no clue what to say!

I found out his name but its girly( julianne but I'll just call him j) well the only thing is that I just can't picture my self with him I c him with a 5foot ,bleach blond ,slutty,sized-0 airhead not a 6ft (5"11) brunett,size 8 ,smarty that very modest . like all the girls he can get y me?
my other prolem :in my gym I well addaptive pe (my heart beats faster then everyone else's ) so I'm in the class with window lickers ,twitcher and insainly huge ppl well there is this new guy named Steve :} he is tall, tan,brunett, funny ,sweet,and 17:(... I'm only 14....:( I never get a chance to talk to him cuz a group of guys is suficating me so I can't talk to him :( so should I date the player or sweetie that's so
alright, i have read some of the comments and i think some of the people are confused either that or i am. sweetie is the one in gym class who didnt play with her hair. player is the one who was playing with her hair at the assembly that she calls j. my question is is sweetie cute? if he is cute choose him if not, well then read my answer to the question which i will post below.
Kellykoo1 posted over a year ago
umm try both then who u like both date that one
twlight_girl posted over a year ago
i'm with tilight girl too
i_luv_u_babyy posted over a year ago
 9twilightlover5 posted over a year ago
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Hot guys on Fanpop Answers

star_bella said:
okaaay far as i understood u should date the sweetie guy
if he played with ur hair it means that he likes u
i think that since u share with him some classes u should talk more to him and eventually he well ask u out or something.....

hope that helped
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posted over a year ago 
Tenkic said:
I'm so lazy to read all this text so I'm just going to answer :

Blallllaaalblallllla lllaaaa lllllaaaaaaaaaaaa

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posted over a year ago 
that is like so much help not
Gracelyn87 posted over a year ago
Yeah I know!I'm such a HELPFUL person!
Tenkic posted over a year ago
* helped me. =P
sapphire007 posted over a year ago
jedigal1990 said:
i agree with star_bella on this one you should date the sweetie because he obviously is into you playing with your hair, complementing you, i wouldn't rush into it trust me i had friends who did and lets just say that it didn't go so well take it slow get to know more about him become friends then date if you think you guys have enough in common or like each other enough. As for the gym guy there is no reason to throw him out as an option i mean if you ever do get to talk to him but from what you wrote i think its a good idea to get to know both boys better but the sweetie sounds like a good bet and don't judge him just on his looks he might not like the type of girl you are describing and you might be his kind of girl hope this helps
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posted over a year ago 
Elena2597 said:
yep i agree. but say to him something like: "oh, i am sorry when i yelled at you i was just in a bad mood" or something like that, then start talking and good luck! (:
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posted over a year ago 
SuperStar14 said:
yeah i so agree with these pplz
u should seriously choose the sweet guy
he complimented u, hes smart, he played with ur hair, and he seems very polite
a little advice is to apoligize to him for that one day
and about the other guy u should just try to forget him. or at least get to know him more
and be4 u start developing a major crush u should find out if the guys are SINGLE
so yeah... hope u figure these things out. (:
Ooh and for ur answers
#1. i have no idea on how much boys are on fanpop but the majority is girls.
#2. What do u mean by picture? do u mean of myself? or something else? if u mean of me its on my profile.
#3. i think guys do like playing with girls hair but i wouldnt know because clearly im not a guy.
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posted over a year ago 
UrbanHell said:
He likes you a lot.
He is all yours now ...
Trust me I'm an expert!

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posted over a year ago 
Kellykoo1 said:
well, j is cute and obviously smart (didnt you say you had advanced math with him or something?) but a bit of a clown cuz he said you smell good at the assembly really loud. sweetie is obviously sweet, just by the name, but why is HE in that gym class? i would narrow this down to who is cuter even though its really shallow. they both seem great, so now its just a matter of which do you like more and which is hotter.
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posted over a year ago 
sepantamino said:
i think u should just wait till one of those boys come to u.but i think the firs one is better!
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posted over a year ago 
BlackCrystal said:
i got so confused after the 2ng paragraph but go 4 the one thts more closer to ur age n the one tht treats u better:) STAY IN SCHOOL lolz jk i might nt stay mysekf;)
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posted over a year ago 
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